Agree w datura647. It would be great if we could get a running total of people interested to go to the S. Diego meet but I'm getting the feel that it may be best to go ahead and schedule a place, time based on a gestimate of those that would want to attend.
Its so difficult to get #'s based on input so far. I figure this:
A. plan on having 10-20 people present their gear
B. maybe up to 100-200 or so people to come by and listen throughout the day.
C. based on above, a room that would fit 10 or so large tables (tables that would comfortably fit 2 head-fiers w their gear)
D. room that would fit up to 60 or so people. I don't expect people to stay the whole day (is that an assumption that is correct?)
I had a few ideas. I went into Fry's electronics in S. Marcos. Interesting thing about the place is that they have a cafe right in the middle of the store. About 10-13 small tables. Pros: food readily available, FREE setup for us (as per the manager - no fee to reserve the place). Cons: no guarantee of table availability, may be a bit noisy, small tables, no ready access to recepticles.
Another idea I had was a local restaurant/buffet called Alfresco's. Pros: again, great food readily available, good sized tables, readily available recepticles. Cons: may be a bit noisy, ?price (I'm working on a quote now)
I'm also looking at Cal State San Marcos for a room.
Heck, if I knew I could confidently get whatever money is needed upfront back, this would be of no concern. I see our colleague in N.Cal has already booked a $800 room for late August. He's asking for donations of $10-20. I would love to do that but am in no position to right now.
Please keep your input flowing!!!