Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jul 26, 2018 at 6:29 PM Post #35,582 of 155,074
So my Americana playlist gave me this "gem" the other day. I know many people this song applies too (family, friends, acquaintances) It sums up life in the non metropolitan areas of America very well, for better or for worse, depending on your point of view. This song illicits many opinions from me.

James McMurty - Choctaw Bingo

Listen to the lyrics, I haven't heard of this guy before. I like the musicality, but man, the lyrics .... I'm not sure if I want to see what else he has written. Reminds me of a modern David Allan Coe.....

James McMurtry is the son of well known novelist Larry McMurtry. (Lonesome Dove, The Last Picture Show). Sorry 33nd3rd I had not seen your post as I was typing.

One of my renters played drums for him at one point, McMurtry was in town working with Mellencamp and then moved on to Texas and the drummer was with him (James) for a stint. Odd thing was I had two drummers then as renters, the other was getting his phd, a timpanist who went on to play with a symphony farther north.
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Jul 26, 2018 at 6:29 PM Post #35,583 of 155,074
I am not that technical capable as you all.
I leave my Yggdrasil on always and after a power out it takes a few minutes to regain it's sound.
Today I had to tackle a heat problem.
It's very warm here and my Ragnarok got increasingly hotter up to the point where I couldn't touch it anymore.
Not even the volume knob.
So I browsed my electrodump in the cellar and found 3 fans.
Problem solved.

True for some time now it is hotter in NL than PT, a rare thing! Nice solution, also the screw coming out of the volume knob. I also keep my dac on...when the volume knob of the TC is cold it doesn’t sound the same...
Jul 26, 2018 at 6:53 PM Post #35,585 of 155,074
Man,as soon as I read that part about "10x the standing current of a Vidar" I was like...


Yeah, me too!

But, face it... @Jason wouldn't be happy if everything just fell into place! :o2smile:
Jul 26, 2018 at 6:58 PM Post #35,586 of 155,074
AAAAAnnndddd, just like first semiconductor shortage (a differential line receiver), 37 week lead-times...that keep slipping...oh boy.

Hey, at least it wasn't one of your data converters or something like that! Does your differential line receiver have a standardized pinout, or are you using a more esoteric part? Most of the designs I do with differential line receivers/drivers have standard pinouts (granted, I'm talking about aerospace-rated RS-422 and LVDS drivers and receivers here, so things might be different for you). The flipside on the mil-spec and space-level parts I have to use is that the *standard* lead time is usually 36 weeks!
Jul 26, 2018 at 7:09 PM Post #35,587 of 155,074
My audio gear and other electronics is well protected but I am the only one who uses it and I am away 12 hours a day during the week. Sitting inside my cabinet and with power switches on the back of many items it is not easy for me to just power up a couple pieces of equipment so I tend to do all or nothing. On a given day I can have several pieces of test equipment turned on as well. :) YMMV

I actually turn Schiit off when not in use. The Eaton whole house suppressor I used is only $100 on amazon.


most of the tripplite isobars I have were less than that. In addition to protecting your gear they can prevent noise traveling from device to device and the supperssors also offer guarantees to reimburse you if your equipment does get fried. If you think about it $100 plus installation is better than replacing all apliances and if your on this website expensive electronics.
Jul 26, 2018 at 7:28 PM Post #35,588 of 155,074

Thatnks for the thoughts! We just moved (a month yesterday, in that time we have arrived to a dining room celing on the floor due to a flooded bath/bed upstairs, the drying out jets, the remediation and then a collapse on the way to the ER - it has been a rocky start!). On the upside, I implemented Roon on the ROCK and have been converted form a skeptic to a believer. I had run Roon server on an iMac and when that went missing in the move, on a Dell server and neither were entirely satisfactory. The ROCK is the best investment so far!

So, to answer your question, I have a Roon playlist called SoundCheck that has been assembled for that very event! I will probably set it to random play, but the leading contender is "Layla, Wynton Marsalis / Eric Clapton form the Play the Blues: Live at Lincoln Center". If you haven't heard that album it is sublime! Turn up the volume.

If anyone does happen to be in the Research Triangle area, you would be most welcome to come by and listen!



Wow! You truly deserve some music R&R after all that.

I need to check out "The ROCK". I hadn't picked up on that prior, and I had to do a web search. I run Roon now as one of two options. I run Audirvana on Mac and Roon on Windows at the moment. I'm going to try out the new Beta for Audirvana on Windows and see how that goes. Then I'll make a call. The main reason (for me) is that Audirvana works with Qobuz and Roon doesn't (or Qobuz doesn't work with Roon depending on your POV). I may use Roon for NAS and keeping my library pretty and Audirvana for streaming. I'm just now learning some of this, and it's slow-going. For lots and lots of years all my listening at home was physical media and floor-standing speakers. Now its all stored media or streaming with headphones or bookshelves / monitors. The upside is that I had no idea how much I could enjoy headphones and small speakers. Channeling Robin Williams - Phenomenal cosmic power... Iddy biddy living space.

I admit to not being up on too much Jazz, but this group has influenced me a bit, and I'm dipping my toe back in. I recognize a few of the artists and some of the tracks on your playlist. Enjoy!! I'll definitely check out the Lincoln center live album. Much appreciated.

I hope you get some folks to swing by and take a listen, and if the offer still stands when I get back, I might take you up on the kind offer in the future. Your system is very, very close to what I may put together when I'm home, so I'm green with envy. The DIs have reached the top of my "must audition" list based on this forum alone and some follow up reading. I have family and friends in the triangle and surrounding area and I havefond memories of stomping around those parts for work and pleasure. More relevant is that I got my first pair of Vandersteen's from Audio Advice. OK, really - Most important is good BBQ, and I prefer mine Lexington style.
Jul 26, 2018 at 7:29 PM Post #35,589 of 155,074
Someone posted previously that they received confirmation from Schiit that MB extended warm-up times only truly apply to Yggy due to its unique design and implementation. (It may extend to Gumby, given the similarities between it and Yggy, but that just me saying that.)

So the word is that according to Schiit, the MB extended warm-up concerns do not apply to the Bifrost MB, Modi 2 MB, or the MB DAC option card, as they reach optimum operational temp shortly after power-on.

** I would personally go an external DAC due to greater input flexibility, isolated power supply, and the additional shielding provided by having its own case/enclosure.
Thanks!!! I agree with your footnote, but for this particular case, I can't do separates. Others would have me get a Fulla just based on size alone.
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Jul 26, 2018 at 7:38 PM Post #35,590 of 155,074
I've turned off my mimby twice since I got it; once when the Cthulu died in less than 24 hours, and once when there was a weird sound on the left side of the system (turned out to be the mimby...but cycling the power seems to have remedied it).
Jul 26, 2018 at 8:17 PM Post #35,591 of 155,074
I have quite a bit of equipment tied in together so if it were just a matter of a Gumby staying on, that is fine and of course I would never say what anyone should or should not do with their audio gear. I once read that you should change out tubes after one year of use. For me, I would be constantly searching for NOS tubes to match what I had before a few times a year if I ran the amps 24 hours a day.

After a few days listening the Gumby/Freya combo with several of my amps is really starting to sound good. I am getting instrument separation like I have not quite heard before in music I know very well.
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Jul 26, 2018 at 9:17 PM Post #35,592 of 155,074
Wow! You truly deserve some music R&R after all that.

I need to check out "The ROCK". I hadn't picked up on that prior, and I had to do a web search. I run Roon now as one of two options. I run Audirvana on Mac and Roon on Windows at the moment. I'm going to try out the new Beta for Audirvana on Windows and see how that goes. Then I'll make a call. The main reason (for me) is that Audirvana works with Qobuz and Roon doesn't (or Qobuz doesn't work with Roon depending on your POV). I may use Roon for NAS and keeping my library pretty and Audirvana for streaming. I'm just now learning some of this, and it's slow-going. For lots and lots of years all my listening at home was physical media and floor-standing speakers. Now its all stored media or streaming with headphones or bookshelves / monitors. The upside is that I had no idea how much I could enjoy headphones and small speakers. Channeling Robin Williams - Phenomenal cosmic power... Iddy biddy living space.

I admit to not being up on too much Jazz, but this group has influenced me a bit, and I'm dipping my toe back in. I recognize a few of the artists and some of the tracks on your playlist. Enjoy!! I'll definitely check out the Lincoln center live album. Much appreciated.

I hope you get some folks to swing by and take a listen, and if the offer still stands when I get back, I might take you up on the kind offer in the future. Your system is very, very close to what I may put together when I'm home, so I'm green with envy. The DIs have reached the top of my "must audition" list based on this forum alone and some follow up reading. I have family and friends in the triangle and surrounding area and I havefond memories of stomping around those parts for work and pleasure. More relevant is that I got my first pair of Vandersteen's from Audio Advice. OK, really - Most important is good BBQ, and I prefer mine Lexington style.

I bought the lowest spec of the NUCs (i3) and am very happy so far. It (or some other magical circumstane) seems to have eliminated the controller disconnects that were common and the issue with connetion when the iMac screen saver operated. Neither was consistent enough to be able to document thoroughly, and others report different experiences :frowning2: If you haven't found the Roon forum yet, it's worth signing up for.

I just got the OPPO 3s with a Fulla and am happy with them. I'm having qualms about how much I will love the DIs over the ELAC speakers (B5s) that have held the fort since we setup in the new home. I also have ELAC towers on the home theater system and love them. Of course Jones is a Yorkshireman, so what else would we expect??

I did have the same qualms about the Freya/Vidar before it came, but am loving them. I trust all will work out well when the DIs get hooked up!

I am a big jazz fan, but have very eclectic tastes with a strong classical, opera and rock bias. We were fortunate to love very close to the best jazz club on the West Coast for 20 years and so got to see many greats before they were great. This forum has made me go and check out some new music and that is broadening my range too. Whoever, on here I think, recommended Marcus Miller - thanks!

The offer to listen is always open to folks, just check in. You'll have to sort out BBQ, as this is a new thing for me!


Jul 26, 2018 at 9:56 PM Post #35,593 of 155,074
In fact, i spent most of the week doing a very painful rip-up-and-start-over re-do of grounding for a prototype I'm playing with. It seems that when you're running, say, 10x the standing current of, say, a Vidar, the grounding you thought was so slick can go kinda whomper-jawed.

This definitely sounds class A, and not a wimpy one considering a Vidar draws around 45 watts at idle. Very excited by this:)
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Jul 26, 2018 at 10:42 PM Post #35,594 of 155,074
So my Americana playlist gave me this "gem" the other day. I know many people this song applies too (family, friends, acquaintances) It sums up life in the non metropolitan areas of America very well, for better or for worse, depending on your point of view. This song illicits many opinions from me.

James McMurty - Choctaw Bingo

Listen to the lyrics, I haven't heard of this guy before. I like the musicality, but man, the lyrics .... I'm not sure if I want to see what else he has written. Reminds me of a modern David Allan Poo.....


YAY, can't wait to order a Sol!!!!!!

I'm still waiting for the [REDACTED]...........:triportsad:

Jul 27, 2018 at 12:07 AM Post #35,595 of 155,074
Hey all,

Looks like I might not be getting to that chapter this week, but it'll be next week for sure.

This week simply went a bit sideways. I thought I was pretty much done with a new product, and ended up not being done at all. In fact, i spent most of the week doing a very painful rip-up-and-start-over re-do of grounding for a prototype I'm playing with. It seems that when you're running, say, 10x the standing current of, say, a Vidar, the grounding you thought was so slick can go kinda whomper-jawed.

(It's funny--it doesn't hum badly with no input connected, but shorting the inputs is hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm city. Oh yeah, and by "hmmmmmmmmmmmm city" I should qualify that as "still being 90db below 0dbV," or, in human-speak, you need to put your ear to the woofer of a typical loudspeaker in order to hear it. But if you're talking some hyper-efficient horn-loaded design, that might not work out. And we can do better. And saying "it's fine until there's an input connected" is right up there with "it works great until you actually try to use it.")

In other news, we're getting down to the wire on Sol. Mike proved out the last component--the 2-speed pulley--with a 3D-printed prototype and that's now off to production. Tony's taking the lead on wrangling this complex mechanical beast, so now we have someone dedicated to the project other than Mike and I, since both of us sometimes have the attention span of---

---what was I talking about?

In any case, I'll talk to you soon,

Ok, Excited

Hope it's:

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