Schiit Jotunheim Review / Preview - Head-Fi TV
Aug 26, 2016 at 8:42 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6,474

NOTE: If you can't see the embedded video above, please CLICK HERE to see the video.

In this episode of Head-Fi TV, we get a first look at the new Schiit Audio Jotunheim, which Schiit is calling a configurable balanced headphone amp and preamp--or even a "configurable desktop center"--but that most of us will probably end up calling something else.

Products mentioned and/or shown in the video:

Schiit Audio Jotunheim - Head-Fi TV produced by Joseph Cwik and Jude Mansilla

Aug 26, 2016 at 9:10 PM Post #2 of 6,474
Great video, Jude. Thanks for sharing.
Aug 26, 2016 at 9:13 PM Post #3 of 6,474
Wow can't believe you released this a day early before the official announcement.
Aug 26, 2016 at 9:18 PM Post #5 of 6,474
I've been waiting for something like this ever since I first discovered Schiit. As a FitEar owner (MH335DW), colour me extremely interested. One question though, Jude;
You mention lowest possible gain is with single ended input and output, but with the DAC module being balanced input, I wonder if you tested your FitEar MH334 with the Jotunheim running as an amp alone, or with the DAC module converting bits as well?
Aug 26, 2016 at 9:33 PM Post #8 of 6,474
  I've been waiting for something like this ever since I first discovered Schiit. As a FitEar owner (MH335DW), colour me extremely interested. One question though, Jude;
You mention lowest possible gain is with single ended input and output, but with the DAC module being balanced input, I wonder if you tested your FitEar MH334 with the Jotunheim running as an amp alone, or with the DAC module converting bits as well?

@kurochin, that's with the built-in DAC.
By the way, here's the gain breakdown (based on input-output configurations):
  1. SE in, SE out, low gain  2
  2. SE in, SE out, high gain  4.7
  3. SE in, balanced out, low gain 2.1
  4. SE in, balanced out, high gain 7.4
  5. balanced in, SE out, low gain  1.1
  6. balanced in, SE out, high gain  3.75
  7. balanced in, balanced out, low gain 2.2
  8. balanced in, balanced out, high gain 7.5
Again, both the DAC module and phono module are fully balanced, so either would constituted balanced-in.
Aug 26, 2016 at 9:36 PM Post #11 of 6,474
  Does the USB on the optional DAC use the gen 2 or gen 3 implementation? I would hope for gen 3 since the USB is the only input.

I've been in Denmark the past week for the AES Headphone Technology conference (which was awesome, by the way), so I'll have to check when I get home.
Perhaps someone from Schiit can chime in sooner.
Aug 26, 2016 at 9:45 PM Post #14 of 6,474
Not as game changing as I was hyping but still a very much necessary product line from schiit. Not many amp/dac combos for $400 let alone with the capability of driving the he-6, I think schiit may have produced the best amp/dac combo in this price range.
Aug 26, 2016 at 9:48 PM Post #15 of 6,474
if she only knew!!!!!

I tried to explain it to her, but it was just impossible. All I could think of was, "It's just a headphone..amplifier..thing." She must think I'm crazy.
My brother-in-law jokingly asked about the stack of Schiit, "What's with the stack of xboxes?"

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