Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Jun 9, 2023 at 4:49 AM Post #22,831 of 23,553
Jun 9, 2023 at 6:13 AM Post #22,832 of 23,553
You`re welcome. Yes, usually in black.
I had some electrical tape in the garage.

I have taped this part, the yoke above the pivot point, is that correct, or does it need more? (i have used black tape, but it doesn't show up well in the photo !)

Jun 9, 2023 at 8:29 AM Post #22,833 of 23,553
update: I have taped bottom part too, creaking is 80% solved...good enough.

Jun 9, 2023 at 11:30 AM Post #22,834 of 23,553
Quick question, hope someone here has the solution...

I like to listen to music in bed for a hour before sleep. I don't sleep in headphones if it can be avoided :)

When laying down, wearing the hd600's, the back edge of the cup rim come into contact with the pillow & it causes an iratating creaking noise (this isn't the normal creak you sometimes get with Sennheisers). It's caused by friction between the frame and the pillow. I had the same issue with a pair of 660s I used to own.

I have tried changing the material of the pillowcase, everything from cotton to silk (sexy, I know). Only things that works is to rest head on a narrow pad of material (folded towel) which avoids contact with the headphone rim. This works, but the unsupported headphones tend to slip down my head, requiring frequent adjustment.

I can't be the only one ?

Any genius, tried & tested solutions ?
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Hilarious! A bit of absurd humor really wakes up the thread!
Jun 9, 2023 at 11:38 AM Post #22,835 of 23,553
Isn't listening to the experience of others a big part of this hobby to help us know what to purchase? Isn't that the point of this site? I trust my ears and experience of having owned these headphones over a period of years and having tried them w different amps, but I sorely needed guidance. I'm glad it was here for me. I think you missed the part where i typed i was skeptical. With that as my state of mind and my expectations low, being proven wrong about scalability and amp matching is something i did not foresee. It happened though. You should trust your own ears and experience. All I can do is share my own.
My HD-600 (circa 2016) sounds fundamentally different and better on the XDUOO T-26, widely available retail - built for $319, than on my Ragnarok 1 ($1695 circa 2016), or the Bryston BHA-1 ($1395 OG price). The kit OTL amp stock ($369 u build it), is better with the 600 IMO, or the speedball option with some tube rolling and caps (~$700) is better yet.

A FR and THD comparison isn't going to reveal much - that isn't known. If you like classical, or mids heavy well recorded music, you should have no trouble hearing a difference - and that's the sweet spot of the HD-600.

What is your equipment chain? What do you listen too?
He’s an audiosciencereview troll. They have such severe confirmation bias that every amp/dac within a certain limited measuring threshold sounds the same, that they don’t hear a difference between different amps/dacs. Either that, or they have severe hearing damage, since the owner of ASR had admitted he listens at 114dB when doing listening tests.
Jun 9, 2023 at 12:15 PM Post #22,836 of 23,553
Jun 9, 2023 at 2:14 PM Post #22,837 of 23,553
He’s an audiosciencereview troll. They have such severe confirmation bias that every amp/dac within a certain limited measuring threshold sounds the same, that they don’t hear a difference between different amps/dacs. Either that, or they have severe hearing damage, since the owner of ASR had admitted he listens at 114dB when doing listening tests.

I get an idea who's "learning" things over there. I try to explain my POV to them nicely w some occasional snark. But yea ASR rooted takes are a virus spreading about. It's gets tiresome to read them.
Jun 9, 2023 at 9:52 PM Post #22,838 of 23,553
He’s an audiosciencereview troll. They have such severe confirmation bias that every amp/dac within a certain limited measuring threshold sounds the same, that they don’t hear a difference between different amps/dacs. Either that, or they have severe hearing damage, since the owner of ASR had admitted he listens at 114dB when doing listening tests.
They can be useful for measurements. But they made themselves look ridiculous when they panned the Raal CA1 off the measurements and appearance before hearing them. 114 db? I get quite unhappy when I hit 97 db. What's a jet engine at 25 ft? 120 db...
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Jun 10, 2023 at 9:30 AM Post #22,839 of 23,553
They can be useful for measurements. But they made themselves look ridiculous when they panned the Raal CA1 off the measurements and appearance before hearing them. 114 db? I get quite unhappy when I hit 97 db. What's a jet engine at 25 ft? 120 db...
The owner also came to the conclusion that the HD650 and 600 sound identical. The whole site is a joke, I wouldn’t be surprised if he rigs the measurements in favor of Topping/SMSL products, so I wouldn’t even trust the core of the site itself, being his measurements.
Jun 10, 2023 at 12:01 PM Post #22,840 of 23,553
The owner also came to the conclusion that the HD650 and 600 sound identical. The whole site is a joke, I wouldn’t be surprised if he rigs the measurements in favor of Topping/SMSL products, so I wouldn’t even trust the core of the site itself, being his measurements.

They're hilarious over there aha.

I currently don't own any amps that would measure well according to them. I have owned some, but sold them all off. Tazzy, is probably my all time greatest audio purchase. Would it measure well according to the knobtrain at ASR? Hell no. Boiling everything down to measurements is not it, and they are just lost on this.
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Jun 10, 2023 at 12:20 PM Post #22,841 of 23,553
They're hilarious over there aha.

I currently don't own any amps that would measure well according to them. I have owned some, but sold them all off. Tazzy, is probably my all time greatest audio purchase. Would it measure well according to the knobtrain at ASR? Hell no. Boiling everything down to measurements is not it, and they are just lost on this.
Tazzy ?
Jun 10, 2023 at 2:36 PM Post #22,843 of 23,553
There is room for objectivity, blind testing, measurements (above and beyond just FR). But more crucial IMO is the actual sound of non amplified instruments and music - as I have heard it and hear it. It's a reference. Is it the only one, hell no. It's relative, not absolute and is prone to change over time - for the listener.

Back in the day to the audiophile community, it was emulation of that (circa 1955-1985) - that was the goal of reproduction. Then the pop/rock explosion, walkmans, large radios, consumer electronics at scale, disco, rap, etc. inexorably changed that, or at least changed the balance of what a reference was or might be. No wonder I wrote hundreds of hate posts about Bose 901's on the old newsgroups, since I had been steeped in the BSO live and estat speakers, and worked on the Mountain one summer and got to stand in on the QC line a few times when someone was out sick.

About 7-10 weeks ago in a thread here people were talking about accurate reproduction, and Steely Dan - whom I have always really liked was mentioned. Pristene studio pop. With multi miking, mixing, and all the rest. It's seems a lot closer than Iron Gorillaz, but, maybe not.

Since ~1990 the popularity of classical and acoustic jazz has nose dived. So its electronic music reproduced electronically - how does someone that wasn't in the Jr/High School band or that has a musical family know what instruments sound like? Seems like now its about emotion, and things I find hard to warm up to like bass cannons.

With that range of disparity of background and expectations I'm not sure how anyone really can assert this thing is better than that thing. Goodness knows I've drunk deep from the judgement pool, as many do in this hobby.

I can see why people are drawn to objectivity in this space. But, the assumption that zero distortion and flat FR is nirvana is broken since the recording process itself is reductive. The best you can get is an approximation you the listener can believe in to some or greater extent, and maybe all the way. How can I say you didn't if you say you did, or visa versa? Yet, we must as long as we want to be in a community must try to learn, apply, and share.
Jun 10, 2023 at 10:44 PM Post #22,844 of 23,553
… iced water on a warm, humid day … slakes the thirst …
[HD600: Customs Cans UK mod, foam removal, Custom Cans UK cable; WA3: GEC CV2984, RFT ECC81s (foil getter)]
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Jun 11, 2023 at 11:16 AM Post #22,845 of 23,553
Saw the 600’s on sale on Amazon for 259 and ordered a pair, should arrive tomorrow. I owned a pair of 650’s back in 2006, currently have the XX and S2, just curious to hear the sound signature of the OG. 🤨

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