SACD II to be Announced in September

Sep 5, 2003 at 3:00 PM Post #62 of 85
Did not see anything. And IFA in Berlin is over as well... I really care about this, as I am not putting down any money for a new source unless there is clarification on the standard.
Sep 5, 2003 at 3:24 PM Post #63 of 85
Digiphiles screwed over by the large Japanese corporations yet again. Big suprise there.

I'll bet krell is pretty pissed of since they just released the SACD standard which they put a ****load of R&D into.

Ah well... maybe this means i'll get a cheap SCD-1 on audiogon.
Sep 5, 2003 at 3:25 PM Post #64 of 85
SACD II...I didn't knew that

I think i gonna treasure my MFSL gold CDs even more
Sep 5, 2003 at 7:56 PM Post #65 of 85

Originally posted by TimSchirmer

I'll bet krell is pretty pissed of since they just released the SACD standard which they put a ****load of R&D into.

Ah well... maybe this means i'll get a cheap SCD-1 on audiogon.

The SACD Standard has SACD2 support built into it.
Sep 17, 2003 at 5:44 PM Post #67 of 85
I just ordered a long time "want", a Musical Fidelity A3.24 DAC for upsampling standard red-book CD's to 24 bit. That with a couple of cheapie Sony SACD players (NSV500 and NS755) in the house means I think I can JUST hold on till the idiots figure out how to milk us out of the maximum dollar.
Anybody had any experience with the MF DAC? It got a glowing review in Stereophile and I am really looking forward to it.
Sep 18, 2003 at 12:19 AM Post #68 of 85
They are probably waiting until DEC 7 to announce it so it hurts more.
Oct 9, 2003 at 7:20 PM Post #70 of 85
So here we are on Oct. 9, still no SACD 2, sky hasn't fallen. Feeling pretty smug.
Oct 10, 2003 at 12:08 AM Post #71 of 85
Maybe they meant September 2004? J/K...
Nov 8, 2003 at 9:14 PM Post #73 of 85

Originally posted by TimSchirmer
Digiphiles screwed over by the large Japanese corporations yet again. Big suprise there.

I'll bet krell is pretty pissed of since they just released the SACD standard which they put a ****load of R&D into.

Ah well... maybe this means i'll get a cheap SCD-1 on audiogon.

A delayed (or non-existent) SACD is not so bad -- first, the idea of adding video to SACD discs (a la DVD-A) is just painful. And also, SACD marketing is confusing enough without adding even more to the mix.

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