SACD II to be Announced in September

Jul 23, 2003 at 5:47 PM Post #46 of 85
I see Dan, no worries.
Jul 23, 2003 at 11:57 PM Post #47 of 85
Only one good thing can come from this...


Serisously, I was gonna buy a C222ES this friday. I guess I'll buy a lower entry-level model and get a C555 later this year, or early next year.
Jul 24, 2003 at 4:10 AM Post #48 of 85
.digital compact cassettes (DCC)
pre-recorded reel-to-reel tapes
quadraphonic sound [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, those were offered, but none were of significance, excepting 8 tracks possibly, and that can only be blamed on the widespread drug use prevalent then.
AND, most importantly, none of them were upgraded or obsoleted by a newer version of the format.

Jul 24, 2003 at 2:06 PM Post #49 of 85
Smart move from sony.

They notice massmarkets is for DVD and they arent realy catching the audiophile stuff, so they count that if they litlebit piss of small amount of audiophiles, that mostly will buy new sacdII players in the end, and gain massmarket people its win.

Its closing to the thing I have been thinking about, cd that has the highquality studio recording and then the live concert version with video and not as good as studio sounds. Current Music DVD's/ live records keep having ****ty sound, but pairing them with Studio recording in "audiophile" format would make people curious to try what would the recording sound with good system --> more money to companies.
Jul 24, 2003 at 5:45 PM Post #50 of 85
I would hope this turns out to be nothing, but in some ways this would be the right time to make the move if it needs to be made. The format has really not gotten adopted and the market right now is the size of a good trial run. They need something to make the format catch on.

I don't believe they would abandon all the machines that are out there though. First off it would create a huge information nightmare since currently most folks haven't heard of SACD, with this one stroke you would not only have to inform them about SACD but SACD 2 as well and explain why their machine doesn't work with SACD2 discs. It would also put SONY in the position of starting off with a zero installed base when it's already running behind DVD-Audio in installed machine. The format has not been hot enough to take that kind of a hit.

OTOH, they could have backward compatible SACD in the new machines and add a new SACD2 format for anyone who wants the improved copy protection/video features. This would make the format a decision of whoever was releasing the content. Originally there would probably be very few titles in SACD2 which wouldn't matter to SONY, the SACD2 format would be there to market to record companies. Then if they let the SACD2 machines percolate into the market for a couple of years most of the machines will support it and gradually new SACD2 titles will come out until finally the new format is accepted. They need a few killer discs that will make folks upgrade their old machines in there somewhere, but that is an easy thing to plan even if it never comes to fruition.

Jul 24, 2003 at 6:56 PM Post #51 of 85
I believe that I can explain all this with 1 headline:

Sony profit falls 98 percent
Lower sales of electronics, video games, music and movies

TOKYO, July 24 — Japanese electronics and entertainment giant Sony Corp. reported a 98 percent decline in profit for the April-June quarter as sales faltered in key businesses such as electronics, video games, movies and music.

Any Questions?
Jul 24, 2003 at 7:17 PM Post #52 of 85
Erm, so potentially pissing off a portion of their diminishing customer base is the solution?
I could see this as a good explanation if SACD was cancelled altogether, they would be circling the wagons on focusing on core stuff. But that doesn't explain a *re-launch* of the format.
Jul 24, 2003 at 8:38 PM Post #53 of 85
I believe Markl is dead-on with his assessment of "a tempest-in-a-teapot." Sony, despite its heritage, isn't about to commit fiscal hara-kiri.

My biggest concern is that the release of first-rate universal players will be pushed back still further. I seriously need a DVI equipped universal machine for a home theatre. I think the wait just got longer.
Jul 24, 2003 at 11:21 PM Post #55 of 85
I think that part of the electronic companies' problems is that they keep releasing these new formats, and continue to release newer models with more features at lower prices, leading to a kind of deflationary market. I've been in the market for a new DVD player with progressive scan for about a year now, but keep putting it off because, first, I thought I might like a model with DVD-A capability, just to try out. Then, I thought I'd wait for a decent universal player (a la the Denon 2900, Marantz 8400), and replace my current DVD player and the 222ES in one fell swoop. But now there are rumors of the new "blue laser" HD DVD players coming, and SACD II, so I'm inclined to wait again.

It seems that if, by buying a new product now, I'm going to be stuck with something that will soon be "obsolete," I might as well sit on my money and keep the gear I have. As someone who has perfectly good and functioning gear, it makes little sense for me to go out and spend another $1000 on a universal player to replace it, when in just the next couple years either (1) I can get an equivalent-performing model for much less money, or (2) get a model with much higher performance via a "new and improved" format for the same money.

In short, instead of spending money on new product now, I continuously have my sights set on the "new and improved" carrot the manufacturers set before me. After all, aren't I extremely happy that I never bought a DCC player? True, technology always has, and always will, marched forward with better performing gear, but nowadays that march seems to be at an outrageously accelerated pace.

I probably should mention that even though I already own an SACD player, I only own about ten or twelve SACDs in a collection of approximately 400 CDs. I (now) am very careful to only buy Hybrid discs -- just in case -- which, ironically, makes it very difficult to buy practically anything that one of SACD's founders (Sony) puts on disc.

Maybe in the end, I'll buy a cheap Panasonic or Samsung progressive scan player to replace my aging unit, and simply save my money to upgrade my Dynaudio Audience 60s to some Dynaudio Contour 3.4s, or Sonus Faber Cremonas. Speakers, unlike a new universal player or other high-end digital source, seem like a safe bet to me. Manufacturers are only too eager to unleash new technology for storage of the source material, but the general tried and true methods for coupling that information to the air seems less likely to change.

Just my two-cents. (And despite all this, I still am looking forward to Tuberoller's review of the Denon 2900. Will the madness ever end?)
Jul 25, 2003 at 3:08 AM Post #56 of 85
Oh come on Markl,

You had to know DanG was joking. I read that and started lauging. And then I read how you replied and started lauging more for you getting miffed!


Oh BTW I just got my SCD-1 yesterday. Wow. I can just sit and stare at this mechanical work of art....sounds pretty damn good too! I need to reaquire r10s. But that is a year or two off.
Damn it... Hopefully the hd650s will satisfy until then!

Oh yeah, cant wait to mod this baby!
Jul 25, 2003 at 4:56 AM Post #58 of 85

Originally posted by bangraman
(Looks slowly at XA777 and XA333)

Is it time for me to say "Bugger!"?

Bugger...I love that word. Oh well, if SACD goes down the ****ter, at least I can use my source for DVD, and then go out and get a really good redbook rig.
Jul 25, 2003 at 6:49 AM Post #59 of 85

Originally posted by spaceman
Bugger...I love that word. Oh well, if SACD goes down the ****ter, at least I can use my source for DVD, and then go out and get a really good redbook rig.

I like both for redbook too in different ways but clearly that's not the whole point... I've got a Luxman universal player on their way to me too, this entire plan is not shaping up well.

I can't believe that Sony will make a non backwards compatible format so I will live in hope.

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