Scariest movies around
Aug 21, 2006 at 6:26 AM Post #32 of 82
Alien was the first movie to pop into my head when I saw the thread title.

I'm surprised to see Blair Witch mentioned here. I really liked it, but it's actually less a horror movie than a traditional ghost story, told using modern methods. The accompanying "documentary" was pretty creepy.

Ginger Snaps is a "teen" monster movie that doesn't cop out by being glib or formulaic. Makes Joss Whedon's show look like fairy floss.

Oh, Cube might qualify as a horror movie, though it's usually classified as sci-fi.
Aug 21, 2006 at 7:22 AM Post #33 of 82
original Exorcist
'' Ring (Japanese version)
'' Ring O (Japanese version)
'' Audition (Japanese version)
'' The Omen
'' Dark Water (Japanese version)
'' Ginger Snaps
Aug 21, 2006 at 7:26 AM Post #34 of 82

Originally Posted by BillyC
Another vote for Blair Witch. Scariest thing I've ever seen. I wish more movies would let your brain do the work instead of the graphic violence that is in more horor movies.

The single creepiest thing I've ever seen, was Seven for the same reason. All you got was B&W photos, forensics and your mind got to create the tortures.

I saw Seven in a packed theater and it was the only time I've ever been in a show where after the credits not a peep was made by anyone the entire way back to their cars.

i agree that Seven was a creepy movie...that and 8mm are two movies that make me sick.

i would have been scared during Blair Witch had i not known going into it that it was "fake"...others around me who didn't know this were freaking out. rightly so, i guess...
Aug 21, 2006 at 10:03 AM Post #36 of 82
The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

It scared my wife so bad that we had to sleep that night with the bedroom light on
Aug 21, 2006 at 10:51 AM Post #37 of 82

Originally Posted by 3DCadman
The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

It scared my wife so bad that we had to sleep that night with the bedroom light on

Haha! I had an even worse experience: I couldn't finish the movie...
I was on my own and it was just all too much to handle.
Aug 21, 2006 at 2:00 PM Post #38 of 82
I always have trouble defining "scary".... if you want deep psychological scares, Takashi Miike's "Audition" is a superb movie. For having the hairs on the back of your neck raise, watch the last 20 minutes of "Blair Witch Project", alone in the dark on a large screen... The original Japanese "Ju-on" has both visual and auditorial moments of being very disturbing - .... The first "Nightmare On Elm Street" is worth a good jump-out-of-your-skin watch.

I'd say one of the most disturbing movies of all time in terms of it's premise was Tobe Hoopers' Texas Chainsaw Massacre... also in terms of a disturbing premise, "Hostel" could have been a MUCH better movie had the directorial reigns gone to someone a little more talented than Eli Roth. Don't get me wrong, I admire him for his love of grue and slop, but the man has a lot to learn about building tension and a sense of dread. I assume Mr Roth never saw any Hitchcock. If he had, I wouldn't have spent the entire movie not really caring what happened to our hero.

Another vote for The Omen. Scary movie.
Aug 21, 2006 at 2:18 PM Post #39 of 82
There are two types of scariness, one involves scary scenes that have objects/situations only possible in a fictional setting, another involves scary scenes that have common household objects such as mirrors, walls, beds, telephones and isolated rooms. From the second type people are easily reminded the movie just by looking at objects in their home, so that's more scary.
Aug 21, 2006 at 2:27 PM Post #40 of 82

Originally Posted by eyeresist
Ginger Snaps ...

Ginger Snaps is probably my most watched "horror" movie ever. Not exactly scary but extraordinarily good fun and very entertaining... great cast, fantastic script. Thoroughly recommended...but avoid the US version, full screen no extras. Get the Canadian edition, widescreen and a bucket of really cool extras.

Edit: For REALLY disturbing, check out "Flower Of Flesh And Blood" from the Guinea Pig series. This is, allegedly, the movie that had, IIRC, Charlie Sheen calling the cops because he thought it was an actual snuff movie. On the DVD, there's a kind of easter egg that allows you to "enjoy" the movie as if it was shot on 8mm, very grainy etc. Watching the movie that way REALLY does make it 100% more "lifelike"...

Another "scary-ewww, gross" movie: Buio Omega AKA Beyond The Darkness about a taxidermist who's not quite ready to say 'goodbye' when his girlfriend dies.....
Aug 21, 2006 at 3:00 PM Post #41 of 82

Originally Posted by Julz
Edit: For REALLY disturbing, check out "Flower Of Flesh And Blood" from the Guinea Pig series. This is, allegedly, the movie that had, IIRC, Charlie Sheen calling the cops because he thought it was an actual snuff movie. On the DVD, there's a kind of easter egg that allows you to "enjoy" the movie as if it was shot on 8mm, very grainy etc. Watching the movie that way REALLY does make it 100% more "lifelike"...

The Guinea Pig series is more hype than anything else, but there is one that I remember as being OK involving this guy who couldn't die, it got some laughs.

Another one that comes to mind is Naked Blood. A bit of a gross out flick - it involves people taking drugs (or something) which converts feelings of pain into pleasure. Japanese cinema at its finest - there is a scene where this girl deep-frys her own hand (which is still attached), moaning in blissful ecstasy, then she eats it! haha!
Aug 21, 2006 at 3:16 PM Post #42 of 82

Originally Posted by muckshot
The Guinea Pig series is more hype than anything else, but there is one that I remember as being OK involving this guy who couldn't die, it got some laughs.

Another one that comes to mind is Naked Blood. A bit of a gross out flick - it involves people taking drugs (or something) which converts feelings of pain into pleasure. Japanese cinema at it's finest - there is a scene where this girl deep-frys her own hand (which is still attached), moaning in blissful ecstasy, then she eats it! haha!

Naked Blood was a cool movie Just sooo over the top to be amusing, like Ichi The Killer ! Flower....Blood had no story at all, just the ritualized dismemberment of a young girl... He Never Dies was one of the weakest in the series, IMO. Well, I guess it depends what you're looking for....
Aug 22, 2006 at 12:46 AM Post #43 of 82

Originally Posted by Julz
Naked Blood was a cool movie Just sooo over the top to be amusing, like Ichi The Killer ! Flower....Blood had no story at all, just the ritualized dismemberment of a young girl... He Never Dies was one of the weakest in the series, IMO. Well, I guess it depends what you're looking for....

Hey, you're in NYC right? Is the 'Korova Milk Bar' in the village with the Clockwork Orange theme still open? That place ruled! TVs all over the place playing insane horror and gore movies to old school hip-hop, haha. First time I ever saw Riki-Oh was in that place, man I thought I was going to lose my mind! The next day I went all over the Manhattan looking for a copy of it in vain until I came across this guy who had a 'stand' (two VCRs and a bunch of tapes) and I bought and Nth generation bootleg off him. The tape was OK, but this guy was totally nuts.

You're right, 'He Never Dies' was pretty bad, I just remember that it cracked me up while the other left me a bit cold, that fake snuff stuff just bores the hell out of me-- can't really imagine getting enjoyment out of it, but like you said, it all depends on what you're looking for.
Aug 22, 2006 at 4:47 PM Post #45 of 82

Originally Posted by Julz
I always have trouble defining "scary".... if you want deep psychological scares, Takashi Miike's "Audition" is a superb movie.

[size=large]WARNING! SLIGHT SPOILER[/size]

The "hour-long" torture scene was extremely intense. I really didn't see it coming. There are also a lot of other very interesting (but deeply disturbing) scenes and touches. IMO, this film is a real masterpiece and I urge everyone who thinks they've got a tough stomach to see it. After watching this film, you might think that it is nothing but gore. I thought so too, but after some thought, I have found this film profoundly thought-provoking. I want to see this film again, but I'm not sure I can sit through all the gore again! Have a search on the web and you'll find all sorts of discussion about the philosophical implications and metaphors that were used in the film. I'll give "Audition" a solid 8.5 out of 10.


Originally Posted by muckshot
Japanese cinema at its finest - there is a scene where this girl deep-frys her own hand (which is still attached), moaning in blissful ecstasy, then she eats it! haha!

Sounds nice!

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