500+ Head-Fier
Those same rituals would probably be better in Tahiti this time of year. Just w/o the tall scandanavian girls.
Won't harm the Lyr at all. I left it on for over 300 hours one burn-in session/marathon. I've read that the MOSFETs can take hours to get warmed up to optimal. Perhaps that's what you were hearing. Maybe I'll get drunk tonight, leave it on, and compare tomorrow afternoon
Might leave it on for Christmas then!
Though it would be a shame for those Dumonts to burn out early.
I'm guessing that there's around 9800 hours or so left on those Dumonts. You should be good to go. They were NOS , when I got them. I put around 150 hours on them. I don't think Larry , listened to them that much. Given he had a pretty huge collection of tubes.
Any opinions on these? Does this seem like an alright deal?
ebay . com/itm/AMPEREX-JAN-7308-USA-TIGHT-MATCH-PAIR-E188CC-VR5-TEST-NOS-MINTY-6922-/231789158029?hash=item35f7b5de8d:g:zwAAAOSwxN5WVTRP
(remove spaces around ebay)
I turn on my tubed equipment when I get home if I plan to use it. Good tubes too rare and only getting more so. The monarchy takes even longer than the lyr to reach thermal equilibrium ( so I've heard it called) I'm too cheap to waste those honeys. Lyr is usually fine after 90 mins to me. Sometimes the monarchy is still tight after 4 hours.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays tube lovers !!!
Cheers !!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas and may the tubes be with you!
M E R R YC H R I S T M A S&H A P P YT U B E Y E A R ! ! !