Schiit Fire and Save Matches! Bifrost Multibit is Here.
Jan 20, 2016 at 5:25 PM Post #1,786 of 2,799
This is just speculation, but I would say a lot of people who believe there is no difference between DACs tend to be very young and may not have much money. It's easier to be happy with a piece of kit if you think spending more money doesn't make any difference. This is IMHO and YMMV.

This is precisely why at Schiit, we are all over converters and amps that are amazing at less than $200.  I remember well my days of youthful poverty.
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Jan 20, 2016 at 5:27 PM Post #1,787 of 2,799
Did you compare the Mojo to the Bimby? What other DACs? Would love a little write-up of your findings.

DACs at the meet were Audio-gd DAC-19, Schiit Gumby and Schiit Yggy. Gumby and Yggy were different intensity levels of the Mike Moffat Burrito, and both were tasty 

I have owned a Bimby. I will own a Bimby again (probably March) and can compare against Mojo then, if you like?
I have, on my own, compared Gumby and Mojo, through a Liquid Carbon into headphones. Gumby was vastly better, IMHO YMMV ... yadda yadda yadda. Gumby had both a more balanced sound (Mojo was more forward on the higher frequencies) and more depth to each sound (Multibit doing its goodness). I never even got to comparing things like soundstage - just did not care much for the Mojo in that dual. Does that mean I'm going to throw away my Mojo, no. I'm going to keep my Mojo (FPGA) and all my mobile (Delta-Sigma) DAC/DAPs until something better happens.
Jan 20, 2016 at 5:43 PM Post #1,788 of 2,799
I have, on my own, compared Gumby and Mojo, through a Liquid Carbon into headphones. Gumby was vastly better, IMHO YMMV ... yadda yadda yadda. Gumby had both a more balanced sound (Mojo was more forward on the higher frequencies) and more depth to each sound (Multibit doing its goodness). I never even got to comparing things like soundstage - just did not care much for the Mojo in that dual. Does that mean I'm going to throw away my Mojo, no. I'm going to keep my Mojo (FPGA) and all my mobile (Delta-Sigma) DAC/DAPs until something better happens.

I came to the exact same conclusion, with the exact same DACs and amp.
The Gumby is VASTLY superior to the Mojo. No contest.
I enjoyed the Mojo for what it is: a very competent (and convenient) portable DAC with TOSlink input. But it can't compare to the big boys. Neither could the Hugo.
Jan 20, 2016 at 5:48 PM Post #1,789 of 2,799
Technical ability or knowledge has nothing to do with what a person hears or doesn't hear. If somebody buys a piece of gear and thinks it sounds better to them, then that's all that matters. Especially if that perceived difference doesn't go away.

I think that you are right that knowledge and technical ability simply don't matter if the person hears or doesn't here something. I nevertheless believe that technical incompetence is often a major bias for people who will be making their choice based on what they read on forums, rather than what they hear. And in the context of boutique audio companies, I think a case can be made that a significant number of buying decisions are made exactly this way.
Jan 20, 2016 at 6:58 PM Post #1,790 of 2,799
  I nevertheless believe that technical incompetence is often a major bias for people who will be making their choice based on what they read on forums, rather than what they hear. 

Yes, but people with high levels of technical competence frequently are even more prone to bias IME, which can skew that person's ability to perceive differences.
More often than not, these people fall into the hard line objectivist camp.  Intellectually they are unwilling to hear differences if the differences cannot be explained with objective proof.  Expectation bias.
Unfortunately for us all, measurements do not come close to providing a complete analysis of all aspects of sound that humans can perceive.
Jan 20, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #1,791 of 2,799
Thanks. But does it work as Linux, like on any computer? From their page it looks like it works only as embedded on systems like Raspberry Pi...

Most of these are prepackaged versions of Linux with the right combination of drivers and packages.  It is something you can do yourself with a bit more work.
For example, I run MPD on a PowerPC iBook (Mac laptop ca 2001? 2003?).  But to do it I had to find a Linux distribution for a PowerPC (took a few tries, ended up with Debian), and then set up MPD and the audio configuration myself.  Personally, I find setting up Linux ALSA to be equal helpings of black magic, forum posts and luck but YMMV.
So, if you have a spare PC laying around, even a really old one, you can make a bootable CD or HDD and give it a whirl if you have the time (hours, not days (well, maybe 1)).  On the other hand,  Sonore will sell you one for a week of minimum wage (US).  Although, having used that same hardware for a Kodi box I'd recommend a Wyrd or similar if you are using a USB DAC.
Jan 20, 2016 at 10:57 PM Post #1,792 of 2,799
This is precisely why at Schiit, we are all over converters and amps that are amazing at less than $200.  I remember well my days of youthful poverty.

This is an awesome point of view.
We need to make sure that there is a new generation of audio enthusiasts for the hobby to continue.
Jan 20, 2016 at 11:33 PM Post #1,793 of 2,799
Thanks. But does it work as Linux, like on any computer? From their page it looks like it works only as embedded on systems like Raspberry Pi...

It's a specialized distro packaged for ARM hardware, which is what I use for streaming from my NAS. Info on other audio-focused distros, can't vouch for the details.
Jan 20, 2016 at 11:43 PM Post #1,794 of 2,799
  Sonore will sell you one for a week of minimum wage (US).  Although, having used that same hardware for a Kodi box I'd recommend a Wyrd or similar if you are using a USB DAC.

I have that same hardware (CuBox) with Volumio. Did not do a careful test, but interposing a Bel Canto mLink USB>S/PDIF converter/reclocker between it and the Bimby (I have a couple of mLinks around) felt like a win.
Jan 21, 2016 at 4:12 PM Post #1,795 of 2,799
This is precisely why at Schiit, we are all over converters and amps that are amazing at less than $200.  I remember well my days of youthful poverty.

And, us older folk can spend money on the amazing stuff over $200.  I've had a Bifrost Uber for a year which I've been very happy with.  I've had a Multibit for a little over a week and, for sure I can hear it, the Multibit sounds better, and it's not subtle.
Jan 21, 2016 at 4:25 PM Post #1,796 of 2,799
  I would really like a multibit Modi. If it's physically impossible, I will have to get a Bimby eventually.

It should be possible. Hifiman managed to fit a piece of PCM1704 into the HM801 DAP. The thing looks like a brick, and has since been discontinued. Since then Hifiman has released the HM802 which uses a delta-sigma Wolfson chip.
Jan 21, 2016 at 4:34 PM Post #1,797 of 2,799
  I would really like a multibit Modi. If it's physically impossible, I will have to get a Bimby eventually.

It should be possible. Hifiman managed to fit a piece of PCM1704 into the HM801 DAP. The thing looks like a brick, and has since been discontinued. Since then Hifiman has released the HM802 which uses a delta-sigma Wolfson chip.

I recall Schiit has already tried to come up with battery powered DAC/amp along the lines of Modi, but it wasn't satisfactory enough and the only outcome from that was Fulla. My understanding is that the DAC/amp considered was Delta-Sigma.
I hope Schiit folks will consider coming up with an R2R portable DAC. A good portable R2R implementation has the potential of driving a stake through the portable DAC market...
Jan 21, 2016 at 7:26 PM Post #1,799 of 2,799
So iv been using the bifrost multibit for a week and... i cant tell any difference from the modi 2.
not only am i dissapointed from the hype, im quite sad because like iv said before i actually wanted to upgrade.
£99 to £600 and nothing :frowning2:
  I just got mine.  If it's better than the ODAC, it's slight, but I'll wait for burn-in and more listening.  My initial A/B did seem to notice that the Bimby was a little cleaner and more natural sounding, but I could have been biased because of "new-toy syndrome." :)

i couldnt even tell a slight difference coming from modi 2
  And now for perhaps one of the most controversial reviews ever.  Tell me what you guys think.

then a few days later i watch this review.. so are my ears broke, are zeos ears broke? why cant i hear it but everyone else can? have we all been tricked by placebo?
im honestly considering getting rid of all my stuff and using some £20 sennheiser earphones from my smart phone.
Jan 21, 2016 at 7:30 PM Post #1,800 of 2,799
The DAC is just one link in the chain. Every piece makes a difference. What kind of sources are you listening to? MP3, AAC, FLAC, streaming....

What headphones and amp are you listening to?


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