Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Feb 3, 2014 at 3:40 AM Post #15,661 of 46,600
Wise words there! I may be just too easy to please. I'm using a simple setup of a Sony D335 PDCP and a C&C BH amp on the line out and its just whoa every time I put on a CD I thought I knew before! I must remember I have work tomorrow! Note to self: this is not to be an all nighter listening session...bwahahahaha!
Feb 3, 2014 at 7:20 AM Post #15,662 of 46,600
  The lyr is a good pairing with the 650 IMO. I'll call it an 8 of 10 depending on which tubes are used. I have not heard the Valhalla. I'd encourage you to find a crack builder local though. As far as I'm concerned, the crack is 10/10 with the 650. 

As far as I can see, the amount of skill required to assemble a BH crack is almost similar to the amount of skill required in rewiring a headphone + headphone jack.
The only problem for me however, is that the most complex thing I've ever done IS playing about with wires. I'll admit to using lead free soldering wire -with 3% silver in it- on copper wires, and that I have no multimeter.
I'll still give building the BH crack a shot though.
Feb 3, 2014 at 7:30 AM Post #15,663 of 46,600
  Wise words there! I may be just too easy to please. I'm using a simple setup of a Sony D335 PDCP and a C&C BH amp on the line out and its just whoa every time I put on a CD I thought I knew before! I must remember I have work tomorrow! Note to self: this is not to be an all nighter listening session...bwahahahaha!

I did get a change with mine after 100+ hours but they also sounded very good before the change. It won't work to let them play for several days. If you find that the 650 is your cup of tea, go get the crack and call it end game. 
  As far as I can see, the amount of skill required to assemble a BH crack is almost similar to the amount of skill required in rewiring a headphone + headphone jack.
The only problem for me however, is that the most complex thing I've ever done IS playing about with wires. I'll admit to using lead free soldering wire -with 3% silver in it- on copper wires, and that I have no multimeter.
I'll still give building the BH crack a shot though.

The crack is a straight forward build. But UNLIKE bottlehead would have you think, it is NOT for EVERYONE to build it. I would say that if you think than you have most of the skills and have or are willing to buy a soldering iron of good quality, then go for it. They do offer good customer support. 
Feb 3, 2014 at 8:04 AM Post #15,664 of 46,600
The crack is a straight forward build. But UNLIKE bottlehead would have you think, it is NOT for EVERYONE to build it. I would say that if you think than you have most of the skills and have or are willing to buy a soldering iron of good quality, then go for it. They do offer good customer support. 

I've already spent weeks upon weeks of research before I landed my hands on a HD650.
If I spend around 1 hour visually checking each solder as I make it (i.e: cross referencing with forums, schematics, photographs, and 3 videos), I think I may be competent enough to build a crack. Though a bit exaggerated, I've come to learn from my own experiences that sometimes it takes a week to realise that the problem was in fact a poorly soldered joint.
That being said, I'm saving up for one of those, and of course with the SB upgrade.
I also need a multimeter.. Can't risk financial damage by busting up my HD650.
With all this being mentioned. Does anyone have both the O2 and the BH Crack? I'm just curious as to what sort of changes I could be expecting with the HD650s.
Feb 3, 2014 at 8:27 AM Post #15,665 of 46,600
All I can say is that the difference between the 02 and BHC with the 650 are monumental. I was never found of the 02 and it never breathed any life into the 650. 
Feb 3, 2014 at 3:42 PM Post #15,667 of 46,600
This might sound like a silly question....but what is the best amp to pair with the 650's if you have no interest in the BHC?
I worked as a welder for a few years. Give me iron and steel to work with, not the little fiddly bits. I watched the video posted above and have zero interest at all in bothering with that or paying for a completed build. Hell even the girlfriend said it looks like crap and she usually thinks my new toys are neat.
Any suggestions? =)
Feb 3, 2014 at 4:39 PM Post #15,668 of 46,600
I have been using this amp for about 3-4 months and love it.  I had mine built so did not have any problems either.  Some people don't  like the open chasis, but it makes it easier to clean, a blast with canned air, done.  Also, you never have to worry about temperatures, being open it has plenty of air circulation. It is alot smaller than the crack so it does not take up some much room on the desktop, and personally I never like the look of the crack or the size.  The Ember is compact and has alot of features like auto bias if you want to tube roll.  All for less money than the crack.  YMMV but this is starting to gain some recognition and well deserved, Jeremy handles the customer service and the custom builds and he is meticulous with his work.
Feb 3, 2014 at 5:05 PM Post #15,669 of 46,600
  This might sound like a silly question....but what is the best amp to pair with the 650's if you have no interest in the BHC?
I worked as a welder for a few years. Give me iron and steel to work with, not the little fiddly bits. I watched the video posted above and have zero interest at all in bothering with that or paying for a completed build. Hell even the girlfriend said it looks like crap and she usually thinks my new toys are neat.
Any suggestions? =)

I would definitely check out the Schiit Valhalla. I believe this headphone sounds great paired with a OTL valve amp. One of the projects I've got planned for later in the year is to build the Crack (I repair and build my own audio gear and think it'll be fun). I'd like another Valhalla for my bedroom, but think it'll be great to build and compare it with a Crack. I'll be sure to update this thread when I've built mine with my findings.
Feb 3, 2014 at 5:53 PM Post #15,670 of 46,600
  This might sound like a silly question....but what is the best amp to pair with the 650's if you have no interest in the BHC?
I worked as a welder for a few years. Give me iron and steel to work with, not the little fiddly bits. I watched the video posted above and have zero interest at all in bothering with that or paying for a completed build. Hell even the girlfriend said it looks like crap and she usually thinks my new toys are neat.
Any suggestions? =)

If you like harder to drive hp's ( think planar magetic) I really like the lyr. You can customize with tubes and it's just a beast. Great amp.
Feb 3, 2014 at 6:32 PM Post #15,671 of 46,600
Hell even the girlfriend said it looks like crap and she usually thinks my new toys are neat.

Hahahaha, sorry but I perfectly know what you mean. My only hope to spend money on my audiophile crap is that my wife likes how it looks...:D:D:xf_eek:
Feb 3, 2014 at 7:11 PM Post #15,672 of 46,600
I've really been considering going solid state. I've been trying to find a pair of Sylvania Gold Brand 5654s for my Little Dot MK III. So far no luck and I know mine are getting near their end. I'm a little put off by the "unobtainium" levels that NOS tubes are getting to. I'm not really interested in paying premiums for NOS tubes when your next pair might be your last. You get acclimated to one sound signature and POOF no more of those tubes and you'll never get to hear that sound again. 

So fellow HD650 lovers, what are your thoughts on solid state amps? I've also been looking at the Schiit Lyr. (With the reasoning that finding 1 pair of matched NOS tubes is easier than finding 1 pair of matched GB 5654 and 1 pair of matched 6N6P-IR.) 

Another thing that I've noticed with the HD650 and the Little Dot MK III. To get the small details up to a level that does them justice I have to turn the volume up louder than I'd like to. So I'm not really looking for an amp with more power (assuming power = volume) but more detail at lower volumes. 

P.S. If you know of a tube amp that sounds great with out crazy expensive NOS tubes I'm all ears. :) I just hate thinking that I might be missing something because my *hypothetical* Lyr doesn't have Seimen CCa tubes or WA6 SE isn't using a hard to find USAF 596 rectifier, etc. Just knowing that there is more to be had from an amp but I'm going to have to dump more money on an expendable item kills me. 
Feb 3, 2014 at 7:39 PM Post #15,673 of 46,600
  P.S. If you know of a tube up that sounds great with out crazy expensive NOS tubes I'm all ears. :)  Just knowing that there is more to be had from an amp but I'm going to have to dump more money on an expendable item kills me. 

Find someone to build you a Spud amp based on the 6CL6 pentode. Great TV video tube and dirt cheap.
This one has output transformers and a 6CA4 rectifier but you can also built a 6CL6 OTL amp very cheap and nice...

I enjoy mine with HD600s

Feb 3, 2014 at 8:12 PM Post #15,674 of 46,600
i have to bring u guys back to the old faithful Darkvoice336se...
dun need no paired NOS tubes..just ONE of 6AS7 n one of 6SN7, 
and u get this lovely full bodied lush sound out of the hd650.


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