Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 6, 2018 at 3:23 PM Post #39,421 of 154,125
Ubiquiti is the real deal — enterprise level stuff used in corporate offices. As audio people like to say, it will "scale", and flexibility to go all nerdy on it if you want.

LOL, I appreciate the comments. IMG_0123.jpg Here is one of the test fixtures I am building for an employee, she is a Colts fan so she will like the blue and white cabinet. I will most likely incorporate a Coaster amp on the inside as well as a small DAP.
Oct 6, 2018 at 3:59 PM Post #39,423 of 154,125
Cats outta the bag, I'm sure he will post when he has time.
Oct 6, 2018 at 4:33 PM Post #39,424 of 154,125
What I use, Ubiquiti UniFi AP and Ubiquiti EdgeRouter router. Require a bit of upkeep (firmware upgrades) but they work beautifully, much better than the consumer-grade !@#%? I used before.
+1 on the Ubiquiti AP-Pro been using one for many years, much better than consumer grade. It's also easy to manage:
Oct 6, 2018 at 4:53 PM Post #39,425 of 154,125
Man, I thought I was the only one who hated those girly nicknames. The worst part is since everyone calls it Yggy a million times, at the end you end saying Yggy too. It's like when you hate a pop song from some crap artist like Beyonce, but one day when doing your chores, you catch yourself humming it, cause you've already heard it a million times in your office, the supermarket, on the bus, etc.

Ahh, the tribulations of being an elitist music lover :D

The pop music producers spend more time getting the hook right than getting the music right .... the hook sells to kids, and annoys folks like us ... LOL.
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Oct 6, 2018 at 5:02 PM Post #39,426 of 154,125
Lol, I was messing with Ripper a bit, he is a good friend and honestly I should not be mentioning college football right now since my hometown university team is about to get decimated this afternoon.

Back to work for me, one device I am building is for him but I am still waiting for parts.

Shoot, Tom, IU is only down 14-10 in the 2nd quarter against The OSU. They are 4-1 ... decent! Nobody beats The OSU as they pay their players much better . :)
Oct 6, 2018 at 5:04 PM Post #39,427 of 154,125
Shoot, Tom, IU is only down 14-10 in the 2nd quarter against The OSU. They are 4-1 ... decent! Nobody beats The OSU as they pay their players much better . :)
It is bound to be hard on their players when they go to the pros and end up taking a pay cut.
Oct 6, 2018 at 5:07 PM Post #39,428 of 154,125
They spend more time getting the hook right than getting the music right .... the hook sells to kids.

It's our own fault. The kids ain't got no money and we as parents continue funding this 'music' with our money just to get those 27 year-old, $40K into college loans and then drops out w/o even an assoc. degree, moved back home and over a year later is no closer to getting their 'S' together, in their room or out of the house and out of our hair for a while!! :unamused:

(Did I say that outloud?? I'm speaking in general terms, of course. Not that any of this applies to my situation ) :worried:

I love her, but ... :wink:

BTW -- I have 3 daughters -- 1 will graduate Baylor this year and has been on Dean's list the entire time. 1 graduated high school last year, is an EMT w/ dual college credit and is pulling A's and B's along with holding down an EMT job while attending a local college. So I'm not a total failure as a parent. :D
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Oct 6, 2018 at 5:12 PM Post #39,429 of 154,125
:relieved: :beers:

Here's my college dropouts

Tommy amd Abby 2007.jpg
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Oct 6, 2018 at 5:25 PM Post #39,430 of 154,125
It is bound to be hard on their players when they go to the pros and end up taking a pay cut.

Yeah .. plus they won't get away with all those defensive holds and pass interferences like they are now!
Either the refs suck, or this is rigged. Sorry to rant.
Oct 6, 2018 at 5:26 PM Post #39,431 of 154,125
Borrowed from another poster on another forum:


  • Aegir.jpg
    240.1 KB · Views: 0
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Oct 6, 2018 at 5:26 PM Post #39,432 of 154,125
BTW -- I have 3 daughters -- 1 will graduate Baylor this year and has been on Dean's list the entire time. 1 graduated high school last year, is an EMT w/ dual college credit and is pulling A's and B's along with holding down an EMT job while attending a local college. So I do have my victories. :D

That is awesome. Well done, Dad.
Oct 6, 2018 at 5:28 PM Post #39,433 of 154,125
The pop music producers spend more time getting the hook right than getting the music right .... the hook sells to kids, and annoys folks like us ... LOL.

Absolutely. They are geniuses when it comes to create ultra catchy melodies, not to mention how they "shape" the group with different personalities, so every kind of kid out there will feel represented, which makes the hook even more stronger.
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Oct 6, 2018 at 5:33 PM Post #39,434 of 154,125
It's not music so much as propaganda.
Oct 6, 2018 at 5:34 PM Post #39,435 of 154,125
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest micro report
Caveat: For me these audio shows are not for listening due to 1) the noise in Cam Jam (closed ‘phones help of course), 2) in live demos they are not playing my kind of music (sorry, I am about 95% classical), and 3) even when I can select a piece (e.g. on Tidal) it is not a recording I am familiar with. At Mr Speakers table they very kindly pulled up a piece I asked for, and I listened for a bit through some headphones and someone’s expensive HP amp--but as I told the pleasant young lady, either the recording was not good or the HP amp was not good (e.g. shrill highs on a comparative basis). Then they pulled up the same recording on a different and well-know,well regarded DAP and I listened via the closed back Aeons, which I am familiar with. This was much better, but no better than what I hear with the much less expensive Schiit gear I have (in this case, bimby>Lyr 3). I won’t name the brand of DAP because the comparison is not fair; I just say I came home and listened to the piece and it was much more pleasant.

So why go if not to listen? Well I did hope to listen (via closed back headphones) to compare the modi3 with modi multibit. Alas they were not set up for that comparison. And then there was the new “class A - Continuity’ power amp in the speaker room. Well it was there, they wanted to run it mono-block, but alas the transformer in one of the units was not functioning properly, and they didn’t have the test equipment there to pin-point the problem. (It is proto-type, after all.) For some people that would have been a downer, for me not so much: they weren’t playing classical music through the Salk speakers.

Yet despite the lack of ability to listen to equipment, the trip was quite worthwhile: I had a chance to chat with Jason in person about Schiit in general and the new power amp in particular. To me this one is quite exciting. A release date in Jan seems pretty firm. As I understand it (and with this company’s name one need to be careful what one stands under) all they are waiting for is reliable stock of the correct transformer, all else is in place. I am excited because
a. used single-ended, this is a 20w amp (into 8ohms) is “very class A like”. Jason is excited about it.
b. used as duo mono e.g. from MJ2, this is 80w per chanel, far more than enough for any application I have. Thus I will get full advantage of a balanced DAC fed to a Balanced amp fed to mono-block power amps. Yes, I have enjoyed music for decades without all that, but you understand.
c. @OvejaNegra: it will drive 2 ohm speakers, no worries about impedance. (De nada)
So Christmas will be fine, but for me I think January (Valentine’s Day?) will be better, at least for listening to music via speakers.


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