Sennheiser HD800 Appreciation Thread
Feb 1, 2012 at 5:23 PM Post #2,776 of 6,607
Ok so I've been fussing


And I did run into the clipping issue that ac500 mentioned.  But by using the preamp output slider within the equalizer inside iTunes and the gain slider in Audio HiJack I could 'tame' the beast.
And as you can tell I have 2 different parametric EQ setups I am evaluating.  I used the FR graph that was posted in another HD800 modification thread as the 'source' of where and what and by how much to tweak the parametric EQ units
So far I'm liking the results.  And so far it's only cost $32

Feb 3, 2012 at 2:15 AM Post #2,777 of 6,607
Should I take particular caution to never touch the metal mesh stuff? I generally avoid it but I've brushed it a few times with my fingers while putting it on / adjusting it (it feels solid though but I dont want to get finger prints on it or... I don't know).
Also isn't the HD800 supposed to be hard to drive? I'm finding myself running it on Low impedance mode of my NFB12 a lot, I wonder why? My HD650 I usually run on high impedance. 
Feb 3, 2012 at 2:30 AM Post #2,778 of 6,607
Should I take particular caution to never touch the metal mesh stuff? I generally avoid it but I've brushed it a few times with my fingers while putting it on / adjusting it (it feels solid though but I dont want to get finger prints on it or... I don't know).

Not a problem.
Feb 3, 2012 at 2:36 AM Post #2,779 of 6,607
I handle my HD800 like it has Typhus.  I never let the finish touch whenever possible.  It hangs from a Sennheiser headband support off the side of a table.  My pair actually survived a full day's meet w/o a nick or paint chip!  I figure I used all it's nine lives already and it's never leaving the house again.
Feb 3, 2012 at 2:47 AM Post #2,780 of 6,607
I hope I don't become careless with it over time, but something about it makes me want to be very gentle with it. Probably the price.
Really though, it seems so perfectly built, etc. I wouldn't want to scratch it or dent it or anything. Fortunately it seems the earpads are much much easier to clean than the HD650.
Feb 3, 2012 at 2:49 AM Post #2,781 of 6,607
It's very solid.  The paint can chip off, that's the Achilles heel.  I seriously don't know why my paint hasn't chipped yet tbh.  
Feb 3, 2012 at 2:51 AM Post #2,782 of 6,607
Uh oh. I'll be extra gentle then, because my HD650 paint is chipping and that's the most annoying thing about them (not my fault though... I don't know why they're chipping). I don't see any paint on the HD800 to chip though? Maybe the earcup housing?
Also, I wonder if I should buy that metal banana stand, or is there a better way to temporarily store/stand the headphones somewhere? Right now I set it back in the velvetey box when I'm not using it, but something more convenient would be nice.
Feb 3, 2012 at 2:56 AM Post #2,783 of 6,607
Feb 3, 2012 at 4:42 AM Post #2,784 of 6,607
So now I have a white/pink noise generator on the front end of the parametric EQ stack with a spectrum analyser at the end.
This allows me to fine tune the EQ settings across the board.
Is it perfect?  No, but even if it's within ±1-2dB that's better than before.
I sure am glad I have a big screen.  All of these screens for twiddling with the knobs takes up a whole bunch of space.
Grand total for all of ths s/w tweako stuff = $32

Feb 3, 2012 at 4:45 AM Post #2,785 of 6,607
My HD800s have been relegated to the back part of my double Woo Stand. I tried putting them onto the closest part of the stand when it was dark and and poked them with the sharp corner of the stand. The Star Wars cups were ok but it freaked me out.

Do we have any Colorwares in the house?
Feb 3, 2012 at 5:18 AM Post #2,786 of 6,607
The problem with the Sennheiser stand is I don't really have any shelf-like surface to mount it on at the moment. The best thing would be some sort of actual stand that I can put on my desk.
Also, does anyone else find that the maximum extended setting on the HD800 is just about perfect? For me it is. I'm glad they didn't make it even one notch shorter on the maximum extension, otherwise they'd be bordering too small for my head. I feel sorry for anyone with a much larger head than mine though.
Feb 3, 2012 at 5:38 AM Post #2,787 of 6,607
I find that I need about 6 clicks on each side for me. I don't feel like I have a small head either; i use the maximum length on my LCD3s. Although, i did try maximum on the HD800s, and it was ok as well. 6 clicks for a more snug fit.
The problem with the Sennheiser stand is I don't really have any shelf-like surface to mount it on at the moment. The best thing would be some sort of actual stand that I can put on my desk.
Also, does anyone else find that the maximum extended setting on the HD800 is just about perfect? For me it is. I'm glad they didn't make it even one notch shorter on the maximum extension, otherwise they'd be bordering too small for my head. I feel sorry for anyone with a much larger head than mine though.

Feb 3, 2012 at 5:43 AM Post #2,788 of 6,607
The HD800 is pretty durable IMO; I don't handle it with kid gloves and I think it looks more fragile than it is. I bought my current pair used and while I do have the hangar it has fallen from desk height to a carpeted floor a couple(!) of times, and it is still unblemished. The mesh kind of freaks me out, but I *think* it is one continuous piece so at least it's not a bunch of small panels which would be more fragile. My previous pair had a tiny bit of the paint rubbed (not chipped) off on a corner, again a used pair and it was so trivial that I didn't even notice it until I was shipping it out to the next owner. The one that I always see chipped is the HD650; the HD600 probably has the most durable headband/frame of the three as it is molded not painted.

Feb 3, 2012 at 5:49 AM Post #2,789 of 6,607
Yeah the only thing that worries me is that fine silver mesh or "feathery" stuff (not the black mesh around the drivers which is obviously solid as a rock). I touched it once accidentally and felt it flex slightly, but it sprung back into place just like new. Still, it seems the only delicate part of the HD800 that worries me slightly when I put it on and take it off until I get used to where they are so as not to hold it with pressure on those areas.
Feb 3, 2012 at 6:19 AM Post #2,790 of 6,607
The detail retrieval is definitely amazing on these. I was using the audio playthrough feature in Pure Music to listen to some YouTube videos, and decided to play a few rounds of Angry Birds HD on the Chrome browser. I couldn't believe the details in the audio background, there were these tiny insect noises that I had never noticed before and they were presented quite clearly. Fun Times!

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