Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Jul 14, 2013 at 4:32 PM Post #13,036 of 46,565
In my opinion the most comfortable headphone one the planet, the only headphone i have had which is close is the beyer dt100 which were from the 80's  so very well worn in.

Spent the past couple of hours A/B listening to the K702's and the HD650's and i like both, but the 650's manage to bring music to life in a way i haven't heard on headphones before. Objectively listening to detail and placement within the soundscape they are just as detailed as each other. 

The album i was using was Atlas by parkway drive in 16bit 44.1 kHz (CD quality) in lossless format. Due to the airy openness of the 702's some lead guitar sections on The Slow Surrender were being lost amidst the rhythm guitars and the kick didn't have the punch you would expect of a metal album.

Tho the 702's have a larger soundstage and great instrument separation, the 650's also have great separation but without having some of the more forward instruments being pushed back slightly.

I can't really say one is better than the other but for metal i enjoy the 650's much more and i just wish the 702's had more depth and punch in the lower frequencies, that would put the 702's ahead for me. Possibly that has been done with the AKG K712 but i still think i may prefer the 650's.

Just a shame that i can't really use them on the go (i like all my items of the day to fit into one rucksack and i tend to carry a laptop and paperwork amongst other things)
If i have time at some point i will write a more detailed comparison. Btw has anyone ever given their 650's a custom paint job?
Jul 14, 2013 at 4:56 PM Post #13,037 of 46,565
Ah, yes. My bad. The headband padding is shaped differently and I have heard the HD650's is very slightly more comfortable if for some reason you find the headband padding on the HD600 uncomfortable which I certainly do not.
I haven't compared them side-by-side but as far as I know they are identical in build (aside from the headband padding as you point out). If I'm wrong feel free to correct me.
I doubt the headband padding difference is enough to say that the HD650 is hands down comfier than the HD600 and I stand by my post that they are essentially equivalent on comfort and that the question only needed to be asked once.

If someone else has information showing that the HD600 and HD650 are noticeably different when it comes to comfort then please speak up. Otherwise lets move on. They are both ridiculously comfy compared to most other cans and personally I don't think someone should choose one over the other based on comfort.

I wasn't making a qualitative judgment on which headband is comfier (I think I prefer the HD650 headband myself), just that I notice a difference when I put them on, even with comparatively new pairs. I think as with most things of comfort one probably needs to try them on for themselves. I'd hate to have to argue which pair of socks or which couch is comfier, etc. The HD600 and HD650 are clearly in the same line, but, imo, their are more differences than just color.
But I agree that they are near enough brothers that comfort wouldn't be my first criteria: 1) whether one prefers more or less neutral 2) price. And I agree that they are both comfy, though the headband is tight upon first purchasing. 
I agree that someone should not dominate the discussion, and maybe private pms is a better way to go, but lets not be too hard on someone asking the same question twice! :) Maybe he has learned something new by doing so or will get a different opinion. 
Jul 14, 2013 at 6:25 PM Post #13,038 of 46,565
^^^But the HD600 is butt ugly compared to the HD650

I only have the HD650 thank you very much....
Jul 14, 2013 at 7:09 PM Post #13,039 of 46,565
I wasn't making a qualitative judgment on which headband is comfier (I think I prefer the HD650 headband myself), just that I notice a difference when I put them on, even with comparatively new pairs. I think as with most things of comfort one probably needs to try them on for themselves. I'd hate to have to argue which pair of socks or which couch is comfier, etc. The HD600 and HD650 are clearly in the same line, but, imo, their are more differences than just color.
But I agree that they are near enough brothers that comfort wouldn't be my first criteria: 1) whether one prefers more or less neutral 2) price. And I agree that they are both comfy, though the headband is tight upon first purchasing. 
I agree that someone should not dominate the discussion, and maybe private pms is a better way to go, but lets not be too hard on someone asking the same question twice! :) Maybe he has learned something new by doing so or will get a different opinion. 

Fair enough. I didn't mean to be unwelcoming to anyone but I still think its misleading to say one is more comfortable than the other which is what he was asking. Myself and another head-fi'er had already pointed out that they are nearly identical in build and comfort.
At some point he probably asked about their relative comfort and someone claimed one is more comfortable than the other but I think its important to point out that they have infinitely more in common than they have differences when it comes to comfort and build. So my answer still stands... they are equally comfortable (and they're very comfortable!).
Jul 14, 2013 at 8:41 PM Post #13,042 of 46,565
if cost is a factor get the HD 600's, if its not and you could always order both, compare and send one back?
Jul 14, 2013 at 8:42 PM Post #13,043 of 46,565
I actually like the paint job on the HD600 more. You know, its much darker in person. It looks more black than blue.
But to each his own! 

I would prefer the 650 with the 600 paint job, looks more fun.
Jul 14, 2013 at 10:15 PM Post #13,045 of 46,565
I would prefer the 650 with the 600 paint job, looks more fun.

You could always take out the drivers from the 650 and pop them into the 600.... 

Jul 14, 2013 at 10:33 PM Post #13,046 of 46,565
If em ever brave enough i want to do a custom paint job on the 650's
Jul 15, 2013 at 12:34 AM Post #13,047 of 46,565
Just got home from a trip, not a very nice trip, baseball trip and a room with no A/C and its 90 degrees out. Back in SF and its 60F, and I am a happy boy.
To celebrate, I put on my Paradox's, oh wait, thats not right. I put on my HD650s and am relaxing with some Grizzly Bear right now

Jul 15, 2013 at 1:08 AM Post #13,048 of 46,565
In the very old days, I compared very unscientifically both the HD600 and HD650 at a mass-market-ish store.  The 650 was full and bloomy, whereas I found the 600 to be thin in the midrange, and a bit grainy in the treble.  None of this is relevant today, noting that at least the 650 has been revised, and the store used a rather poor source.  
But, today, I have a 5-year-old 650, and I would buy it again.  I do have to find amps that are flat so that the midrange fullness (not major) is not overdone.  But the Phonak PFE 232, which is thin in the midrange, analogous to the 600s long ago, requires a plump midrange to make them fun and realistic. 
But again, listen to new stock and consider the equipment interactions.  
Meanwhile: I may have, a week from now, my new balanced Cardas Clear headphone cable, to use with my RSA SR-71B amp.  The latter sounds great with my Cardas Clear Light unbalanced cable, just great and quite livable. But we'll see what they heavier cable (twice the copper) and balanced output (unbalanced input, though) sounds like.
(PS: I stick with Cardas because, as in my home system, they get "flat, balanced, and neutral" while "revealing" just right, increasingly so with the latest versions, using technological innovations that make sense to me (not a novice in acoustics and engineering....) and make sense upon listening, with prices that aren't "what the market will bear" but which match "the cost cost of doing business". I'm not fond of ultra-detail at the loss of body and neutrality that, at least in the past, some silver cables have sounded, nor am I as comfortable gambling on a young company that buys wires already made and merely assembles. Having said that, my recent Moon Cu interconnect is pretty good.) 
BTW: I'm now a major fan of the RSA Blackbird, latest incarnation: balance of all the right virtues, at least with the HD650. I got it as both home and mobile amp, because I don't think I'd find better balanced quality anywhere near the price.  And I don't want to use up space in my usual listening chair.  PS: I'll take it to the San Francisco meet at test these all with all sorts of sources and amps, and share them for listening among the gang.... 
(Lately, my health is better, so my energy should be better by the show date.  Assuming nothing nasty shows up in my next MRI and my next PET/CT scan. I'm may be glowing with re-radiation by then....)
Jul 15, 2013 at 2:27 AM Post #13,049 of 46,565
this is my anti-watever shield..
keep it up STONEY...clean air, pure water...and hd650 will keep u rocking :)
Jul 15, 2013 at 3:21 AM Post #13,050 of 46,565
(Lately, my health is better, so my energy should be better by the show date.  Assuming nothing nasty shows up in my next MRI and my next PET/CT scan. I'm may be glowing with re-radiation by then....)

Sorry to learn about those problems. I hope it all goes well for you. I lost a couple of outstanding internet pals in the last few years through similar health related issues.

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