Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 29, 2023 at 1:13 PM Post #114,931 of 155,100
Be careful now - whole new thread of dubiousness could be spun out of this !!! anything by Mahler :fearful:or Dire Straits - still suffering from 1990's audio retail customer audition choices
…. vis-a-vis Marilyn Manson, Mantovani with Strings etc …. this is akin to the Supreme Court & pornography …. I cannot define ‘sonic dreck’ but I know it when I hear it …. 👨‍⚖️ 😤 …. all rise! 😂
Mar 29, 2023 at 1:14 PM Post #114,932 of 155,100
IIRC the multi-tipped floor wart nicknamed Cthulhu was never available in a 230 V version, was it?
If I recall correctly, 120V only. But it's a wall wart... Might deal with both. Got one still running a stack in my wife's office... Will check and edit this post. NOPE, mine is 120V only. HOWEVER, outer box is labeled US 120V, so perhaps there was a 230V one? The Wayback machine might help there...

Wayback machine shows only a 120V one...
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Mar 29, 2023 at 1:15 PM Post #114,933 of 155,100
It's actually an aversion therapy company to erase any thoughts of those nervosa products from someone's mind.

(Kidding, of course.)
And a new line of Schiit ear plugs to help prevent a relapse? :thinking:
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Mar 29, 2023 at 1:24 PM Post #114,934 of 155,100
^^ including EMI / RFI resistant ‘twisties’ to manage the ‘ganglia’ of power cords / interconnects behind any system? … 🤔🥳 !!
It's actually the polar opposite of that.

And, fun fact: Syn has been in plain sight all these years. Just take a close look at pretty much any product shot on that shows the respective device in situ.
What do you see?
Or rather: What do you NOT see?
That's right; power cords!
Very few (if any) of the product shots of in situ Schiit gear show them plugged into a power source.
Because they've been using an early prototype of Syn all along.

So, here's what Syn is:
It's a giant inductor coil that you install under your house or apartment.
The coils are made of iron and copper distilled from all the tears that "true" audiophiles shed whenever they hit buy on yet another one-thousand-dollar-per-foot power cord, so there will be nearly unlimited supply.
Which is also what makes the $399 price point possible in the first place.

True fact, guys!
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Mar 29, 2023 at 1:37 PM Post #114,935 of 155,100
It's actually the polar*** opposite of that.

And, fun fact: Syn has been in plain sight all these years. Just take a close look at pretty much any product shot on that shows the respective device in situ.
What do you see?
Or rather: What do you NOT see?
That's right; power cords!
Very few (if any) of the product shots of in situ Schiit gear show them plugged into a power source.
Because they've been using an early prototype of Syn all along.

So, here's what Syn is:
It's a giant inductor coil that you install under your house or apartment.
The coils are made of iron and copper distilled from all the tears that "true" audiophiles shed whenever they hit buy on yet another one-thousand-dollar-per-foot power cord, so there will be nearly unlimited supply.
Which is also what makes the $399 price point possible in the first place.

True fact, guys!
*** if the polarity gets reversed? ….
Mar 29, 2023 at 1:40 PM Post #114,936 of 155,100
True fact, guys!
And suddenly, the trustworthiness of this previously extraordinarily trustworthy poster is now not only zero but decidedly in the negative!

(I'm kidding, I know you're kidding and I'm fairly sure that you know I am, but while I laughed I couldn't help but think of Jason setting the excellent example of pointing out that he was kidding on the previous page. While it is a great thing to have a thread where you can generally assume that the readers are intelligent and even somewhat familiar with your writing and humor, this is still the internet, and that is still both an assumption and a generalization.)
Mar 29, 2023 at 1:45 PM Post #114,938 of 155,100
And suddenly, the trustworthiness of this previously extraordinarily trustworthy poster is now not only zero but decidedly in the negative!

(I'm kidding, I know you're kidding and I'm fairly sure that you know I am, but while I laughed I couldn't help but think of Jason setting the excellent example of pointing out that he was kidding on the previous page. While it is a great thing to have a thread where you can generally assume that the readers are intelligent and even somewhat familiar with your writing and humor, this is still the internet, and that is still both an assumption and a generalization.)
… try out this little mental ‘twisty’ …
“generalisations are usually false” … 🤔🤪.
Mar 29, 2023 at 1:47 PM Post #114,939 of 155,100
And suddenly, the trustworthiness of this previously extraordinarily trustworthy poster is now not only zero but decidedly in the negative!

(I'm kidding, I know you're kidding and I'm fairly sure that you know I am, but while I laughed I couldn't help but think of Jason setting the excellent example of pointing out that he was kidding on the previous page. While it is a great thing to have a thread where you can generally assume that the readers are intelligent and even somewhat familiar with your writing and humor, this is still the internet, and that is still both an assumption and a generalization.)

Syn is a new headfi text editor that facilitates the sarcasm font tags [sarcasm] [/sarcasm] while also elevating your posts in prominence and 'like' factor.
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Mar 29, 2023 at 1:58 PM Post #114,940 of 155,100
[sarcasm] I think it would be simpler to just use the [not_sarcasm] [/not_sarcasm] tags given the frequency and sheer number of sarcastic postings. [/sarcasm] :wink:
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Mar 29, 2023 at 2:16 PM Post #114,941 of 155,100
Friday is April 1, also known as April Fools Day. What if Syn is really an April Fools Day creation to distract all of us from the potential release of another, or perhaps no new product?
Perhaps we need to start thinking far, far outside the box.
I‘d have thought that Friday the 7th of April was the obvious launch date.

That way Jason could use the launch line of “All our Syns are redeemed.”

And be lynched twice over.

Once by the audio crowd and then by those who treasure Good Friday as commemorating a somewhat earlier mob.
Mar 29, 2023 at 2:18 PM Post #114,942 of 155,100
And suddenly, the trustworthiness of this previously extraordinarily trustworthy poster is now not only zero but decidedly in the negative!

(I'm kidding, I know you're kidding and I'm fairly sure that you know I am, but while I laughed I couldn't help but think of Jason setting the excellent example of pointing out that he was kidding on the previous page. While it is a great thing to have a thread where you can generally assume that the readers are intelligent and even somewhat familiar with your writing and humor, this is still the internet, and that is still both an assumption and a generalization.)
Wait, what makes you think that I'm kidding?

Let's revisit this:
-> Syn kills sacred cows.
What's more sacred to an audiophile than their power cords? And what's more sacred to an audiophile than the deeply rooted conviction that EM is bad?

-> The name Syn.
According to Wikipedia, in Norse mythology, Syn is a goddess associated with defensive refusal.* You just try and convince your spouse and/or landlord and/or oncologist that you want to install a 2.5 metric ton inductor coil below your living room and then tell me again that this ain't the most apt name for a Schiit product yet!

-> Jason said that Syn will likely never be available in silver.
Obviously, duh, since iron cores are graphite colored and copper is, well, copper.

-> According to Jason, Syn as a product has never been discussed or hinted at before.
Show me a past post or interview where Jason discussed a massive induction coil for power delivery and I'll eat both my Tyrs. And a bunch of in situ product shots don't count as "hinted at" because nowhere do they actually show the actual induction coil.

And speaking of in situ product shots leaking upcoming products…
-> There's precedence.
I think it was the product shots for Loki Max that have a pair of Tyrs in it? And that was before Tyr was officially announced!

So, I think it's pretty clear now what Syn must be. There's absolutely no way that it's something else. It all just makes way too much sense this way.

Also, regarding your pointer towards Jason marking his post as having been meant to be in jest: I, too, marked my post in a similar fashion, as I closed it with "True fact, guys!"
As you know, a true fact is not just a simple fact. Nay, it is a TRUE fact. Simple facts can never be trusted, as they are merely factual in nature at a purely logical level. A true fact, in contrast, is emotionally true! And as we all have learned in recent years from much of the world's news and media providers: Who needs logical truths when you can have emotional ones.

I hope that this clarification will help all readers see that they can always place their implicit trust in whatever I write. Especially whenever my statements are outright oozing with logic as much as this post and my preceding one do. ✌️😎

* As opposed to what, any other woman who has ever lived? 🤪 — Yes, I'm single. How can you tell? 😬
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Mar 29, 2023 at 2:22 PM Post #114,943 of 155,100
Now my head hurts....


I doubt you would intentionally spoil Jason's surprise....
Mar 29, 2023 at 2:25 PM Post #114,944 of 155,100
Wait, what makes you think that I'm kidding?

Let's revisit this:
-> Syn kills sacred cows.
What's more sacred to an audiophile than their power cords? And what's more sacred to an audiophile than the deeply rooted conviction that EM is bad?

-> The name Syn.
According to Wikipedia, in Norse mythology, Syn is a goddess associated with defensive refusal. You just try and convince your wife and/or landlord and/or oncologist that you want to install a 2.5 metric ton inductor coil below your living room and then tell me again that this ain't the most apt name for a Schiit product yet!

-> Jason said that Syn will likely never be available in silver.
Obviously, duh, since iron cores are graphite colored and copper is, well, copper.

-> According to Jason, Syn as a product has never been discussed or hinted at before.
Show me a past post or interview where Jason discussed a massive induction coil for power delivery and I'll eat both my Tyrs. And a bunch of in situ product shots don't count as "hinted at" because nowhere do they actually show the actual induction coil.

And speaking of in situ product shots leaking upcoming products…
-> There's precedence.
I think it was the product shots for Loki Max that have a pair of Tyrs in it? And that was before Tyr was officially announced!

So, I think it's pretty clear now what Syn must be. There's absolutely no way that it's something else. It all just makes way too much sense this way.

Also, regarding your pointer towards Jason marking his post as having been meant to be in jest: I, too, marked my post in a similar fashion, as I closed it with "True fact, guys!"
As you know, a true fact is not just a simple fact. Nay, it is a TRUE fact. Simple facts can never be trusted, as they are merely factual in nature at a purely logical level. A true fact, in contrast, is emotionally true! And as we all have learned in recent years from much of the world's news and media providers: Who needs logical truths when you can have emotional ones.

I hope that this clarification will help all readers see that they can always place their implicit trust in whatever I write. Especially whenever my statements are outright oozing with logic as much as this post and my preceding ones do. ✌️😎


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