Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread
Jan 29, 2018 at 12:49 PM Post #6,856 of 12,966
What do you turn on first in your system? The preamp? Then the amp? Then the DAC? Or, do you turn on the DAC first? Etc... In what order do you turn on your system?
It just doesn't matter.
If you have the Yggdrasil, keep it on always.
Be sure to turn all volume controls to zero when shutting off so you don't get surprises when turning on.
Jan 29, 2018 at 12:54 PM Post #6,857 of 12,966
FYI all....
The Yggdrasil-1 is still one of the best DAC's ever.
The Yggdrasil-2 was not a necessary upgrade to excellence.
You all have to get your panties out of your ass.
(Or ears for that matter).

I got jumped on by some for speaking on this topic before. But, I believe it needs to be said. The Yggy is two different DACs. Two people can be reporting an accurate description of what they hear, and seem contrary.

I am not sure how much attention is paid to this detail in assembly. But, if the OEM fuse that comes with the Yggy is facing one direction, it will sound quite different than when facing the other. The differences in sound on my system was the most obvious change I have ever heard with any component I have ever listened with. I am talking about the stock fuse, not some audiophile fuse.
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Jan 29, 2018 at 12:56 PM Post #6,858 of 12,966
It just doesn't matter.
If you have the Yggdrasil, keep it on always.
Be sure to turn all volume controls to zero when shutting off so you don't get surprises when turning on.
If his source is "tubes" he may not want to leave it on all the time.
Jan 29, 2018 at 12:58 PM Post #6,859 of 12,966
QUOTE="5genez, post: 14007094, member: 438622"]You do know that the DAC Yggy should be left on all the time like your preamp?

What is your "source?" I am assuming that when you said "power on," you referred to your power amp.[/QUOTE]
My sources are
1) Wadia 861 CD.I tried it with XLR, COAX, BNC.
2)Aurelic aries mini Streamer, USB or COAX
My friend with the Gungnir has only a Sonos streamer.TheYggy connected instead of Gungnir-DOESN'T work.The Gungnir connected to my system instead of Yggy DOES work.
Figure This out. CHEERS.
Jan 29, 2018 at 1:03 PM Post #6,860 of 12,966
You do know that the DAC Yggy should be left on all the time like your preamp?

What is your "source?" I am assuming that when you said "power on," you referred to your power amp.
My sources are
1) Wadia 861 CD.I tried it with XLR, COAX, BNC.
2)Aurelic aries mini Streamer, USB or COAX
My friend with the Gungnir has only a Sonos streamer.TheYggy connected instead of Gungnir-DOESN'T work.The Gungnir connected to my system instead of Yggy DOES work.
Figure This out. CHEERS.

Why can't you email Schiit USA technical help?

Just tell them the European help does not know what the problem is.
Jan 29, 2018 at 1:12 PM Post #6,861 of 12,966
... You all have to get your panties out of your ass...

Best line on the forum for a long time. Nicely played.

The Yggy is technically excellent and amazing value, but I would suggest that it is not the DAC that will save the universe from evil and cure cancer. At least not for me.

I found it to be on the bright and forward/edgy side. Better than the delta-sigma DACs I had tried before it, but still not my cup of tea. Then I tried a high end R2R NOS DAC - that is much more my thing. More relaxed and natural sounding than the Yggy. it's a preference thing. YMMV.
Jan 29, 2018 at 1:30 PM Post #6,862 of 12,966
QUOTE="5genez, post: 14007094, member: 438622"]You do know that the DAC Yggy should be left on all the time like your preamp?

What is your "source?" I am assuming that when you said "power on," you referred to your power amp.
My sources are
1) Wadia 861 CD.I tried it with XLR, COAX, BNC.
2)Aurelic aries mini Streamer, USB or COAX
My friend with the Gungnir has only a Sonos streamer.TheYggy connected instead of Gungnir-DOESN'T work.The Gungnir connected to my system instead of Yggy DOES work.
Figure This out. CHEERS.[/QUOTE]

When you push the source selector switch does it cycle through the different sources (ie do the lights indicating what source is active cycle through as you push the switch to change inputs)?
This may be obvious but, is the right input being selected for how you have your YGGY hooked up? I know when I first got mine I kept forgetting which one was which and I just kept hitting the button,, cycling through the inputs, until I got sound. I keep my listening room dark and cant always see the printing above the lights.
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Jan 29, 2018 at 1:34 PM Post #6,863 of 12,966
I'e heard the Spring DAC is the only dac close to the Yggy's price that hits the same level of detail with an inky black background, but it's a NOS and doesnt have the stage depth of the Yggy.
I'm late to this party (was in disconnected powder skiing heaven for the last 10 days), but I wanted to confirm this. I own an original Yggy (speaker system), a Holo Spring KTE 3 (home headphone system), and a Soekris dac1541 (work headphone system). While I have not been patient enough to compare the DACs against each other on a single source-analog chain, my subjective impressions confirm what you and others say. Overall, the Spring and dac1541 sound blacker, with instruments popping out from the background as in a recording studio, while the Yggy sounds more like being in a live performance, where there's always a slight background sound level. OTOH, the Yggy's sound stage feels more open, spacious, layered. I'll be sending my Yggy for a full update and use my Spring in the meanwhile for my speaker system, it should be a fun experience.
Jan 29, 2018 at 1:54 PM Post #6,864 of 12,966
I am not sure how much attention is paid to this detail in assembly. But, if the OEM fuse that comes with the Yggy is facing one direction, it will sound quite different than when facing the other. The differences in sound on my system was the most obvious change I have ever heard with any component I have ever listened with. I am talking about the stock fuse, not some audiophile fuse.
I blissfully hope you're joking.
Jan 29, 2018 at 2:03 PM Post #6,866 of 12,966
Best line on the forum for a long time. Nicely played.

The Yggy is technically excellent and amazing value, but I would suggest that it is not the DAC that will save the universe from evil and cure cancer. At least not for me.

I found it to be on the bright and forward/edgy side. Better than the delta-sigma DACs I had tried before it, but still not my cup of tea. Then I tried a high end R2R NOS DAC - that is much more my thing. More relaxed and natural sounding than the Yggy. it's a preference thing. YMMV.

Bright and edgy... Just might be? ... Turn the fuse the Yggy comes with around and it won't be,

That is why we are getting opposite reports here.

I know.. I know.. Some say it makes no difference. But on my system? What I am reading about the two very different reports about the sound of the Yggy? Is what I heard when trying fuse directions!

Closed minds cause problems to needlessly persist. Telling someone to "suck it up and take it like a man" causes suppression of truth.
Jan 29, 2018 at 2:04 PM Post #6,867 of 12,966
I'm late to this party (was in disconnected powder skiing heaven for the last 10 days), but I wanted to confirm this. I own an original Yggy (speaker system), a Holo Spring KTE 3 (home headphone system), and a Soekris dac1541 (work headphone system). While I have not been patient enough to compare the DACs against each other on a single source-analog chain, my subjective impressions confirm what you and others say. Overall, the Spring and dac1541 sound blacker, with instruments popping out from the background as in a recording studio, while the Yggy sounds more like being in a live performance, where there's always a slight background sound level. OTOH, the Yggy's sound stage feels more open, spacious, layered. I'll be sending my Yggy for a full update and use my Spring in the meanwhile for my speaker system, it should be a fun experience.
As an old man I had the pleasure of A/B-ing my first (natural) set of Aorta valves against a second artificial set.
However none of you would be much informed if I made an elaborate story about it.
Nor does the positioning (front or backward) of my pacemaker's fuse.
I can sure tell you it pays to listen to gear instead of reading fantasy tales about it.
Jan 29, 2018 at 2:15 PM Post #6,869 of 12,966
I blissfully hope you're joking.

I wish I were. I heard it with my own ears. I don't know why some are not able to hear this phenomena. But when I read two opposite reports about sound quality. And, I hear two opposite effects when reversing the fuse (on my system).... It causes logic to kick in and say... What should I do? Shut up? Because they have closed minds and do not want to even consider it possible? When? I know that others have open minds.. and have a willingness to experiment and learn by observation and comparison.

I don't understand some people. But, I do understand history and know that throughout time there have always been people who mocked and resisted ideas that later on became common knowledge.

The doctor that discovered washing of one's hands before surgery prevented infection was mocked and rejected by fellow doctors.
Jan 29, 2018 at 2:16 PM Post #6,870 of 12,966
Best line on the forum for a long time. Nicely played.

The Yggy is technically excellent and amazing value, but I would suggest that it is not the DAC that will save the universe from evil and cure cancer. At least not for me.

I found it to be on the bright and forward/edgy side. Better than the delta-sigma DACs I had tried before it, but still not my cup of tea. Then I tried a high end R2R NOS DAC - that is much more my thing. More relaxed and natural sounding than the Yggy. it's a preference thing. YMMV.[/QUO

Funny, in my system, with pass labs intergrated, class A. My Yggy sound warm with not a hint of glare or brightness. In fact to my ears its slounds perfect in my system. So much so, I am afraid of the upgrade. It might not sound BETTER in my system.

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