Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Nov 14, 2019 at 7:41 AM Post #53,446 of 165,191
Qobuz is going heads on with the new Amazon HD Music service. It is called Qobuz Studio Premier
This wew subscription form announced on Qobuz for only $ 14,99 monthly for CD quality and Hi-Res quality.
Old subscriptions to Qobuz HiFi and Qobuz Studio will automatically move to the new and pay less
Nov 14, 2019 at 8:06 AM Post #53,447 of 165,191
what speakers, and approx. listening level?
Speakers Quad ESL-57 (92 dB) on a single Aegir
Speakers Quad ESL-63 (86 dB) on two Aegirs
Max listening levels 80-85 dB
Nov 14, 2019 at 11:01 AM Post #53,451 of 165,191
Allrighty how about this. What change makes a bigger difference in the system.

DACs or Amps.

I have Modi Multibit& Bifrost 4490 > Saga > Vidar > Zu Omen DW (in the amazing walnut veneer).

I can afford Bifrost or Aegir, but not both. Given the components listed above, which would make a bigger difference in my system? Bifrost 2 or Aegir?

Public replies and PMs welcome. Maybe @Jason Stoddard would chime in.

I'm currently leaning Bifrost then Aegir.

Apologies if I've asked this here before. Let's avoid any of the typical audiophile wanderings. Bifrost 2 or Aegir. Only options for me.

IMHO amps make a bigger difference than DACs. My setup is Modi Multibit - Saga - Aegir - Zu Omen DW and I can confirm that the Aegir pairs very nicely with the Omen DW, but I haven't heard the Vidar in my system.
Nov 14, 2019 at 11:19 AM Post #53,452 of 165,191
Allrighty how about this. What change makes a bigger difference in the system.

DACs or Amps.

I have Modi Multibit& Bifrost 4490 > Saga > Vidar > Zu Omen DW (in the amazing walnut veneer).

I can afford Bifrost or Aegir, but not both. Given the components listed above, which would make a bigger difference in my system? Bifrost 2 or Aegir?

Public replies and PMs welcome. Maybe @Jason Stoddard would chime in.

I'm currently leaning Bifrost then Aegir.

Apologies if I've asked this here before. Let's avoid any of the typical audiophile wanderings. Bifrost 2 or Aegir. Only options for me.

Caveat: this is opinion and speculation and thus differing opinions are fine.

One theory I heard for audio stuff is that transducers are important. I am going to extend it a bit and say things that change energy or information from one format to the other are important. Within vinyl this means cartridge and speakers have some of the biggest effects. With digital, I imagine a DAC, responsible for the conversion from digital to analog, should also have a big effect. Preamp and amp can affect what they are given but a good cartridge/tape head/tuner/DAC/mic/whatever helps give the preamp/amp the best starting point. Then speakers or headphones do whatever they can do with what they are given.

I believe it was somewhere on this thread that someone (maybe Paladin79?) said that cables cannot improve the signal they are given, they only deteriorate it less. A good DAC helps get you a good starting point.
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Nov 14, 2019 at 11:23 AM Post #53,453 of 165,191
I wondered when someone would notice.

Here's the backstory: after we started building Bifrost 2 and Asgard 3, someone found a bunch of Bifrost and Asgard 2 boards from the last run. Yes, found. Take a look at our warehouse and it makes more sense. So we could either scrap them, or run a bit more metal and sell them. So we did a limited run of black-only metal, and blowing them out. We hope you enjoy!

Screw Geico! Jason, Agent of Schiit saved me a butt load of money. I just purchased a Bifrost Multibit.
Nov 14, 2019 at 11:36 AM Post #53,454 of 165,191
I believe it was somewhere on this thread that someone (maybe Paladin79?) said that cables cannot improve the signal they are given, the only deteriorate it less. A good DAC helps get you a good starting point.

That is certainly something I would have said, you can only hope to maintain a signal, a cable does not make it better.

I am not sure I fall into the "it is proven that older cables sound better than new ones" category. I will experiment with a cable cooker soon just to humor @bcowen and I might go so far as to create several headphone cables as close to identical as I can make them and have Mr. Cowen tell me which one has been cooked if he is willing. He has told me that is where he hears the biggest difference so it may be a good place to start. I am always curious about such things and others can hear it and pick the cooked cable consistently then there may well be something to the devices.

Now if Rensek was thinking of replacing the Vidar with the Aegir then the question would be how much difference would he hear between those two amps and then a DAC might make a bigger difference. Just a thought.
Nov 14, 2019 at 11:47 AM Post #53,455 of 165,191
Allrighty how about this. What change makes a bigger difference in the system.

DACs or Amps.

I have Modi Multibit& Bifrost 4490 > Saga > Vidar > Zu Omen DW (in the amazing walnut veneer).

I can afford Bifrost or Aegir, but not both. Given the components listed above, which would make a bigger difference in my system? Bifrost 2 or Aegir?

Public replies and PMs welcome. Maybe @Jason Stoddard would chime in.

I'm currently leaning Bifrost then Aegir.

Apologies if I've asked this here before. Let's avoid any of the typical audiophile wanderings. Bifrost 2 or Aegir. Only options for me.

You have two DACs already -- how much of a difference do you hear between them?

On the other hand, adding an extra power-amp means you nearly have 2 complete systems, will only need to add another pre-amp and voila two systems. For two rooms. Then you can really hear the difference... :wink:
Nov 14, 2019 at 12:35 PM Post #53,456 of 165,191
BLARGH! Ive always wondered about the sound of two Schiit products.....Asgard 2 and Bifrost mutlibit.....and prior to 15m ago i never pulled the trigger.

Then i saw the "classic stack" section of the B-stock. Its as if it was MADE for me.

Well played Jason...well played indeed. You win this round.

(Seriously thou...thanks...i appreciate y'all running a last time build for these and kitting them together.....i assure you they'll get lots of use).

Purchased and in route! Woot!

Peace .n. Living in Stereo

Nov 14, 2019 at 12:51 PM Post #53,457 of 165,191
I wondered when someone would notice.

Here's the backstory: after we started building Bifrost 2 and Asgard 3, someone found a bunch of Bifrost and Asgard 2 boards from the last run. Yes, found. Take a look at our warehouse and it makes more sense. So we could either scrap them, or run a bit more metal and sell them. So we did a limited run of black-only metal, and blowing them out. We hope you enjoy!

For the price, they're an amazing deal. Absoluately amazing.

Too bad they're only available with US power supplies. I guess that's down to the boards that you guys found?
If they'd have been with EU power supplies, I might have been tempted, just because of that good price, to get something from that list...
Nov 14, 2019 at 1:03 PM Post #53,458 of 165,191
Screw Geico! Jason, Agent of Schiit saved me a butt load of money. I just purchased a Bifrost Multibit.
Haha! Me too, been lingering over a modi multibit vs bifrost 2 since the launch, the closeout price was too good to turn down. Looking forward to listening to it on both my main speaker system and also my Vali2 ->HD650 HP system
Nov 14, 2019 at 1:47 PM Post #53,459 of 165,191
Haha! Me too, been lingering over a modi multibit vs bifrost 2 since the launch, the closeout price was too good to turn down. Looking forward to listening to it on both my main speaker system and also my Vali2 ->HD650 HP system

I have had a Modi MB for about 3 years now. Upgraded from a Magni 3 to the Asgard 3 2 months ago and have been on the fence about the Bifrost2. Really didn't need balanced or the remote. I have been looking at buying an older used Bifrost and updating for $400. This deal was a no brainer.
Nov 14, 2019 at 3:20 PM Post #53,460 of 165,191
Allrighty how about this. What change makes a bigger difference in the system.

DACs or Amps.

I have Modi Multibit& Bifrost 4490 > Saga > Vidar > Zu Omen DW (in the amazing walnut veneer).

I can afford Bifrost or Aegir, but not both. Given the components listed above, which would make a bigger difference in my system? Bifrost 2 or Aegir?

Public replies and PMs welcome. Maybe @Jason Stoddard would chime in.

I'm currently leaning Bifrost then Aegir.

Apologies if I've asked this here before. Let's avoid any of the typical audiophile wanderings. Bifrost 2 or Aegir. Only options for me.

I've always been a source first guy. Use the best source you can then move down the chain.

Get the DAC.

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