Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Jul 2, 2013 at 10:19 PM Post #3,421 of 23,499
krtzer I totally agree. They are just infinitely listenable!!!!
Jul 2, 2013 at 11:15 PM Post #3,422 of 23,499
I've been casually reading this thread, but now I really have to ask:
The Audio-gd SA-31 also sounds amazing with the HD600s (I discovered this by accident - I originally bought it for my HE-500s, but have found that it sounds better with the Sennheisers...).

I have the SA-31 and am looking at the HD600 as a compliment to my SA5000. Do you think you could talk more about the synergy between the HD600 and SA-31 please? Thanks!
Jul 3, 2013 at 8:38 AM Post #3,423 of 23,499
Thought I'd share my thoughts now that I've had this set for about 2 months now. This headphone really bring out the best in guitars. It's truly amazing, almost indescribable. It's like when you try fruit from outside of the US and it tastes more like that fruit. This is difficult to describe but the instrument sounds like it has more of a personality. Drums can get lost sometimes, particularly in the low end which is the only flaw I have with the phones. The reason I decided on the HD 600s was because I wanted a something I could fall in love with. When I first listened to them there was really nothing about them that wowed me like the DT880s, the AKG 701s, the DT 990s, Grado 225s etc. But as I listened to some of the other headphones some more I realized that not all of my music was listenable through the other cans. Many times the highs were just too sharp on some tracks. The HD600 seemed to handle those notes gracefully. While it is noticeable on them, I would no say that it bothers me. If I could described these in one word it would be romantic. 

so agree with you on the guitars and the romantic part,
that is the single word i'd use to describe them... "romantic" as i tried to say in my long winded rant upon receiving them, haha, when i listen to some songs it feels like what i would imagine dancing a romantic dance and just getting lost in the dance and the moment.
like perhaps a prom dance where you realized this moment was going to be one of your last of this time, the romanticism of it.

it's a good way to fall in love with music all over again, mentally/spiritually dancing that long romantic slow dance with each song.

i won't be parting with these headphones for a long time, so glad i let it play out when i was having discomfort and didn't return them.
that romantic experience and intimacy is exactly what i was looking for.
Jul 3, 2013 at 9:58 PM Post #3,424 of 23,499
@Nowhere, Glad you decided to keep them and overcame comfort issue. Wise decision indeed. Now you can continue your love affair with HD600 :)
Jul 4, 2013 at 9:18 AM Post #3,425 of 23,499
I've been casually reading this thread, but now I really have to ask:

The Audio-gd SA-31 also sounds amazing with the HD600s (I discovered this by accident - I originally bought it for my HE-500s, but have found that it sounds better with the Sennheisers...).

I have the SA-31 and am looking at the HD600 as a compliment to my SA5000. Do you think you could talk more about the synergy between the HD600 and SA-31 please? Thanks!

The following spring to mind:

(1) Absolutely black background. Basically, just meiyou
(2) Incredibly wide soundstage. Think CinemaScope.
(3) Detailed, liquid midrange.
(4) Deep, CONTROLLED bass. No more wooliness.

The SA-31 manages to punch through the fabled "Sennheiser veil".

The downsides:

(1) Soundstage is wider than it is deep.
(2) Treble resolution could be higher (but it does not sound rolled-off - just smoother and less extended than the Cyber 20 - but unlike the Cyber 20, it doesn't hum:)).

BTW, I am using a silver cable (the stock cable that came with my HE-500s, reterminated with a 1/4" Viablue and Cardas Sennheiser connectors). The stock HD600 cable is not great.
Jul 4, 2013 at 9:47 AM Post #3,426 of 23,499
The following spring to mind:

(1) Absolutely black background. Basically, just meiyou
(2) Incredibly wide soundstage. Think CinemaScope.
(3) Detailed, liquid midrange.
(4) Deep, CONTROLLED bass. No more wooliness.

The SA-31 manages to punch through the fabled "Sennheiser veil".

The downsides:

(1) Soundstage is wider than it is deep.
(2) Treble resolution could be higher (but it does not sound rolled-off - just smoother and less extended than the Cyber 20 - but unlike the Cyber 20, it doesn't hum:)).

BTW, I am using a silver cable (the stock cable that came with my HE-500s, reterminated with a 1/4" Viablue and Cardas Sennheiser connectors). The stock HD600 cable is not great.

+1 to this, excellent description of the SA-31/Sennheiser combo.  Do you use the warm jumpers? I prefer it with none.
Jul 4, 2013 at 9:50 AM Post #3,427 of 23,499
No "warm" jumpers. They are not necessary!
Jul 4, 2013 at 10:47 AM Post #3,428 of 23,499
Might be a Mac user using Fidelia and the like. Staying on topic now, is DigitalBuyDirect.col an authorized sennheiser retailer? They have the hd600 going for $300 with shipping

They seem like a legitimate outfit but I'm not sure if they're an authorized Sennheiser retailer. If so, possibly just in Australia. I'm not sure if that would have any warranty implications.
If it were me I would just go with RazorDogAudio. I got my HD600 from them a year ago for $300 free shipping by making an offer on their eBay listing. The coupon code RAZORDOG75 takes them down to $325 on their web site with free shipping and I've heard if you email him and tell him you're a head-fi user you can get an even lower price. They're an authorized dealer and are a great company. Great customer service and really fast, free shipping.
Jul 4, 2013 at 1:58 PM Post #3,429 of 23,499
The following spring to mind:

(1) Absolutely black background. Basically, just meiyou
(2) Incredibly wide soundstage. Think CinemaScope.
(3) Detailed, liquid midrange.
(4) Deep, CONTROLLED bass. No more wooliness.

The SA-31 manages to punch through the fabled "Sennheiser veil".

The downsides:

(1) Soundstage is wider than it is deep.
(2) Treble resolution could be higher (but it does not sound rolled-off - just smoother and less extended than the Cyber 20 - but unlike the Cyber 20, it doesn't hum:)).

BTW, I am using a silver cable (the stock cable that came with my HE-500s, reterminated with a 1/4" Viablue and Cardas Sennheiser connectors). The stock HD600 cable is not great.

Thanks! Looks like the HD600 is my next purchase!
Jul 5, 2013 at 8:49 AM Post #3,430 of 23,499
Less OT flame wars, more HD-600 love please!
It's been about three weeks since I got my HD-600's.  These are the first cans that I own which I would say are worthy of the "hi-fi" moniker.
And now my ears have been opened, and boy my wallet is in big trouble.  No, I'm not in any danger of re-routing morgage payments towards a DAC/amp combo, or on LCD-3's.  For now I'm perfectly content with the 600's hooked to my old Onkyo receiver.
No, my problem is with loudspeakers now.
You see, I've been a treble-head for as long as I remember being a serious music listener.  There are two reasons for this: 1) I used to listen almost exclusively to classical, and 2) I just couldn't afford quality speakers so I didn't know any better.  For the past few years I've been very content with just a pair of bookshelf Polk RTi-A1's with no subwoofer.  I felt I was close to endgame.  Really.
But my tastes have widened as I got older, and now I'm listening to more and more classic rock (among other things).  For the past three weeks these Senns cans have been showing me what I'd been missing in Pink Floyd and Rush, but also in Wagner... and now I'm afraid I'm getting used to this more neutral sound with a well-behaved-yet-muscular bass to it.
And yesterday, I put on the little Polks for the first time since I bought the headphones.  So thin.  Turn up the volume. Nice sound, good mids and beautiful, singing birds (yes, birds - more specifically, Grantchester Meadows from Pink Floyd's Ummagumma)... but darn it WHEREZDABASS?  Beautiful sound, but just no body to it.
Long story short, I want some floor-standing speakers now.  Good ones.  My wife doesn't know yet.  DAMN YOU HEAD-FI AND DAMN YOU SENNHEISER !!!
[/HD-600 love]
Jul 5, 2013 at 10:50 AM Post #3,432 of 23,499
Delirious Lab if you are happy with the mids and highs ,buy a decent sub instead. Buying a full range will cost way more and may be harder to set up.I have been running a good sub sat system for years and I love it, sats image better than full range speakers, in most cases b/c of there size. Also glad to hear you are enjoying your 600's,lovemine and would not give them up.
Jul 5, 2013 at 4:41 PM Post #3,434 of 23,499
I like to listen to a metal album once in a while.  These cans really bring out the guitars.  Then again, I'm no metal expert.  Lyrics by Opeth become almost intelligible, and I'm not at all sure that is the artist's intent...
Jul 5, 2013 at 8:23 PM Post #3,435 of 23,499
hd600 is a nice choice for metal?like thrash , black and death . Or 325i is still better? Under 300$

Hey lllcarbonlll, what exactly do you listen to and what headphones have you listened to before? I really like my HD 600 and listen to a lot of metal, but it's mainly post (ISIS, Neurosis, Cult of Luna) and those bands sound great. I love the new Deafheaven album through them. It really depends on what you're looking for. I ended up not going with some other headphone because of their treble.  

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