Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Jan 28, 2014 at 12:01 PM Post #15,541 of 46,600
  Here's a pic of my 650s hard at work:
*Picture Snip*
They're being powered by a Schiit Valhalla, source is 24bit audio from a Crane Song Avocet DAC/Monitor Controller.

Funny enough, HD650s with a Valhalla are what I'm planning on moving up eventually.  How are you liking it?
Jan 28, 2014 at 12:42 PM Post #15,542 of 46,600
Depending on what you're using I prefer the Schiit stack to the Aune. I've owned both. The Vali I didn't own at the same time as the Modi, though; it was paired with the Magni. The Aune is a great little budget starter setup. For the price I think it's a nice introduction to tube DACs. It has a solid state amp so it's not a direct comparison to the Vali. I feel that the Schiit pairs better with the HD650 than the Aune does. Coming from an E10 both are upgrades. If you can swing the extra I'd say get the Schiit. If you're on a tighter budget you'll still do well with the Aune.
Jan 28, 2014 at 1:24 PM Post #15,544 of 46,600
Jan 28, 2014 at 2:08 PM Post #15,545 of 46,600
Funny enough, HD650s with a Valhalla are what I'm planning on moving up eventually.  How are you liking it?

I love it! It continues to amaze me in terms of soundstage. I recently started doing more listening with my (modded 80ohm) DT-770s and am really liking this amp for them as well. Only negative I've got is that there's a tiny bit of "tube noise" but I think that's expected from any valve amp. It is extremely revealing though; I can hear the data stream clearly (when opening and doing offline processing of files).
Jan 28, 2014 at 3:06 PM Post #15,547 of 46,600
Hm...I've owned every Schiit amp except the Valhalla. So I can not refute your post. 

Jan 28, 2014 at 4:27 PM Post #15,549 of 46,600
No, the best Schiit for the HD650 is the Mjolnir. :wink:

Does anyone own the MJ alongside the BH Crack? It's hard to fathom another amp providing any benefit over the MJ in driving the HD650. It's beyond the HD650's ceiling IMO.
Jan 28, 2014 at 4:40 PM Post #15,550 of 46,600
No, the best Schiit for the HD650 is the Mjolnir. :wink:

Does anyone own the MJ alongside the BH Crack? It's hard to fathom another amp providing any benefit over the MJ in driving the HD650. It's beyond the HD650's ceiling IMO.

Read this again 

  Between the Lyr, Valhalla and Asgard 2, the Valhalla is the best Schiit for the HD650, IMO. 

Jan 28, 2014 at 5:13 PM Post #15,553 of 46,600
No, the best Schiit for the HD650 is the Mjolnir. :wink:

Does anyone own the MJ alongside the BH Crack? It's hard to fathom another amp providing any benefit over the MJ in driving the HD650. It's beyond the HD650's ceiling IMO.

I agree with all the above and thought the Mjolnir was the best by a good bit in the pile simply because it didn't seem to add its own flavor in any way. Besides owning it already, it'd be the one where I would say, okay I need to save up for this.

We've had a Crack w/ speedball and Mjolnir on the same table before also. I'd still pick the Mjolnir despite being more of a tube guy. In all my years, it's an amplifier that does what it's supposed to do, really well. To the point of it being boring and nothing special. But in this sense, that's a good thing.

We have another meet coming up soon and I'll make it a point to compare the Mjolnir with the Crack again.
Jan 28, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #15,554 of 46,600
I was responding more to Matt's post. Not sure if he's compared the MJ to the other Schiit. Would be interested in his take if so.

There is no better pairing than the BHC for the 650 IMO. I have not owned the MJ and the BHC at the same time though. I'll skip all the euphemisms and flowery semantics and just say that I have never been more moved by music, ever, than listening to the 650 with BHC. 
Jan 28, 2014 at 6:45 PM Post #15,555 of 46,600
...."moved by music",, that's as good as it can get in this hobby to find a setup that does that to u.

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