San Diego/North County California
Jun 9, 2009 at 4:01 AM Post #16 of 82
If you guys have a small meet, I would do it at Gelat Vero off of Washington and India street.

Edit: I don't know why I said I would do it, I'm living in Japan right now. I just wanted to put out a suggestion
Jun 9, 2009 at 6:08 AM Post #17 of 82
Phangtonpower, I looked on the web for Gelat Vero. Seems it maybe a bit too crowded. Another concern would be that the atmosphere would be too loud to listen to cans. That's the impression I got from the description. Was your impression different? Was there a relatively large quiet area to layout our gear?

There's a university very nearby to where I live...Cal State San Marcos and a nearby Hilton. I'll check these places out for pricing.

Please chime in on any places you'all can think of where you'd like to have the meet.
Jun 9, 2009 at 6:53 AM Post #18 of 82
I haven't been there for some time, but we used to have regular family vacations at the Town and Country on Hotel Circle. I remember it having a great deal of meeting rooms, convention space, places to eat, and easy freeway access.

Also, if you get things rolling, you should PM invites to the LA and Orange County members and vendors. San Diego is a pretty easy road trip from here - you might be able to assemble a larger sized meet. It would be awesome if there were quality meets in San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego every year.
Jun 9, 2009 at 9:02 AM Post #19 of 82
Yeah GelatoVero can be a little loud, but if it were to be a small meet and you asked them, the up stairs has a nice little section where they maybe able to shut the music off and has lots of power strips. It's fairly quiet up there since people go there to study.
Anyway just a suggestion. SD has many places to have meets though.
I wonder if there are any headfiers in TJ that might want to do a meet as well. You can make it international

Good Luck!
Jun 9, 2009 at 10:02 AM Post #20 of 82
I live in San Diego, near North Park area. I would love to meet up and try some equipment! and share my own of course..

edit: If someone wants to organize a more "official" meet, there are plenty of hotels in downtown SD that can provide us a conference room or whatever we may need. Also in this economy hotels are offering great deals.

Also, there's a store called Sound Company in San Diego near the Sports Arena next door to Phil's BBQ. In my experience this is the only true high end audio store in the city. Maybe we can invite them to the meet, and they will bring some stuff to listen to
Jun 9, 2009 at 2:54 PM Post #21 of 82
Ok. I'll look into those places. I'm very familiar w Town and Country and its a BIG place. Big enough for an international meet for sure but is wonder if that's what we're after. I'll try the local Hilton, look into the Town and Country and can use some of my contacts here in N. County for places/better rates.

Datura647 would you be able to look into specific places in the S. Diego area? We can then come up with a list of venues and prices and decide from there.
Jun 10, 2009 at 4:28 AM Post #22 of 82

Originally Posted by j2kei /img/forum/go_quote.gif
san diego is pretty far drive for me. live in LA here, but driving 2 hrs for a meet is kinda hard. im into this stuff, but i do have other stuff to do

Hahaha, 2 hours? I have to drive 4 hours for any sort of a meet, so I don't want to hear you complaining
Jun 10, 2009 at 5:39 AM Post #23 of 82

Originally Posted by j2kei /img/forum/go_quote.gif
san diego is pretty far drive for me. live in LA here, but driving 2 hrs for a meet is kinda hard. im into this stuff, but i do have other stuff to do


Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hahaha, 2 hours? I have to drive 4 hours for any sort of a meet, so I don't want to hear you complaining

As a Van Jam'er all I can say is "Kids today!"
Jun 12, 2009 at 9:56 AM Post #25 of 82
I may be up for another meet. It's only an hour away, so if the timing is right I'd be up for it.
Jun 12, 2009 at 5:34 PM Post #26 of 82
Ok. So I've looked around and gotten some quotes for places.
Pretty much the fee for a hotel or hotel/convention center such as Town and Country would range from $300 to $700(Town and Country). This would be for 7 hrs as I expect we'd like to meet from say 10am to 5pm on a weekend day.
I would have thought local community centers would be cheaper but they charge a hefty $60-$100/hr.

I doubt that the above venues would fit our need as I would think we'd like to meet and not pay another hefty entry fee just to cover our admission. I'd want to aim for no more than $10 fee/person to cover our expenses.

I'm thinking of an alternative solution. Perhaps a Win-Win. What about having our meet at a local Borders Cafe or Barnes & Nobel (if they'd have us)? They need customers and need to sell CD's and we need space. I'll contact the businesses and run this buy them.

Anyone else have any ideas? Seems that we're a very low key low maintenance group - just need recepticles and a place that's relatively quiet to listen. Who woulden't want us right?
Jun 12, 2009 at 5:53 PM Post #27 of 82
I'm not sure about a Barnes and Noble... is there even space to set stuff up? If you can find a university student, maybe they can reserve one of the various conference rooms around campus for a meet.
Jun 12, 2009 at 7:29 PM Post #28 of 82
How much space (square feet, whatever) would we need? This would help out a lot in looking for a room. Maybe if we can get a running tally of how many people would definitely come to a SD meet, and how much gear each would bring, we can get a better idea of the space. I can check with my school if there is a spare room to use.
Jun 13, 2009 at 4:29 AM Post #29 of 82
Hmm, I live near the La Jolla area, about 15-20 minute drive. UCSD is pretty much in La Jolla. I don't know their policy on trying to have an event, but I know they hold a lot of other event stuff there. If it's made public to the university, I'm guessing that UCSD wouldn't mind too much as long as its maintained, organized, etc.

However, I'm thinking I might head out of SD for the summer soon and go back to LA. The drive back isn't too bad for me as I'm quite used to it I guess. As long as the date is a good one, I should be able to make it back.
Jun 13, 2009 at 5:56 AM Post #30 of 82
Agree w datura647. It would be great if we could get a running total of people interested to go to the S. Diego meet but I'm getting the feel that it may be best to go ahead and schedule a place, time based on a gestimate of those that would want to attend.

Its so difficult to get #'s based on input so far. I figure this:
A. plan on having 10-20 people present their gear
B. maybe up to 100-200 or so people to come by and listen throughout the day.
C. based on above, a room that would fit 10 or so large tables (tables that would comfortably fit 2 head-fiers w their gear)
D. room that would fit up to 60 or so people. I don't expect people to stay the whole day (is that an assumption that is correct?)

I had a few ideas. I went into Fry's electronics in S. Marcos. Interesting thing about the place is that they have a cafe right in the middle of the store. About 10-13 small tables. Pros: food readily available, FREE setup for us (as per the manager - no fee to reserve the place). Cons: no guarantee of table availability, may be a bit noisy, small tables, no ready access to recepticles.

Another idea I had was a local restaurant/buffet called Alfresco's. Pros: again, great food readily available, good sized tables, readily available recepticles. Cons: may be a bit noisy, ?price (I'm working on a quote now)

I'm also looking at Cal State San Marcos for a room.

Heck, if I knew I could confidently get whatever money is needed upfront back, this would be of no concern. I see our colleague in N.Cal has already booked a $800 room for late August. He's asking for donations of $10-20. I would love to do that but am in no position to right now.

Please keep your input flowing!!!

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