Sennheiser debuts a bunch of new headphones at IFA
Sep 14, 2016 at 11:37 AM Post #125 of 520
So for the open-back headphones, they now have not just a little Sennheiser logo square in the center to reflect sound back into the driver (which can contribute to congestion, coloration, and treble brightness and harshness), but a whole solid strip of plastic to reflect even more sound than with HD5x8.  And a bigger logo.  Bloody brilliant.  They'll undoubtedly need more fiberfill than HD558 to alleviate the reflections/resonances.
HD569 should rock in stock form, Senn does do a good job with cup dampening with some of their closed-back headphones.  I imagine that it will internally resemble HD380.
Sep 15, 2016 at 1:33 PM Post #127 of 520
Time for some tunes.


Sep 15, 2016 at 3:45 PM Post #130 of 520
Ok, intitial inpressions. Like all the Sennheisers with a similar shape, the HD 569 are plastic but feel pretty solid. The pads have a great velvety feel to them and are super comfortable and seal well. As for their isolation, I'd have to say decent. Someone sitting right next to you would know the song you're listening to past 50% volume, someone sitting 5 feet away would know you were listening to something, but it would be so low as to to unintelligible. They are easy to drive direct from my LG G5, but I preferred to use my E17k to run them. When listening to music from my laptop I used my SB E5 and these things shined. The highs are crisp and clean without being overly bright with a nice roll off at the very top. The sub bass was a surprise, its not crazy, but its plenty, very fast and precise. There is a slight bump in the mid bass, easily EQ'ed. But to me, the mid-range is where this set just rises to the top. They are perfectly present without being too forward, and manage to sound good with both male and female vocals. I ran them through my little group of test songs (I'm sure everyone has there go-to test songs) and there wasn't any genre these failed to sound good with. I'll post up more in a couple/few weeks and see if anything changes, but as of now, I'm completely happy with the purchase.
Sep 15, 2016 at 3:59 PM Post #131 of 520
  Ok, intitial inpressions. Like all the Sennheisers with a similar shape, the HD 569 are plastic but feel pretty solid. The pads have a great velvety feel to them and are super comfortable and seal well. As for their isolation, I'd have to say decent. Someone sitting right next to you would know the song you're listening to past 50% volume, someone sitting 5 feet away would know you were listening to something, but it would be so low as to to unintelligible. They are easy to drive direct from my LG G5, but I preferred to use my E17k to run them. When listening to music from my laptop I used my SB E5 and these things shined. The highs are crisp and clean without being overly bright with a nice roll off at the very top. The sub bass was a surprise, its not crazy, but its plenty, very fast and precise. There is a slight bump in the mid bass, easily EQ'ed. But to me, the mid-range is where this set just rises to the top. They are perfectly present without being too forward, and manage to sound good with both male and female vocals. I ran them through my little group of test songs (I'm sure everyone has there go-to test songs) and there wasn't any genre these failed to sound good with. I'll post up more in a couple/few weeks and see if anything changes, but as of now, I'm completely happy with the purchase.

Looking at your profile, the only thing on there I've had any experience with is the 7506 (not really my favorite, but it's a reference I can use). Have you had any experience at all with the HD 6x0 range, or any of the other HD 5xx headphones? If not, then at least how would you compare the HD 569 with the MDR-7506? I might be able to extrapolate something from there.
Sep 15, 2016 at 4:39 PM Post #132 of 520
Looking at your profile, the only thing on there I've had any experience with is the 7506 (not really my favorite, but it's a reference I can use). Have you had any experience at all with the HD 6x0 range, or any of the other HD 5xx headphones? If not, then at least how would you compare the HD 569 with the MDR-7506? I might be able to extrapolate something from there.

I've listened to the HD 600, using a similar setup to what I used with the HD 569. I didn't own them, so I didn't have much time with them. I'm usually a closed back guy, due to kids and wife sleeping at night when I like to turn up some tunes. The 600 was a very neutral sound, and I felt it lacked in the sub bass dept. From what I can remember it had a nice open sound stage and vocals sounded great. The 569's definitely have a bit of a V with a small bump on the mid bass I had to EQ down. I would say that the 569 are unmistakably a Sennheiser product, but its more of a "fun" sound. Far better than the Sennheiser Urbanite XL in the fun department for me. In reference to the MDR7506, they have less bass than the 569's and are a bit more neutral. Hope this helps as I have as little reference to open back headphones as you do to most of my close backs, lol.
Sep 15, 2016 at 7:33 PM Post #133 of 520
Thanks for the impressions!
I'd love to read a side-to-side comparison between respective models (e.g., HD 599 vs. 598) from the new and the old 500-series in the future, preferably with pics.
As far as I can tell, the only difference in the listed specs is loudness/sensitivity – the older models might be a little louder: 106dB HD 599 vs 112 dB HD 598 (1 kHz/1 Vrms).
Sep 15, 2016 at 7:44 PM Post #134 of 520
Looks like Sennheiser stepped up the packaging quality with the 500 series.
Sep 15, 2016 at 7:47 PM Post #135 of 520
Looks like Sennheiser stepped up the packaging quality with the 500 series.

Yep, looks a lot like what my HD 600 came in a few months ago. It's a timeless, professional look.

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