Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 28, 2018 at 5:18 PM Post #41,146 of 153,962
It's just a big amp for any desk. A better size would be 8x12" or s (lop 4" off the side). This is an OK desktop size. 8x16" is huge.

I'm less worried about stacking, because "desktop" to me means more "all in one." Gungnir, Freya, etc are fine at 16" wide because they sit on shelves and are more frequently used with speakers (and, in the case of Freya, they have remote control).

Of course, a new chassis size IS a huge pain in the ass for someone who wants to stack gear. But again, nothing is set in stone. I'm just blue-skying here.

LISST sold pretty well to start, then dropped off a cliff. Novals are now out of stock and not listed as options. Octal will soon get there, and we won't make any more. If I take a look at LISST again, I'm going to design a proper, die-cast, dis-assemblable case for the product, hopefully key-locked so nobody takes them apart and grabs onto several hundred volts if it's in a running amp. I would also look at re-curving the devices so they behave more like tubes. The difficulty of both together means we probably won't be doing LISST again.

One way to simplify the line is to kill products. Another way is to remove options. We're removing some options--specifically, the low-take-rate, pain-in-the-rear-end stuff, like LISST. (Oh yeah, and if Asgard 3 in Continuity form ever comes to pass, don't be surprised if it is ONLY sold with the 4490 DAC at $299--no option for amp-only. But that's still a BIG what-if.)

I personally stack my Mjolnir 2 on top of my Gumby and they both sit on my desk so it would be pretty sad if that form factor stopped being added to.

I also use a Lyr 3 as well and would love a Mjolnir 3 updated to similar topology as the Lyr 3 is definitely a huge step up from Lyr 2.
Oct 28, 2018 at 5:25 PM Post #41,147 of 153,962
It's just a big amp for any desk. A better size would be 8x12" or s (lop 4" off the side). This is an OK desktop size. 8x16" is huge.

I'm less worried about stacking, because "desktop" to me means more "all in one." Gungnir, Freya, etc are fine at 16" wide because they sit on shelves and are more frequently used with speakers (and, in the case of Freya, they have remote control).

Of course, a new chassis size IS a huge pain in the ass for someone who wants to stack gear. But again, nothing is set in stone. I'm just blue-skying here.

LISST sold pretty well to start, then dropped off a cliff. Novals are now out of stock and not listed as options. Octal will soon get there, and we won't make any more. If I take a look at LISST again, I'm going to design a proper, die-cast, dis-assemblable case for the product, hopefully key-locked so nobody takes them apart and grabs onto several hundred volts if it's in a running amp. I would also look at re-curving the devices so they behave more like tubes. The difficulty of both together means we probably won't be doing LISST again.

One way to simplify the line is to kill products. Another way is to remove options. We're removing some options--specifically, the low-take-rate, pain-in-the-rear-end stuff, like LISST. (Oh yeah, and if Asgard 3 in Continuity form ever comes to pass, don't be surprised if it is ONLY sold with the 4490 DAC at $299--no option for amp-only. But that's still a BIG what-if.)
4399 Gungnir?
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Oct 28, 2018 at 8:07 PM Post #41,148 of 153,962
Now, before you get too excited, there are exactly zero candidates as of this moment to replace the Mjolnir 2.

This is genuinely shocking to me. I figured Mjolnir 3 was an obvious gimme -- just make a balanced version of Lyr 3, sort of the Jotunheim/Lyr fusion -- and call it a day. I've been expecting it as your next announcement every time you say you have a new thing to announce.

Re new form factor, I feel like whatever size you make it in, you pretty much have to also make a comparable DAC in that size, because people are going to want to stack (and I think the market for $1K-ish amps isn't one that's going to be satisfied with add-on cards, although what do I know).
Oct 28, 2018 at 9:08 PM Post #41,149 of 153,962
there are exactly zero candidates as of this moment to replace the Mjolnir 2

Surprised that wouldn't be a more refined sounding / powerful, balanced lyr3 (2x 6sn7's), with stepped relay vol, or some new gain based volume control!

Edit-- or are you getting away from balanced, or just too obvious ;D
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Oct 28, 2018 at 9:10 PM Post #41,150 of 153,962
This is genuinely shocking to me. I figured Mjolnir 3 was an obvious gimme -- just make a balanced version of Lyr 3, sort of the Jotunheim/Lyr fusion -- and call it a day. I've been expecting it as your next announcement every time you say you have a new thing to announce.
I think the problem is that they have to decide on either tube-hybrid or solid-state, and maybe neither has enough of a potential market compared with Mjolnir 2, which could do both with LISST. The market for balanced headamps $7XX-$2K is now competitive, unlike when Mjolnir 2 came out, so Schiit would have to do something really different and better to get through the clutter.
Oct 28, 2018 at 11:26 PM Post #41,152 of 153,962
What would be better than a Mjolnir 2?
For me it IS the best there is.
Size. Some of us use headamps as we work, and most desks have limited space. Right now, to my left I have (temporarily as my home office gets reorganized) a pretty fancy stack (home office' on my sig) sitting on my desk as I work (or rather, pretend to work but instead hang out here). bottom is the Metrum Onyx, middle the Metrum Ambre, and top the Apex Peak with Psvane 6SN7-SE tube. No way could I fit a MJ2 on the desk.
Oct 29, 2018 at 12:07 AM Post #41,153 of 153,962
@Jason Stoddard , I really dont mind the size of the Mjolnir 2. Living in Singapore where rooms are relatively smaller than other rooms in different cities around the world, the size of the Mjolnir 2 isn't much of a problem. But if you would make a smaller sized Mjolnir but keep almost the same layout, why note separate the power/transformer in a different case. A stackable solution just like the Headamp gs-x mk ii.

Just an idea from me.
Oct 29, 2018 at 12:52 AM Post #41,154 of 153,962
One way to simplify the line is to kill products. Another way is to remove options. We're removing some options--specifically, the low-take-rate, pain-in-the-rear-end stuff, like LISST. (Oh yeah, and if Asgard 3 in Continuity form ever comes to pass, don't be surprised if it is ONLY sold with the 4490 DAC at $299--no option for amp-only. But that's still a BIG what-if.)
I can live with that option as long as I can disable the included DAC. But I get your need to eliminate the complexity of the “have it your way” mentality (to coin a phrase). Looking fwd to what’s coming.

Everybody back in the pool, nothing to see here.
Oct 29, 2018 at 1:50 AM Post #41,155 of 153,962
I also use a Lyr 3 as well and would love a Mjolnir 3 updated to similar topology as the Lyr 3

I could fit such a HP amp/preamp on my desk for sure, if that's the only compromise for such a thing it's all good IMO. Update in the same chassis would make it much easier/cheaper.

All I'd need is a decent arm for the monitor and clean desk between the speakers, plenty of room.:wink:

I can live with that option as long as I can disable the included DAC.

Just don't plug it in, if it's usb powered like the one in my Jot.
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Oct 29, 2018 at 2:55 AM Post #41,156 of 153,962
I’m a little surpised and sad to hear about LISST. I thought a fair number of people would be into the idea of switching between SS and Tube. I’ve always planned on getting one for my Saga, but held off during my last order since I got a Tung Sol tube instead. I might pick one up now since it’s my last shot. Too bad there isn’t any clerance pricing.

Also, I noticed “Loki Mini” listed on the B-stock page even though Loki is never called that on the product page. Maybe it’s bigger brother, which Jason has talked about before, is imminent. Will the original Loki then be renammed Loki Mini and the new product named Loki Maxi or Loki Uber, or even just Loki? This would be confusing for anyone familiar with the line before the change, but wouldn’t matter much to anyone else. I can see this happening because Jason has mentioned in the past specifically liking the Loki name. After all, that’s why it’s been used twice (for the discontinued DSD DAC and the current tone control). Maybe he’s really proud of the bigger tone control and would rather shift the names around than call it something else. Or maybe someone just typed it wrong on the B-stock page. Or maybe it was done intentionally to give me something to think about while unable to sleep.

Now back to considering spending $63 on an Octal LISST (including tax and shipping) before it’s too late to throw my money away.

EDIT: I noticed they mention Loki Mini on the Faq of the product page while reading it and considering purchasing it along with LISST. So everything I said above is pointless, sorry if you read it. I still wouldn’t be surprised if the bigger tone control is close to release, but don’t wait for it on my account. Clearly, I don’t know Schiit.
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Oct 29, 2018 at 3:07 AM Post #41,157 of 153,962
I could fit such a HP amp/preamp on my desk for sure, if that's the only compromise for such a thing it's all good IMO. Update in the same chassis would make it much easier/cheaper.

All I'd need is a decent arm for the monitor and clean desk between the speakers, plenty of room.:wink:

You mean like the one in my profile picture? :beerchug:

It is a Silverstone ARM22SC, it has been pretty successful in the few years I have had it and really helps make space on your desk. Need space for my pile of Schiit! Lol... :L3000:
Oct 29, 2018 at 6:31 AM Post #41,158 of 153,962
My opinions on the two products Jason last mentioned:

For Mjolnir 3, my first reaction is that if you are going to go with either tubes or solid state, go tubes. Schiit already has two balanced SS headphones amps. There’s enough space between Jot and Rag for another amp, but if Mjolnir was SS only, Schiit would have 3 balanced solid state amps and 0 balanced tube amps.

I wonder if Jason could incorporate both solid state and tube buffers into the amp like Freya. You wouldn’t need LISST, which is aparently hard to make, and it would allow people to switch between modes on the fly. This would take up more space and make the price higher, but you’d be getting something for your money.

And in terms of size, personally I don’t see the point of making it smaller if it doesn’t have a DAC to stack with that’s the same size.

As for a Continuity Asgard 3, I do feel like only having it come with a DS DAC would limit its appeal. I’d rather see it take the modular approach, even if that means making the base price a little higher, but frankly I think that might be worse for sales.
Oct 29, 2018 at 7:01 AM Post #41,159 of 153,962
Just ordered an LISST for my LYR-3. Just because.
Oct 29, 2018 at 7:48 AM Post #41,160 of 153,962

I agree with your post except for this one bit. Since the Bifrost was introduced there are been several upgrades.
Original Bifrost had no USB to make it cheaper. A USB upgrade was offered that could also be purchased at initial purchase time.
Then there was the Uber upgrade.
Then the multi-bit upgrade.

The Bifrost has definitely seen a goodly number of upgrades. If one were to start with the fully upgraded Bimby then of course there have been no upgrades to that but it's because one already bought all the upgrades.

I upgraded my Bifrost to Uber and USB. I'm waiting to upgrade it to baldrUSB (ivanaUSB?) and MB and to get the refreshed warranty. If I am really lucky maybe the improved analog circuits upgrade will also be out by that time.

I'm waiting to upgrade my Bifrost Uber with Multibit v2 upgrade, whenever that may come. Not sure if I'll upgrade the USB-section, as I've started using the optical connection (due to horrific electrical noise with USB) on my current DAC.

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