Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 26, 2024 at 11:05 AM Post #153,137 of 155,191
I’m with @ArmchairPhilosopher - it DEPENDS on ones room… by a LOT
Not to defend Darko, but I think that my experience reflects what he might be saying... you can't count on furniture and carpets to properly tune a room. To do that, you need correctly sized and located absorbers and diffusers. Once the room is properly tuned, furniture and carpets / rugs will modify the room's acoustic profile, as expected. But furniture is secondary in this multivariate equation.

Unless, of course, you want to buy high-backed, upholstered chairs and place them at the first reflection points... and stand up a couple of sofas in the front and rear corners as bass traps. But then, those items would cease to be furniture, right?
May 26, 2024 at 11:08 AM Post #153,138 of 155,191

A playlist that is 90% her, on Qobuz. Stunning.
Stunning is an understatement.

On the buy list after a 60s listen through YT and laptop speakers. I can't wait to hear what it sounds like on a "proper" set up.

... I guess we should say that strive to get a "realistic-ish experience", where a pinpoint imaging has to make up for the lack of visual experience.
For me, part of the experience is seeing the musicians playing. Audiophile imaging can't quite get me there. It is fun yet (see below)...
... I find overly “precise”/sharp imaging (as in most dynamic speakers I’ve experienced), to be less convincing for symphonic music well recorded. ...


I always tried to get Row 8 - 15 and as close to center as possible for the symphonies I attended;...
3. ... I’m getting a useable 34 Hz in my current (final) room, which is the best ever with them.
I find stereo recordings, generally, to be an "enhanced reality" version of music. I mean, IRL one would never be able to hear the rasp of a guitarist's fingers along the strings unless one were sitting on the guitarist's knees as I did as a child while my father played. And yet, that's the enhanced reality that some audiophiles look for in their equipment and recordings.

In our symphony hall (Allentown), I'm a Row H kind of guy, a little left (my left) of center so I can see the pianist's fingers fly across the keyboard.

I think, correct me if I'm wrong, that 34Hz is plenty for symphonic music unless one is a fan of octobass and/or organ?

Lastly, who needs a whole house audio system when live bands are playing across the street (less than 200ft?) with gigawatts of amp power?!
We've had a little plastic dinosaur on a window pane for 6y -- last night it got knocked off its perch when a particularly powerful bass line was played :-O Mayfair, ftw!
May 26, 2024 at 11:11 AM Post #153,139 of 155,191
Jealousy rears its ugly head yet again.
I spent 5m trying to think of a one-word description of you, and couldn't. Your ineffable qualities demand a tome not unlike the ones used by sailors at sea during a storm.

OTOH, zealous, sister to jealous, might work....
May 26, 2024 at 11:14 AM Post #153,141 of 155,191
May 26, 2024 at 11:15 AM Post #153,142 of 155,191
I tend to think that no two rooms are exactly alike. Each must be evaluated for its requirements.

Yeah, good rooms and bad rooms and it's not obvious (at least to me) what geometric/construction properties differentiate them. I had 5 different rooms over the last 7 years....

One of my rooms, somehow, manages to have a textbook response from a single subwoofer (well, stack for more oomp). Another room "needed" (ha!) 5 subwoofers to sound decent.
May 26, 2024 at 11:22 AM Post #153,143 of 155,191
I spent 5m trying to think of a one-word description of you, and couldn't. Your ineffable qualities demand a tome not unlike the ones used by sailors at sea during a storm.

OTOH, zealous, sister to jealous, might work....
OK. Time to lay down some reality in hopes that my oversized ego is fully understood.

You got me. I am over-compensating but you would too if you were 4'11" tall. Had one-leg 3" shorter than the other. Had webbed toes. And had a birthmark shaped like a middle finger gesture on your right cheek. 😥

*** OK. None of the above is true but if it were, I'd be totally adorable! :wink:
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May 26, 2024 at 11:27 AM Post #153,144 of 155,191
OK. Time to lay down some reality in hopes that my oversized ego is fully understood.

You got me. I am over-compensating but you would too if you were 4'11" tall. Had one-leg 3" shorter than the other. Had webbed toes. And had a birthmark shaped like a middle finger gesture on your right cheek. 😥

*** OK. None of the above is true, but if it were I'd be totally adorable! :wink:

Sounds like you should be living in the mountains. You must be running around in circles in Texas.

May 26, 2024 at 11:28 AM Post #153,145 of 155,191
My hand tremors prevented me from building one (or the BHC kit I sold recently), howsever @Paladin79 came to the rescue with a wonderful little coaster amp and a custom holder atop of a custom dual HP stand. :wink:
I do have an extra completed board I can send to @sixergixer at some point in the near future. IMG_7977.jpeg

A person can purchase a magic 8 ball toy, take it apart (not easy) remove the guts and have a fine stand and cover for the coaster amp.😁
May 26, 2024 at 11:29 AM Post #153,146 of 155,191
Bend, having been one of the more popular U.S. destinations for people escaping California, Washington, everywhere else, has seen a massive influx to its population over the past decade (and honestly long before that according to us Bend natives). Therefore, one of the most common bumper stickers you will see here simply says BEND SUCKS! DON'T MOVE HERE.

And they're entirely correct. We don't need another soul moving here. Like, at all. 😝
So what's LaPine like these days? At one time I was looking at a property there so I wouldn't have to actually live in Bend but be a short distance when I wanted to be in Bend. It seemed that a lot of sketchy characters had taken residence there, nothing like my old deer hunting trips used to be.
May 26, 2024 at 11:31 AM Post #153,147 of 155,191
Couldn't put it any better, @dstrimbu. Planning on coming over to Napa to see his upcoming show?
Ahhhhrg, so frustrated... I was supposed to be out of town on 28 June, man. That trip was rescheduled last Friday, and I forgot to check. Looking at EventTickets, crazy prices. I will check the Uptown's site. Thank you for the reminder!!!
May 26, 2024 at 11:37 AM Post #153,148 of 155,191
Sounds like you should be living in the mountains. You must be running around in circles in Texas.

OK. Now I am truly offended. How dare you make light of my made-up conditions. Go ahead. Have your fun. I just hope you don't ridicule the kids on the St. Jude's Hospital commercials. :rolling_eyes:
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May 26, 2024 at 11:56 AM Post #153,150 of 155,191
So.... Well Schiit. Jason has done something special here. Enjoying I have thrown at it with the GE 5670 5-STAR 3 Mica Black Plate is wonderful. Everything I've played on them with the Arya Stealth is engaging and wonderful. Need to try some other headphones out later.
Thats a sweet tube for sure.

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