Schiit Valhalla Tube Rolling thread.
Feb 5, 2016 at 5:04 PM Post #421 of 2,717
I've had the same one's in for months! Dont waste your money on expensive ones!

I've ordered a set of the cheapos from China and another from Arizona.  We'll see if I can tell any difference between them and without.
Feb 7, 2016 at 11:47 AM Post #424 of 2,717
P.S. Gumby awsome avatar! I'm looking to get a set of Custom Noble K10's with a similar design!

Thanks!  It's just one of the thousands of amazing pictures from the Hubble telescope website.
Feb 7, 2016 at 1:59 PM Post #425 of 2,717
Did you get to test them out yet?

About an hour in now after letting them warm up for 24hrs or so. Deffenity more open and airy than the Russian tubes. Soundstage is wider and instrument separation is better. Brighter tubes though. The Russians I was using before had more warmth, thicker mids and low end while the Amperex are a tad thinner and treble is a tad splashier. The Amperex is the more detailed tube, really a great soundstage and air to the music from this tube.
I get the novelty of tube rolling now, in opposed to just finding a set you like and sticking with them. Both are great tubes and I enjoy the subtle differences between them. One is not better than the other. 
Feb 12, 2016 at 5:40 PM Post #426 of 2,717
I've ordered a set of the cheapos from China and another from Arizona.  We'll see if I can tell any difference between them and without.

Received the Chinese ones today.  Some of the edges were chipped.  Not sure if it's the build quality or used, but put them in anyway.  Something's funky as my left channel is now dead.  Pulled them and dropped the tubes back in and everything is fine, so it's definitely the extenders.  I'll buzz them out when I go back into work on Tuesday and see what's up.  Now waiting for the other set which should be arriving any day now.
Feb 12, 2016 at 6:06 PM Post #427 of 2,717
Received the Chinese ones today.  Some of the edges were chipped.  Not sure if it's the build quality or used, but put them in anyway.  Something's funky as my left channel is now dead.  Pulled them and dropped the tubes back in and everything is fine, so it's definitely the extenders.  I'll buzz them out when I go back into work on Tuesday and see what's up.  Now waiting for the other set which should be arriving any day now.
If you ordered from eBay contact the seller and send a picture. They don't want negative feedback and should send another set.
Feb 12, 2016 at 8:05 PM Post #428 of 2,717
If you ordered from eBay contact the seller and send a picture. They don't want negative feedback and should send another set.

Once I have a chance to buzz out the pins to figure out what is going on, I will.
Feb 12, 2016 at 8:38 PM Post #429 of 2,717
Once I have a chance to buzz out the pins to figure out what is going on, I will.
they sent me 8 pin by mistake and as soon as I contacted them they shipped out the correct ones. I haven't had QC issues with the one I received. Do hope you get it sorted out. Amp runs considerably cooler with the tubes elevated.
Feb 12, 2016 at 10:34 PM Post #430 of 2,717
I find the Valhalla 2 sounds best after it's been on for a while and hot to touch. I don't bother with socket savers for this reason and also why I turn my desk fan away from the amp when it's on.
Feb 13, 2016 at 12:09 AM Post #431 of 2,717
I find the Valhalla 2 sounds best after it's been on for a while and hot to touch. I don't bother with socket savers for this reason and also why I turn my desk fan away from the amp when it's on.
That really more to do with the tubes heating up from my experience. Doesn't really matter where they sit. Raising the tubes actually helps as it keeps the heat further apart from the motherboard
Feb 16, 2016 at 12:55 PM Post #434 of 2,717
Once I have a chance to buzz out the pins to figure out what is going on, I will.

they sent me 8 pin by mistake and as soon as I contacted them they shipped out the correct ones. I haven't had QC issues with the one I received. Do hope you get it sorted out. Amp runs considerably cooler with the tubes elevated.

I stacked all four extenders together and buzzed them out.  All 9 pins showed ~0.1 ohms and a couple actually began showing negative resistance, indicating some capacitance.  I disassembled them and in one, found a couple solder bridges between the pins.  The soldering job even when ignoring the bridges was pretty bad.  Got them cleaned up and will try them again tonight when I get home from work.  Considering the price, I shouldn't be too surprised by the quality.
Feb 17, 2016 at 9:43 AM Post #435 of 2,717
I stacked all four extenders together and buzzed them out.  All 9 pins showed ~0.1 ohms and a couple actually began showing negative resistance, indicating some capacitance.  I disassembled them and in one, found a couple solder bridges between the pins.  The soldering job even when ignoring the bridges was pretty bad.  Got them cleaned up and will try them again tonight when I get home from work.  Considering the price, I shouldn't be too surprised by the quality.

Plugged them in when I got home and got amazing sound streaming into both ears so I guess my soldering job worked.  No on to my next major task - cleaning up all the tags in my several-hundred GB music files so I can listen to them "correctly".  Yes, I really am that anal about details.

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