Qqazzqazz reacted to bweiss711's post in the thread Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up with Like.Ok, so I had a fun weekend playing around with the Rekkrs. Tried them in a few different set-ups with varying results in each one. As...
QPrepared for travel…
Qqazzqazz reacted to jlemaster1957's post in the thread Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread with Like.Just wanted to express on this US Thanksgiving Day how thankful I am for Head-Fi and this thread seems as close to ‘home’ as any. This...
QWell I am not going to say it sounds bad, but if you are looking to make your hard to drive planars shine it can't hurt. :wink: I...
Qqazzqazz reacted to rowdyrobot's post in the thread Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up with Like.It seems like you fit the Schiit profile very well as a passionate and talented product developer who, as a bonus, shares...
Qqazzqazz reacted to LrrTx's post in the thread Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up with Like.So, it is so apropos that my one-hundredth post be regarding my first CanJam experience. It was a blast; I went with my wife and...
QMy biggest issue with C connectors is that some of them are wired for just power and not data and thus unable to recognize that...
QPreaching to the choir here, but I'm sure some of you will enjoy it.
Q5.5) - If applicable, ensure you put the Left board in the Left slot, and the Right board in the Right slot - LIM boards had a dip...
QNot that simple, it's gotta be opened but it's still easy enough. Steps: 1) Unscrew 4 screws on bottom of the Yggy. 2) Flip it back...
Qqazzqazz reacted to mch12000's post in the thread Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up with Like.At my son's request, the kids and I went up to Newhall yesterday to say goodbye to the Schiitr. My kids love visiting the Schiitr almost...
QJust received a new-to-me Mjolnir 3 today purchased off a fellow head-fier. The impressions already described by many are spot on...
Qqazzqazz reacted to XERO1's post in the thread Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up with Like.I just got my MM2 today and I've been listening to it off and on for the past few hours. Here are a few of my thoughts about it: - It...
QMy Saga 2 arrived today. Hooked it up to my Bifrost 2/64 which is connected to my MacBook Pro 14" via USB. Using with 2.1 speakers which...
QSo I’ve now put about 300+ hours on the Yggy (Yggy+ GS2 w/ Unison USB). I thought I’d put down a few thoughts. I wasn’t expecting much...