Schiit Asgard 3 - Impressions Thread
Feb 13, 2020 at 4:21 PM Post #976 of 2,863
This thread almost convinces me to get the Asgard 3.

Currently living with the Magni 3 and I'm sure it will be leaps and bounds above and waiting for tax time

When not using the Magni 3 I use my vintage my vintage Marantz 2230, that's tough to be at by those standards

So, you ask what is my source and taste in music?? Cd's ripped at 44/16khz wave to Macbook pro laptop. Optical out to SMSL Sanskrit 10 dac to either the Magni 3 or Marantz. Music tastes are classical music of all genres and 80's pop and anything else in between. Headphones are the OneOdio SP10's to wit are an absolute gem for the money

So the question begs how will the Asgard 3 stack up to the Marantz and hopefully be my endgame
Feb 17, 2020 at 1:38 PM Post #979 of 2,863
This seems like good pairing with HD800, anybody tried?

Asgard 3’s relaxed, natural demeanor treats my HD800S and more forward HD650 with a velvet touch, yet no detail is absent.
Feb 19, 2020 at 11:39 AM Post #981 of 2,863
How about the Beyerdynamic T1 2nd gen?

It’s so relaxed and neutral that it should sound good. One question may be whether it can still manage the same natural dynamic swings into 600 ohms. My DT880/600 requires 12 to 1 vol position on hi gain, but I haven’t spent a lot of time with it.
Feb 24, 2020 at 4:41 AM Post #982 of 2,863
How much power does the Asgard 3 draw?

I know it's listed as having a power consumption of 30 watts, but is that constant? Has anyone measured it?

I'm asking specifically because I saw a review of a class A amplifier rated for 35 watts, but the reviewer stated that he had never seen it use more than around 12.
Feb 24, 2020 at 5:23 AM Post #983 of 2,863
I hope everyone here is right about how good asgard 3 is. Just got one in the mail and the sound is horrible, bass is simply missing, mid is in your face and soft treble all with no details at all it is like putting a cheap loud speaker in front of your face. Dreadful
I remember schiit jot as having a v shape sound with weak performance on details but at least that jot has something ” different“ that may appeal to some. This asgrad is a schiit.

Did you plug your headphone cable in all the way? Sounds to me like something is shorted, either on the headphones or the source.
Feb 25, 2020 at 8:53 AM Post #986 of 2,863
Sadly Black version and 4490 Dac card is out of stock in Eu Store:sob:
Noticed this too... Wait for new stock, or take a gamble woth customs by ordering US store?
I asked the UK distributor about the silver version and was told they're expecting stock at the end of this week. I would imagine they are getting more than just the silver version.
The EU distributor only has the silver version listed, though.
Feb 29, 2020 at 6:04 PM Post #989 of 2,863
This thread almost convinces me to get the Asgard 3.

Currently living with the Magni 3 and I'm sure it will be leaps and bounds above and waiting for tax time

When not using the Magni 3 I use my vintage my vintage Marantz 2230, that's tough to be at by those standards

So, you ask what is my source and taste in music?? Cd's ripped at 44/16khz wave to Macbook pro laptop. Optical out to SMSL Sanskrit 10 dac to either the Magni 3 or Marantz. Music tastes are classical music of all genres and 80's pop and anything else in between. Headphones are the OneOdio SP10's to wit are an absolute gem for the money

So the question begs how will the Asgard 3 stack up to the Marantz and hopefully be my endgame

Oh my. I received a Marantz 2230 on my 15th birthday in 1974 (thanks Dad, best gift ever!) paired with a set of Marantz Imperial 7 speakers. I loved this receiver (and the speakers). Had the optional wood case. Finally lost it due to a break-in during the 1980s, but played the heck out it. More than a little envious.

Anyway, I picked up an Asgard 3 yesterday at the Schiitr in Valencia.

I've been lurking here and reading reviews on DACs and headphone amps. Recently bought some Drop X Sennheiser HD 6xxx headphones and wanted a new rig.

Even in the Schiit line up, I was torn between the Asgard 3, the Lyr, the Jotunheim, and (finally) the Magni Heresy/Modi stack.

Being conflicted (and not that far from the Schiitr) I decided to drive up there yesterday and give a listen. I was leaning strongly towards the Magni Heresy/Modi stack unless I was convinced by the sound quality to change gears. I listened to the Asgard 3, the Lyr, the Jotunheim, and the Magni Heresy/Modi stack.

To my ears, there was no contest between the Asgard 3 and the Magni Heresy/Modi stack. Not that the latter is bad, but the Asgard 3 sounded much better to me. Especially on the high end. Listening to Coltrane's sax on Blue Trane was so smooth on the Asgard 3. In contrast, the Magni Heresy sounded "edgy" to my ears. Too bad, because the Magni Heresy is very cute and I like the small size.

I liked the Asgard 3 at least as much (if not more) than the Lyr and the Jotunheim. Clear winner.

I was glad I listened to these myself, as I might have have gone for the stack. That would have been a mistake for my musical taste. Very pleased with it.

My first post on Head-Fi.

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Feb 29, 2020 at 6:55 PM Post #990 of 2,863
Oh my. I received a Marantz 2230 on my 15th birthday in 1974 (thanks Dad, best gift ever!) paired with a set of Marantz Imperial 7 speakers. I loved this receiver (and the speakers). Had the optional wood case. Finally lost it due to a break-in during the 1980s, but played the heck out it. More than a little envious.

Anyway, I picked up an Asgard 3 yesterday at the Schiitr in Valencia.

I've been lurking here and reading reviews on DACs and headphone amps. Recently bought some Drop X Sennheiser HD 6xxx headphones and wanted a new rig.

Even in the Schiit line up, I was torn between the Asgard 3, the Lyr, the Jotunheim, and (finally) the Magni Heresy/Modi stack.

Being conflicted (and not that far from the Schiitr I decided to drive up there yesterday and give a listen. I was leaning strongly towards the Magni Heresy/Modi stack unless I was convinced by the sound quality to change gears. I listened to the Asgard 3, the Lyr, the Jotunheim, and the Magni Heresy/Modi stack.

To my ears, there was no contest between the Asgard 3 and the Magni Heresy/Modi stack. Not that the latter is bad, but the Asgard 3 sounded much better to me. Especially on the high end. Listening to Coltraine's sax on Blue Trane was so smooth on the Asgard 3. In contrast, the Magni Heresy sounded "edgy" to my ears. Too bad, because the Magni Heresy is very cute and I like the small size.

I liked the Asgard 3 at least as much (if not more) than the Lyr and the Jotunheim. Clear winner.

I was glad I listened to these myself, as I might have have gone for the stack. That would have been a mistake for my musical taste. Very pleased with it.

My first post on Head-Fi.


Good move; the A3/HD6 has wonderful synergy. When you’re ready, you can scale that combo WAY up with a dac that will really unravel detail and have true timbre. (assuming music files of at least Redbook quality). Bifrost 2 or other dac of that quality is not unreasonable to combine with them. Have fun!
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