Schiit Modi Multibit 2 DAC
Jun 18, 2023 at 11:43 AM Post #1,276 of 1,649
You think that the MM2 LED is bright than you should see the MM1. You can warn ships at night in the fog with it. The MM2 pales in comparison. :)
It's not pale enough. I have other equipment in the same cabinet with LED's and they are all much dimmer. It's probably OK for use next to a computer in a brightly lit office, but not in a dimly lit listening or video viewing room.
Jun 18, 2023 at 11:53 AM Post #1,277 of 1,649
It's not pale enough. I have other equipment in the same cabinet with LED's and they are all much dimmer. It's probably OK for use next to a computer in a brightly lit office, but not in a dimly lit listening or video viewing room.
I don't stream so no computer. Mine is in a dimly lit room too. I bought these round black dots with an adhesive back on Amazon that are made to cover bright LEDs. I have my MM1 covered but the MM2 doesn't bother me. My retinas were probably cooked by my MM1.
Jun 18, 2023 at 12:47 PM Post #1,279 of 1,649
I don't stream so no computer. Mine is in a dimly lit room too. I bought these round black dots with an adhesive back on Amazon that are made to cover bright LEDs. I have my MM1 covered but the MM2 doesn't bother me. My retinas were probably cooked by my MM1.
So you're say'n that your eyes look like poached eggs now? I think they have glasses for that and I believe Schiit is the secret supplier.
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Jun 18, 2023 at 7:30 PM Post #1,281 of 1,649
The below will involve a question regarding the Schiit Dacs in general.

I've been doing some research regarding amplifiers/dacs and came across "Audio Science Review" on the Hagel H95 and while doing so, I saw this little aside in its benchmark analysis of said integrated "I think they may have unseated Schiit with their multibit DACs and poor linearity! Really, really bad showing."

What I see here is the founder, administrator/analyst/reviewer Amirm of that site slighting the performance of the Schiit dac, equating it with the poor findings of the H95. I want to know if I'm reading this person right in his or her negative comments of the Schiit.:slight_frown:

Here is the web page (first Google listing). The comments about Schiit are a bit way down.

I don't believe it for a minute, but wanted to inquire of the group.

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Jun 18, 2023 at 7:48 PM Post #1,282 of 1,649
The below will involve a question regarding the Schiit Dacs in general.

I've been doing some research regarding amplifiers/dacs and came across "Audio Science Review" on the Hagel H95 and while doing so, I saw this little aside in its benchmark analysis of said integrated "I think they may have unseated Schiit with their multibit DACs and poor linearity! Really, really bad showing."

What I see here is the founder, administrator/analyst/reviewer Amirm of that site slighting the performance of the Schiit dac, equating it with the poor findings of the H95. I want to know if I'm reading this person right in his or her negative comments of the Schiit.:slight_frown:

Here is the web page (first Google listing). The comments about Schiit are a bit way down.

I don't believe it for a minute, but wanted to inquire of the group.

Amir is a legend in the SINAD measuring, music-hating community. He takes cheapshots at Schiit, possibly because he's not a reseller, unlike some other brands his other business sells. Brands that oddly enough get his highest ratings. Probably mere coincidence - not a conflict of interest. :joy:

He likes to make a big deal of his fancy measuring gear - but still hasn't learned to operate correctly or consistently. To be fair, it's the internet - lots of variety of opinions and pseudo-science. His target demographic is those who prefer to listen with their eyes and their outrage rather than their ears. 🤣
Jun 18, 2023 at 7:58 PM Post #1,283 of 1,649
Amir is a legend in the SINAD measuring, music-hating community. He takes cheapshots at Schiit, possibly because he's not a reseller, unlike some other brands his other business sells. Brands that oddly enough get his highest ratings. Probably mere coincidence - not a conflict of interest. :joy:

He likes to make a big deal of his fancy measuring gear - but still hasn't learned to operate correctly or consistently. To be fair, it's the internet - lots of variety of opinions and pseudo-science. His target demographic is those who prefer to listen with their eyes and their outrage rather than their ears. 🤣
Thanks LW. What do you think of his analysis of the H95? Am I to take that as dubious also? Thanks

Global Warming. lol. Like that has never happened before in earth's past history.:wink:
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Jun 18, 2023 at 9:39 PM Post #1,284 of 1,649
The below will involve a question regarding the Schiit Dacs in general.

I've been doing some research regarding amplifiers/dacs and came across "Audio Science Review" on the Hagel H95 and while doing so, I saw this little aside in its benchmark analysis of said integrated "I think they may have unseated Schiit with their multibit DACs and poor linearity! Really, really bad showing."

What I see here is the founder, administrator/analyst/reviewer Amirm of that site slighting the performance of the Schiit dac, equating it with the poor findings of the H95. I want to know if I'm reading this person right in his or her negative comments of the Schiit.:slight_frown:

Here is the web page (first Google listing). The comments about Schiit are a bit way down.

I don't believe it for a minute, but wanted to inquire of the group.

It’s one person’s opinion and one very biased on measurements. I have heard many great measured DACs that I did not think sounded good. Both my mmb2 and modi+ DACs sound musical - good enough for me.
Jun 18, 2023 at 11:01 PM Post #1,287 of 1,649
What I see here is the founder, administrator/analyst/reviewer Amirm of that site slighting the performance of the Schiit dac, equating it with the poor findings of the H95. I want to know if I'm reading this person right in his or her negative comments of the Schiit.:slight_frown:
Bunch of things:
  • That site is famous for using their "analyzer" to measure devices and never actually listening to the device.
  • They complain when a device has a "distortion" that measures at -100dB. Generally speaking, while listening to music you'd be lucky (or cursed) to hear distortion at -80dB or less. I think the analogy is something like hearing a fly buzzing while standing next to a jet engine. So, kind of nuts. HST, if I audition two devices and they both sound equally good to me, I'd probably buy the one with -100dB over the -80dB one because numbers! assuming its cost was reasonable.
  • For a long time, that person hated Schiit devices. No idea why. The hatred manifested in "cooking the books" against Schiit products by incorrectly measuring, setting up improperly, etc. Those days are past, maybe except for the DACs.
  • Most importantly, look at the review of the Hegel HD12. That person botched the measurements so badly that on the "review" page is a link to the corrected, pretty good measurements. Now, think for a second.... Why is the screwed up review still the one that shows up as the review? That page should have been taken down as soon as the error was detected. And yet, it's still out there. That alone speaks to a lack of integrity on the part of that person.
Personally, I do look at that site for some data to feed into my product analysis. Just remember two things:
  1. It is data, not information. That means you have to perform your own analysis to turn it into information.
  2. Like almost all "objectivist" sites, they are out to convince you of something without disclosing what their biases are because they claim to not have any, it's all just science. Even science has outgrown that infantile perspective on knowledge over the last 60-70 years. This realization was reached via the study of epistemology, whose most famous practitioners are Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper.
Jun 18, 2023 at 11:28 PM Post #1,288 of 1,649
I recently purchased the Modi Multibit 2, and it works fine, but the Source Selector LED is way too bright, especially in a dimly lit room. I had to put some black electrical tape over it. Obviously, it depends on where one has it installed, but in my installation the face of the unit (and LED) is directly aimed at the listener (inside a cabinet behind a glass door). I don't disable up-sampling, but if that is done on the Modi Multibit 2 then the Source Selector LED slowly blinks (very slowly, more like pulsing), which drives me crazy.
I never find the MM2 LED bright or anything, but that being said, I always recommend LightDims for situation like this.,aps,78&sr=8-1

Used it on the Logitech webcam that I'm currently using. It has a green LED to indicate the camera is on, which....... maybe they want to make sure you REALLY know your camera is on so the light is blinding. Also doesn't help that being a webcam is like positioned to be right in your face.

EDIT: Ops just realized there are a few extra posts that I missed, but I think it's probably the same item that @Runrunsmithfly talked about.
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Jun 18, 2023 at 11:41 PM Post #1,289 of 1,649
Yup, I measure with my ears. Works for me.
lol same here. I mean ultimately if it sounds good to your ear then it sounds good to your ear.

I mean measurements do have its place in developing gear, but only relying on measurements sounds like writing a food review based on its ingredients but never actually taste the food. Or car review based on track times but never actually drive the car.
And they will tell you that your hearing is flawed and that it needs to be double blind ABCDEFG test.
LOL I find those are the classic Reddit response. "You need to be double blind or triple blind for the test to be accurate" or "It's not volume matched to 0.00001 db".

I'll make sure I pepper spray my eyes every time I sit down to listen to music.
Jun 19, 2023 at 11:43 AM Post #1,290 of 1,649
Bunch of things:
  • That site is famous for using their "analyzer" to measure devices and never actually listening to the device.
  • They complain when a device has a "distortion" that measures at -100dB. Generally speaking, while listening to music you'd be lucky (or cursed) to hear distortion at -80dB or less. I think the analogy is something like hearing a fly buzzing while standing next to a jet engine. So, kind of nuts. HST, if I audition two devices and they both sound equally good to me, I'd probably buy the one with -100dB over the -80dB one because numbers! assuming its cost was reasonable.
  • For a long time, that person hated Schiit devices. No idea why. The hatred manifested in "cooking the books" against Schiit products by incorrectly measuring, setting up improperly, etc. Those days are past, maybe except for the DACs.
  • Most importantly, look at the review of the Hegel HD12. That person botched the measurements so badly that on the "review" page is a link to the corrected, pretty good measurements. Now, think for a second.... Why is the screwed up review still the one that shows up as the review? That page should have been taken down as soon as the error was detected. And yet, it's still out there. That alone speaks to a lack of integrity on the part of that person.
Personally, I do look at that site for some data to feed into my product analysis. Just remember two things:
  1. It is data, not information. That means you have to perform your own analysis to turn it into information.
  2. Like almost all "objectivist" sites, they are out to convince you of something without disclosing what their biases are because they claim to not have any, it's all just science. Even science has outgrown that infantile perspective on knowledge over the last 60-70 years. This realization was reached via the study of epistemology, whose most famous practitioners are Thomas Kuhn and Karl Popper.
Thanks very much artur9 for taking the time to explain things. I must admit, looking at that site regarding the H95 affected the psyche.:sweat: You end up saying that if this piece has so many bad readings then why would I want it.

I have to order items as I'm far away from these stores so I'm trying to do my due diligence before having a piece sent to me. A little harder to do.


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