Schiit Jotunheim Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV
Nov 15, 2016 at 6:56 PM Post #2,536 of 6,473
  It was too fatiguing even with Mimby? I have HD800, and upgrading to multibit took whatever edge I ever heard on LISST, though perhaps Jot is more fatiguing than LISST, I don't know. We're all sensitive to different things, but with classical music I find HD800 totally fine, and even most pop satisfactory. 

Worse, I had brought my Jot in a bag, so rather than bringing the Mimby, I brought the Mojo (which is slightly rolled-off up high), as I wouldn't be able to guarantee warm-up time for the Mimby. I'm not unusually treble sensitive (I enjoy HE-560 out of the Jot, for example), but it I found it fatiguing fairly quickly. It's a brutally clear amp, way clearer than LISST typically, so it made the HD800S sound rather brittle and a tad etched, even without the 6kHz spike of the grey 800.
It is possible that the Mojo's slight Delta/Sigma glare (a sort of "prickling" on the highs) contributed to it though. There could be something in what you say, the Mimby might make it less disappointing, but I remain mildly sceptical. The HD800 has never been pleasant on very fast, forward solid state amps- and that's the Jot in a nutshell.
Nov 15, 2016 at 7:04 PM Post #2,537 of 6,473
Worse, I had brought my Jot in a bag, so rather than bringing the Mimby, I brought the Mojo (which is slightly rolled-off up high), as I wouldn't be able to guarantee warm-up time for the Mimby. I'm not unusually treble sensitive (I enjoy HE-560 out of the Jot, for example), but it I found it fatiguing fairly quickly. It's a brutally clear amp, way clearer than LISST typically, so it made the HD800S sound rather brittle and a tad etched, even without the 6kHz spike of the grey 800.
It is possible that the Mojo's slight Delta/Sigma glare (a sort of "prickling" on the highs) contributed to it though. There could be something in what you say, the Mimby might make it less disappointing, but I remain mildly sceptical. The HD800 has never been pleasant on very fast, forward solid state amps- and that's the Jot in a nutshell.

Jot is great with LCD4, almoost perfectly neutral, not fatiguing at all. May be the HD800s
Nov 15, 2016 at 7:20 PM Post #2,539 of 6,473
It was too fatiguing even with Mimby? I have HD800, and upgrading to multibit took whatever edge I ever heard on LISST, though perhaps Jot is more fatiguing than LISST, I don't know. We're all sensitive to different things, but with classical music I find HD800 totally fine, and even most pop satisfactory. 

I tried the 800S balanced out of my Jot at one point, considering buying- and found it just a touch too fatiguing. I'm not super-sensitive to treble, but it just sounded a bit too brittle as a pairing. Both the 800S and the Jot can sound better than that- just not together. It wasn't awful, and maybe if I didn't know that both should sound better than that, I would have liked the combo more (if that makes sense).

I wouldn't buy a Jot for the 800S, or vice versa, but would be quite happy with either when paired differently.

I agree with Ancipital. I own the Jot & Mimby and find the 800S w/ that combo, somewhat fatiguing. On some "trebly" songs almost unbearable.
Nov 16, 2016 at 12:00 AM Post #2,541 of 6,473
I agree with Ancipital. I own the Jot & Mimby and find the 800S w/ that combo, somewhat fatiguing. On some "trebly" songs almost unbearable.

The Jot measures flat, so unless there is some vicious impedance swings on the 800S, maybe that's just how it sounds.
Nov 16, 2016 at 12:48 AM Post #2,542 of 6,473
The Jot measures flat, so unless there is some vicious impedance swings on the 800S, maybe that's just how it sounds.

Possibly. I wish I could get my hands on a liquid Carbon or if had I more disposable income a liquid Glass to compare the two side by side.
Nov 16, 2016 at 1:39 AM Post #2,543 of 6,473
Thank's I haven't seen to many posts with anyone using the Jot with tubes. I'm interested in a possible future Jot/tube combo for the HD800S.

I have a Jotunheimi coming in next week. I currently have an XDA2 Gen2 i could test with, but i doubt you would be able to find one as Emotiva has stopped making them. I think it would sound great. Ive been using my HE6s on a Bryston 2blp with the XDA2 and it sounds bloody fantastic for what i paid for it ($160 vs $550new for the dac), the Stealth DC1 would be a good bet otherwise if you cant find an XDA2 (which i might add the Stealth DC1 is way smaller which could help in some situations as well.)
Nov 16, 2016 at 1:52 AM Post #2,544 of 6,473
It was too fatiguing even with Mimby? I have HD800, and upgrading to multibit took whatever edge I ever heard on LISST, though perhaps Jot is more fatiguing than LISST, I don't know. We're all sensitive to different things, but with classical music I find HD800 totally fine, and even most pop satisfactory. 

I tried the 800S balanced out of my Jot at one point, considering buying- and found it just a touch too fatiguing. I'm not super-sensitive to treble, but it just sounded a bit too brittle as a pairing. Both the 800S and the Jot can sound better than that- just not together. It wasn't awful, and maybe if I didn't know that both should sound better than that, I would have liked the combo more (if that makes sense).

I wouldn't buy a Jot for the 800S, or vice versa, but would be quite happy with either when paired differently.

I agree with Ancipital. I own the Jot & Mimby and find the 800S w/ that combo, somewhat fatiguing. On some "trebly" songs almost unbearable.

HD800s need this amp:
Nov 16, 2016 at 1:53 AM Post #2,545 of 6,473
Possibly. I wish I could get my hands on a liquid Carbon or if had I more disposable income a liquid Glass to compare the two side by side.

I also have an HD800S coming in. I will be able to tell you if there is something wrong or not if i get the same trebbly result..... But then again Jude said that the HD800S was pretty forgiving with this amp, so im not sure what is going on. Maybe it could be an impedence issue. Ive had a few real crappy Attenuators that took away the low end because the variable resistors were just probably really crap
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:14 AM Post #2,547 of 6,473
  I always get confused when people are talking about the 800. the 800's or the 800 S? There is no way the 800 S is harsh right? Cause that sounds a lot like the 800's

Driven from a very fast, upfront SS amp, the 800S can still sound a bit tiring. The  Helmholtz resonator cancels that nasty 6kHz spike that the grey 800 has, but they still can sound a bit brittle and thin, despite the slight bloomy second harmonic distortion that they added to thicken the bass up a bit. If you were really wedded to a brutally fast SS amp, I think I'd be keener on the HD650, oddly.
Don't get me wrong, if you wanted to send me a pair of black HD800S, I would be happy, accept them, and enjoy that insane cartoon sound stage... I just wouldn't plug them into my Jotunheim. They're really nice headphones. It's a really nice amp. However, they really do not compliment each other- and especially for poorly-recorded/mastered music, they will be like Kryptonite.
Nov 16, 2016 at 6:47 AM Post #2,548 of 6,473
Both the 800 & 800S are agressive/forward in detailing,
And have their upper frequency range elevated from neutral.

This makes thwm very lively cans...
There is also no denying that the 800 remains at the top of heap in resolution with only stax 009 & Utopia at its level.

The Jotun is so strong it also imparts its strong livley hard hitting character into the 800.
The 800 is forced to give a more dynamic and impactful sound.

If raised to loud volumes, Drum stick hits can and will literally make your eardrum bleed because the 800 has an extreme wide dynamic range.
Few cans can simultaneous hit as hard and fast, leaving you wondering where is the decay...

That is why the 800 does best with tubes..

Ao if you combo the Jotun with an 800 ,
Watch out for extreme dynamics.
It is very dam good stuff, but dangerous..
Nov 16, 2016 at 10:00 AM Post #2,549 of 6,473
  brutally fast SS amp

What are you referring to when you say brutally fast?
Damping factor? Slew rate?  Rise time on a square wave?
Nov 16, 2016 at 10:18 AM Post #2,550 of 6,473
  I have a Jotunheimi coming in next week. I currently have an XDA2 Gen2 i could test with, but i doubt you would be able to find one as Emotiva has stopped making them. I think it would sound great. Ive been using my HE6s on a Bryston 2blp with the XDA2 and it sounds bloody fantastic for what i paid for it ($160 vs $550new for the dac), the Stealth DC1 would be a good bet otherwise if you cant find an XDA2 (which i might add the Stealth DC1 is way smaller which could help in some situations as well.)

Good advice, thanks. I've also heard positive comments on the Liquid Carbon paired with the HD800S and may be in the market for a used one eventually. The Jot IMHO just does not always pair well with the HD800S's, although I enjoy it with classical and some of my blues music. Again my subjective opinion.

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