Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650?
Feb 21, 2022 at 11:18 AM Post #8,072 of 9,647
Which one (560S and 660S) has more stage and better definition of instruments in space?
560S a little more open and wide sounding.
660S better imaging and positioning accuracy although a little more narrow.
Also the 660S is more holographic.
Feb 21, 2022 at 12:26 PM Post #8,075 of 9,647
560s sound better than all of the 6 series for rock and has better bass than all of them too. Where things get tough for it is w Classical music. It just can't hold a convincing stage when they're are a lot of instruments playing at once. If Senn further refined the driver they use for the 560s and put it in a new 6 series headphone they might have something truly great.
Feb 21, 2022 at 9:30 PM Post #8,076 of 9,647
I like my HD660S, but prefer the other German maker’s DT1990. A lot of criticism surrounding the 660s, but they EQ nicely.
Feb 22, 2022 at 4:57 PM Post #8,078 of 9,647
^^^ How do we know that’s your hand? You could be “review bombing” us right now:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Feb 22, 2022 at 5:12 PM Post #8,079 of 9,647
The criticism surrounding the 660s comes purely because of the messed up Tyll review, and no wonder he retired soon after citing his loss of hearing in a video he made to explain his retirement:
And butthurt dudes that never listened to it jumping on that wagon to prove to themselves and others that their 600s (and 650/6XX) sound better (which is far from the case).

Yes, you will get the occasional dude who actually have it jumping on that wagon too to feel like they're a part of the righteous team, but I'd advise anyone interested in the 660s to check video reviews (at least you know the person actually heard the headphone), like:

Chrono's review (this is recent):

Metal's review (old, soon after Tyll):

Or curated reviewer's with a respectable stand in the field:

DiyAudioHeaven review/analysis:

This forum, because of those types of users I mentioned before, became the black hole of the audiophile culture, even calling oneself an audiophile became a slur in the latest years because of these people. I myself excluded all my gear pictures and erased all the content from this site because of them.

Im only posting now, after a long time, because when it comes to the 660s, I too skiped it for a long time, until by chance, it was on sale in a store thats 20 minutes from my house and then I grabbed it, and to my surprise, they are as those reviews I linked state, so I post in hopes that it will make whoever's interested in the 6 line to actually get the best in the series.

Basically, if you have the 660s, you have a 600 and a 6xx, plus a 58X, since you can easily eq those signatures on the 660s, only with more depth, more detail, better separation, more transparency and more punch, but trust me, you wont feel like doing so, as from the 6 line, the 660s is the one that sounds the most natural and pleasant as it is, and again, the sense of depth and transparency of this headphone is just a notch above the other ones.

I will attach some pictures of similar models from Sen I have on top of the 660s, so whoever reads know I at least have them to compare, and am not speaking out of any validation necessity like those that pop up constantly around this thread.

Remember, someone give their "opinion" online about something, ask to see the item, review bombing is not just a movie/videogame phenomenon.

My HD660s

My HD600
(never leaves the box since I got the 660s)

HD600 and HD599

My HD58X jubilee
(no, its not the same as the 660s, have more bass, less treble, less depth, less clarity, less transparency).

If you are coming into the 6 line in 2022, dont trow your cash on the ramblings of those that are only seeking validation to their inferior sounding headphone because they spent 20 years in love with it, get the 660s, its sounds better, regardless of source or amplification, period (they sound better then the 600 on the XDuoo Ta-26, which is a tube amp!).

You can thank me later ... Though I wont read it, since my notifications are off for this site, havent come here for years, and dont plan on returning to adress possible tears from those people.

Meh~, cheers.

I have always wondered if you take the foam out of the grill of 58x would it sound more like the 660s? I find taking out the foam it makes it less bassy but makes it sound more clear
Feb 22, 2022 at 5:58 PM Post #8,081 of 9,647
Luck you, you got me just after I posted, and before I log out, since I literally have all the notifications turned off, and yeah, thats the generall thing that happens here on this site, maybe you can think I grabbed that same girl whitey hand holding different headphones, lol. Yeah, well, guess not. I had many posts with my face wearing my headphones here, which is rare, then after some time I discovered "why" they were rare... yep...Thats why I removed everything.

Other criticisms you might have incoming are:
" You are the one that seems butthurt "
(while Im only trying to warn people about the clear state of this site, I dont even think I need to really, the image of this being a cesspool got around enough I guess).

And bla bla bla, wont lose my time mentioning the other obvious ones, honestly, I didnt even mention thats obvious that yes, I know how these people react, its getting old really, people are more aware of that lately online, thats why I said I was not gonna answer, since I really receive no notification or email from here, I was editing my gramatical erros and the popup "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page. View them?" showed up XD.

Well, also, you just mentioned you have the 660s, and since you dont sound butthurt with my post in your reply, I choosed to answer, and I believe you, and if you have it, you know it.

And if you dont, Dont take it from me really, watch those reviews, read them, or watch the other decent reviews that are aplenty on YT.
Or you know, choose to belive the recurrent grifters on this thread (check out that dude up here, equalspace, he pops up constantly here to grift the 660s aparently, check his profile, he have only a picture of the 6XX...yeah, that will tell you enough about these people), and trow your money on the 600 or 6XX, I really dont feel bad about having my other Sens, Im a headphone hoarder.

And really mate, this is most I will do even in years time to save someone the hassle in acquiring headphones.
Im gonne, have a nice life mate, it was nice... hm... exchanging a single reply with you, bye ^-^

I wasn't even going to respond to you because like most sane people in this hobby I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion about HPs. you want to gizz love for the 660s all over the forum, go ahead. everyone has their opinion. but since you mentioned me by name I will just tell you, you have no clue what your talking about when you mention me. I've owned the 660s multiple times over decent periods and have formed an opinion of them based on that exp. but it's just my opinion. think what ever you want about the HP but you shouldn't assume I didn't base my opinion off of long term exp after having owned the 660s
Feb 22, 2022 at 7:12 PM Post #8,083 of 9,647
You know what mate ? this is fun, yes I mentioned you by name, as you can do the same with me, youre on the internet, anyone can be mentioned by name, grifted, abused.
Here we go, lets see here, you wanna take me on, I wasnt going to, you see, Im playing videogames, but you know what, I have nothing better to do, I will endulge you, Im retired you see, all I do is relax, but some days, it gets to me, and so Im really in the mood today to take on a grifter.

Lets check things before you update your profile with whatever you can muster of fake stuff, lets go.
Here: click on you profile, you have two media (lol, I posted more stuff in my post up there than you have since 2016, you can also check my like to post ratio, and you can have an idea, that my posts were full of images as I mentioned above, which again, is rare here, and why I removed everything), what are them ? here

An HD 650 with bad leather pads and some stock photo of an in ear.

Youre an active user, since 2016!!, that posts constantly and dont erase your stuff huh, lets see here...


Replys to 660s, 650/6XX, IEMs
Lets keep scroling down...

I could keep going, and I dont even need to mention, whoever looks at the screenshots on this can see for themselves, those are the headphones you have. I thought you would answer after I mentioned you, thats why I came back to the page, you know, again, Im on a very rare mood today.

Heres the truth that people hardly say, thats destroyed this forum and poisoned the audiophile culture...

You didnt had the 660s, never had it, thats the truth, a cheepo headphone like that, Im sure you could have had it, but you choose to never make the effort, you have the 650, and thats it, and you go around grifting other headphones that are compared to the one you have mate !!!! you think you fool anyone ? XD wake the globidigoup up mate !!
You grift on the 660s because its the only headphone in that line that people mention in many reviews "is better than the 650", and it is mate, it just is, and not by little.

People like you that go around "giving impressions" of headphones you never had, just to feel validated with the ones you do have, are the grifters that poisoned the whole thing for the rest of us, and people like me dont even engage in the forums of the hobby now, thats your only achievment, you never fooled anyone with your bs mate, there are many like you around online, like I said, people are more aware lately about this, about how to deal with grifters.

Hey, keep the forum, keep the grifting, if thats what you need to sleep during the night and push through your day, you know what ? keep it, keep going like that.

And let this be a warning for further grifters: people just dont answer you guys, because they know its useless, as all you know is to lie and trow mud in any argument.
"mentioned me by name"... " extensive experience ".... hah, you make me laugh, you couldnt go to bed without that sense of last word huh ? even when you are clearly just a lier and have no argument.

Happy now mate?
Fudge off :p

Now it is arrivedertchi to your poisoned headphone forum mate (I just thought it was a good idea to finally speak some truth to a grifter today, now Im done):


Yeah yeah, Im sure you will come with some other crap, will think really hard to come up with a reply that lets you come out on top (on your head at least), but this is the last one, I promise I wont even check this page anymore, I really checked just to see if you would answer (predictable a bit, you receive an email to that thread of the headphone you grift and run there to reply huh?... that was so funny, bleh).

Wow you are an epic troll. So people have to have the headphones they own in their profile pics?? I didn't get the memo that that was a requisite to being able to say anything substantive about my gear. You are making very dumb assumptions. I own everything i comment on in here. I don't know where you even came from w this nonsense. Go back to the meth or crack you were smoking before you typed all that garbage. And go get your shine box too while you're at it bahaha
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Feb 22, 2022 at 7:29 PM Post #8,084 of 9,647
And since you want to come on this forum and embarrass yourself. Let me help you be more effective at it. Explain to me how i would have this pic since you like to act like you know so much about what i own or have owned. All you proved is that you're one of those certified idiot types


Owned and sold for the third time haha. I gave this headphone every chance to be what i needed. It just wasn't for me
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Feb 22, 2022 at 7:55 PM Post #8,085 of 9,647
Luck you, you got me just after I posted, and before I log out, since I literally have all the notifications turned off, and yeah, thats the generall thing that happens here on this site, maybe you can think I grabbed that same girl whitey hand holding different headphones, lol. Yeah, well, guess not. I had many posts with my face wearing my headphones here, which is rare, then after some time I discovered "why" they were rare... yep...Thats why I removed everything.

Other criticisms you might have incoming are:
" You are the one that seems butthurt "
(while Im only trying to warn people about the clear state of this site, I dont even think I need to really, the image of this being a cesspool got around enough I guess).

And bla bla bla, wont lose my time mentioning the other obvious ones, honestly, I didnt even mention thats obvious that yes, I know how these people react, its getting old really, people are more aware of that lately online, thats why I said I was not gonna answer, since I really receive no notification or email from here, I was editing my gramatical erros and the popup "Messages have been posted since you loaded this page. View them?" showed up XD.

Well, also, you just mentioned you have the 660s, and since you dont sound butthurt with my post in your reply, I choosed to answer, and I believe you, and if you have it, you know it.

And if you dont, Dont take it from me really, watch those reviews, read them, or watch the other decent reviews that are aplenty on YT.
Or you know, choose to belive the recurrent grifters on this thread (check out that dude up here, equalspace, he pops up constantly here to grift the 660s aparently, check his profile, he have only a picture of the 6XX...yeah, that will tell you enough about these people), and trow your money on the 600 or 6XX, I really dont feel bad about having my other Sens, Im a headphone hoarder.

And really mate, this is most I will do even in years time to save someone the hassle in acquiring headphones.
Im gonne, have a nice life mate, it was nice... hm... exchanging a single reply with you, bye ^-^
I’m a fan of Sennheiser. I own and enjoy several of their headphones, in particular… the 660s👍
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