Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 15, 2024 at 9:54 PM Post #148,066 of 165,187
Apr 15, 2024 at 9:56 PM Post #148,067 of 165,187
That door is the most direct route to a bathroom, so it cannot be blocked 24/7.:fearful: And while the sub may well be moving around a tiny bit, I haven't noted any deleterious effect.:fingers_crossed:
Just have an empty Corona bottle at the ready on the sub. And don't mix the bottles up. Although some people think it really makes no difference.
Apr 15, 2024 at 9:56 PM Post #148,068 of 165,187
2) Purchases will be lossy. Thx Apple. I'm unaware of being able to buy ALAC from Apple directly. Same with Amazon. They are happy to sell you MP3 version.

That's been #2 gripe behind the app not streaming CD lossless over Airplay 2. Oh, and having to buy their VR device to use the lossless codec in the Airpod Pro 2. 🤦‍♂️

/rant over
Why am I not surprised? :rolling_eyes:
Apr 15, 2024 at 9:58 PM Post #148,069 of 165,187
The tubes themselves run hot -- don't sit on one centering it with your nether orifice (take my word) -- but the box won't substitute for a wood stove the way an Asgard can.
The queen of broken-hearted teen angst -- Janis Ian. :wink:
Apr 15, 2024 at 10:10 PM Post #148,070 of 165,187
I did not interpet it as 'real' relationships, but just songs about relationships, whether real or fictional. The song I was thinking about 'You're so Vain', which may have been about a real relationship, but it remains a mystery as whether it was and if so, who. (AFAIK)
Apr 15, 2024 at 10:18 PM Post #148,071 of 165,187
So this will strip the DRM from the Apple Music file. I did something back in the day to use my purchased AAC files on non iPods.

Other than being of dubious legality, aren't any offline files locally on the app encrypted?
Or play the file on a PC and use Audacity or Total Recorder, for video I've used RedFox for a couple of decades. As for legality, remember blank cassettes, vhs, cd, dvd, nowadays DVR. Use the file for personal use only. If you go 'commercial' with a created file, you may get free room and board at a county, state or federal facility.
Apr 15, 2024 at 10:46 PM Post #148,074 of 165,187
Apr 15, 2024 at 10:47 PM Post #148,075 of 165,187
Why, oh why do I start these things?
(And why should I be surprised by toilet humor on a Schiit thread?)
Lesson learned?
Probably not, knowing me...
Swap your Yggys - that’ll set ‘em off!
Apr 15, 2024 at 10:49 PM Post #148,077 of 165,187
So much for keeping it stress-free...

A quick set of questions for you Appleonians...

So, I found some music that I wanted to purchase available on Apple Music. Giddy as a schoolboy, I executed the purchase of my sought-after tunes. I Googled ad nauseum and it seems there's no way to BUY/OWN music via Apple Music (which does playback lossless) and I had to use iTunes to execute the purchase. The issue is the download seems to only be available in AAC (lossy) and not ALAC (lossless). It seems that while one can 'download' ALAC versions of music via Apple Music (for local storage and playback), from what I've read it has DRM and can only playback via Apple Music's player/streaming app. So my question(s) is/are:

1. Can one purchase and download lossless ALAC files form Apple's Music Store for playback via Roon?

-- or --

2. Are Apple music purchases only AAC with Apple say FU if you want lossless?

3. Is there something I'm failing to do to secure my purchase in ALAC format?

The music I purchased is not available on Qobuz, so I cannot buy it there. I've only found it on Amazon Music (no purchase and download option) and Tidal (again, no purchase and download option).

The CDs are no longer being mfg'ed and the used market prices for them is INSANE.

Any help would be appreciated.
I don't have answers for the Apple files question but is the album perchance available on Bandcamp?

What's the album? Maybe we can do a hive search.
Apr 15, 2024 at 10:56 PM Post #148,078 of 165,187
It was announced to some political backlash from some rather upset forum members. That noise was abruptly shutdown, thankfully.

Yep -- Texas, baby! As I understand it, CA operations will be moving to an undisclosed location outside of San Antonio -- hence Jason's building of a 2nd house.
Congratulations to Schiit on it's move. I love it!
Apr 15, 2024 at 11:00 PM Post #148,080 of 165,187
The tubes themselves run hot -- don't sit on one centering it with your nether orifice (take my word) -- but the box won't substitute for a wood stove the way an Asgard can.
Asgard 1 or 2, yes, HOT. Asgard 3, warm-ish… Mine is on top of an OG Bifrost 4490. Getting my laser thermometer… 92 to 96 on top. Been on since we got back from FL a week ago.

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