Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 5, 2022 at 1:33 PM Post #104,956 of 165,182
It'll drive anything--headphones, speakers, Raals (the bass shelf is a bit different for Audeze, otherwise it's the same as the Jot R.) Also a little lower gain. I'd personally pick up a set of Raal circumaurals and call it a day, or get an adapter made so you can use the amp with any other headphone or nearfield speakers. It's perfectly safe, just designed for tons of current and low voltage.

Snake Oil cables knows the pinout and has done speaker/adapter cables.

Have you personally heard the RAAL CA-1a (circumaural)? I've heard the SR-1a and was blown away by most of it. I noticed there is a SR-1b now. I'm glad you confirmed my theory that the JOT-A will work with the CA-1a. I do believe that might be next on my list of headphones to save for.
Dec 5, 2022 at 1:40 PM Post #104,957 of 165,182
Pun sine wave alert! Abort!
Us n00bs want to know:
Dec 5, 2022 at 1:46 PM Post #104,959 of 165,182
I also expect the environmentalists to come in the defense of frightened birds, other distinguished internet communities to start discussing invisible chemtrails, and grossly exaggerated claims about potentials for job losses and invasions of privacy, which takes us all back to point (1).
And don't forget the spying. I've read about delivery drones with cameras that will peek into your windows, listen to your sounds, and transmit activity information back to the mothership for commercial exploitation and MIND CONTROL!!! It's Alexa with the ability to peep into your bedroom. Line your windows with tin foil NOW before it's too late!
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Dec 5, 2022 at 1:48 PM Post #104,960 of 165,182
I suspect it would be easier to track the Amazon truck vs a drone… 😀
I read that and my mind jumped to an enterprising scammer breaking into the drone with programming and redirecting the delivery to his/her getaway panel truck. Once its full it's on it's way to the pawn shop or E-Bay.
Dec 5, 2022 at 2:01 PM Post #104,961 of 165,182
You rank sarcasm below fart and poop jokes?
Those are specific subjects, not forms of humor I would think. Sarcasm can be belittling to another person. Some joke subjects are in bad taste, some might be offended by dead baby jokes, or jokes about those with disabilities.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor because it doesn’t take any particular thought or cleverness. It is purely based on saying the opposite of what you mean (not rarely with malicious intent) and calling that – humor.
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Dec 5, 2022 at 2:04 PM Post #104,962 of 165,182
I read that and my mind jumped to an enterprising scammer breaking into the drone with programming and redirecting the delivery to his/her getaway panel truck. Once its full it's on it's way to the pawn shop or E-Bay.
Yeah I was not sure how it ended but that could be a possibility.
Dec 5, 2022 at 2:27 PM Post #104,964 of 165,182
And don't forget the spying. I've read about delivery drones with cameras that will peek into your windows, listen to your sounds, and transmit activity information back to the mothership for commercial exploitation and MIND CONTROL!!! It's Alexa with the ability to peep into your bedroom. Line your windows with tin foil NOW before it's too late!
Commercial spying is real! Audio spying, anyway. We don't use Alexa or Siri, nor do we use voice commands/text on our Android devices, but we've had recent examples of subjects we were discussing verbally (no web searches), one a dog breed, another a comedian, and these topics came up in the Facebook feed on my Android phone. Scary! Had to go through all devices and make sure to disable the microphones, although these settings do seem to "reset themselves" occasionally. I would say Facebook is the evil corporation in this scenario, but I'm still not sure "who" was listening. Just bought a new windows laptop and I had to uninstall the Alexa app. Needing a microphone for Zoom calls complicates things.
Dec 5, 2022 at 2:29 PM Post #104,965 of 165,182
I invest heavily in a drone company that was the first to be approved for civilian use over long distances. I am not sure whatever happened to Amazon delivering by drones but it may having to do with people taking shots at the devices as they fly over or following one till they drop a package in a driveway. :ksc75smile: I am sure someone here will know the answer. :L3000:
Part liability, part the regulators yelling at Amazon for wanting the eliminate one of the few jobs Americans without skills can find.
Dec 5, 2022 at 2:32 PM Post #104,966 of 165,182
And don't forget the spying. I've read about delivery drones with cameras that will peek into your windows, listen to your sounds, and transmit activity information back to the mothership for commercial exploitation and MIND CONTROL!!! It's Alexa with the ability to peep into your bedroom. Line your windows with tin foil NOW before it's too late!
Why would they spy outside when they already have us paying to spy on us from expensive cameras we place in our homes? I love how Americans are convinced the Chinese government is spying on us. We pay private corporations to take our data and sell it on the free market, if any government or person wants it, they simply can buy it.
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Dec 5, 2022 at 3:03 PM Post #104,969 of 165,182
I believe this is the latest version.
I do not comment much on aircraft or naval vessels but they were certainly talked about recently. :) The inside view of submarines was particularly interesting.
Dec 5, 2022 at 3:09 PM Post #104,970 of 165,182
Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor because it doesn’t take any particular thought or cleverness. It is purely based on saying the opposite of what you mean (not rarely with malicious intent) and calling that – humor.

Yeah, right.

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