S:flo2 impressions thread
Aug 10, 2010 at 8:43 PM Post #2,178 of 3,682

Quick question ...
When going from 2.2 to 2.3, using the "Regular" theme pack, is everything still rendered in English? This not being an official Nationite firmware update, I'm not too keen on the idea of my player menus being in Chinese. Just curious before I go through with it.
Thanks in advance.

2.3 "Black and Blue" (thanks to Swanlee)
Regular 2.3: (thanks to Borrego)
I heartily recommend Black and Blue, the darker theme of the two in the pack is what I use.
To update you follow Routine 2, repeat Routine 2(!) here, scroll down a bit to find it:
Be sure to follow the USB Drivers bit in step 4 if it's your first time updating. The next post in the thread walks you through it. It's all pretty straightforward and you know when it's done as the player starts up again and goes into USB mode.
The link to the firmware drivers and update tool is in the thread. Also worth nothing that you need to keep all this on the desktop (I think) when updating.

Aug 10, 2010 at 9:47 PM Post #2,179 of 3,682
If it changes it to Chinese you can  just change it back to English, all firmware version even the Chinese ones has an English language option.
Aug 11, 2010 at 3:15 AM Post #2,181 of 3,682

Yea but you can't help but coming back to the SFLO threads expressing your opinion of how much you hate it over and over and over again, so something draws you back to talk about it.
The ui is not that bad, scrolling to music when browsing by directory is not that bad. Yea it's not the snazzy player that shoots fireworks every time you tap it but gees it is one of the best sounding portable players on the market and is sold at a VERY good price.
I wanted the best sound portable player I could get without spending a ton of money and that is exactly what the SFLO:2 is, the UI issues are hardly a big deal when you simply want to play music and you use the browse directory option.


I come back in hopes, you know, that someone at Teclast is reading. They could change the thing from a touchscreen to a button'd player. I also enjoy the sound as long as I don't worry about anything else; the problem is that that isn't possible. 
I do wish the firmware could be dragged and dropped rather than relying on an executable file. 
This is an impressions thread, so I am impressing my bit. I keep reading, hoping that things have changed a little: that the unit can be updated without trouble; that it will get gapless, that the touch elements can be worked out to universal controls. 
I DO want to like this player very much, but I don't because of the issues. 

Aug 11, 2010 at 3:28 AM Post #2,182 of 3,682


I come back in hopes, you know, that someone at Teclast is reading. They could change the thing from a touchscreen to a button'd player. I also enjoy the sound as long as I don't worry about anything else; the problem is that that isn't possible. 
I do wish the firmware could be dragged and dropped rather than relying on an executable file. 
This is an impressions thread, so I am impressing my bit. I keep reading, hoping that things have changed a little: that the unit can be updated without trouble; that it will get gapless, that the touch elements can be worked out to universal controls. 
I DO want to like this player very much, but I don't because of the issues. 

I think you've been pretty clear about your feelings on the player.  We all know you like the sound.  I certainly don't see you as an Sflo2 hater.  Honestly if you can rockbox an iPod or a Sansa, the Sflo is cake.
Aug 11, 2010 at 3:47 AM Post #2,183 of 3,682
I also don't care for fancy gadgets or SFX or anything. For those reasons, my iPod shuffle is still one of my favourites. I dislike that it lacks gapless playback however, a 'fancy effect' from the days of cassette players, CD players, MD players and a whole slew of portable music formats that have been 'dead' for years. 
Gapless isn't too much to ask. Cowon, even Cowon, have finally gotten the message. 
2,5 or whatever firmware is next: why not that feature?
Aug 11, 2010 at 4:03 AM Post #2,184 of 3,682

At least you own one and have used it and heard it.  Your impressions are valid , unlike some who post their impressions here based on no experience at all Their impressions are based on what they read from other's impressions and are totally worthless. I can see following a thread to see if the product has improved, but to follow a thread just to comment on how happy they are that they didn't buy the product is beyond me.   Its useful to see the pros and cons based on ACTUAL experience.  IMO

I come back in hopes, you know, that someone at Teclast is reading. They could change the thing from a touchscreen to a button'd player. I also enjoy the sound as long as I don't worry about anything else; the problem is that that isn't possible. 
I do wish the firmware could be dragged and dropped rather than relying on an executable file. 
This is an impressions thread, so I am impressing my bit. I keep reading, hoping that things have changed a little: that the unit can be updated without trouble; that it will get gapless, that the touch elements can be worked out to universal controls. 
I DO want to like this player very much, but I don't because of the issues. 

Aug 11, 2010 at 6:23 AM Post #2,185 of 3,682
S1rrah, instructions for changing your player back to English are on the MP4Nation link at the bottom of the update guide, if it happens. It's about 4 button presses and no big deal.
I can understand Shigzeo's wish list. I'd like gapless, kinetic scrolling, the bugs with the way things are listed ironed out so I wouldn't have to browse by directory all the time, but whether they'll happen is another question. In the grand scheme of things though, it's not big deal. Consumer electronics are always on the move, and in the last couple of years we've seen more and more players released catering for the people after sound quality, so while I'm enjoying the S:Flo2 now having worked around it's shortcomings, it's only my 2nd ever DAP and certainly won't be my last.
Aug 11, 2010 at 7:08 AM Post #2,186 of 3,682


I come back in hopes, you know, that someone at Teclast is reading. They could change the thing from a touchscreen to a button'd player. I also enjoy the sound as long as I don't worry about anything else; the problem is that that isn't possible. 
I do wish the firmware could be dragged and dropped rather than relying on an executable file. 
This is an impressions thread, so I am impressing my bit. I keep reading, hoping that things have changed a little: that the unit can be updated without trouble; that it will get gapless, that the touch elements can be worked out to universal controls. 
I DO want to like this player very much, but I don't because of the issues. 

Well unfortunately with Chinese players in general alot of your issues are never going to be resolved, as far as wanting buttons ETC. that would just be a completely different player all together. The SFLO:2 is what it is, it is not a small screened player with hard buttons
The only time Teclast listens to forums about issues with their players is on certain chinese BBS forums and that's only if a huge deal and a major issue is found. Most of your problems with this player would involve just a completely new player and probably from a different company.
Aug 11, 2010 at 7:31 AM Post #2,187 of 3,682

S1rrah, instructions for changing your player back to English are on the MP4Nation link at the bottom of the update guide, if it happens. It's about 4 button presses and no big deal.
I can understand Shigzeo's wish list. I'd like gapless, kinetic scrolling, the bugs with the way things are listed ironed out so I wouldn't have to browse by directory all the time, but whether they'll happen is another question. In the grand scheme of things though, it's not big deal. Consumer electronics are always on the move, and in the last couple of years we've seen more and more players released catering for the people after sound quality, so while I'm enjoying the S:Flo2 now having worked around it's shortcomings, it's only my 2nd ever DAP and certainly won't be my last.

my sflo2s got kinetic scrolling ,dont they all?
Aug 11, 2010 at 8:57 AM Post #2,188 of 3,682
Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology. I meant Apple-like scrolling you find on the iPhone, iPad and touchpads, where you can accelerate up and down long lists with ease and the speed is variable depending on the speed of the finger swipe. The S:Flo2's scroll speed is fixed and even the biggest swipe doesn't get you very far down a list, and you have to 'swipe, pause, swipe' as trying to scroll too quickly means you end up playing songs or going into subfolders you didn't want.
Aug 11, 2010 at 9:03 AM Post #2,189 of 3,682
I wish mine were smoother, or instead, have Teclast just give up and include scrolling buttons on the screen. Wouldn't mind a more user-adjustable EQ for next firmware either. 
Cannot believe how much voltage is spit out of the HPO - even my 150Ω Sunrise (really really good earbuds) that are comfortable at 60% volume on my iPod touch is way too loud at about 1/4 of the volume. On big headphones, however, I find very little difference in output volume (600Ω DT880)
Aug 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM Post #2,190 of 3,682
2.3 lowered the volume a bit, if you didn't know already. Think that is part of the reason why you got the buzz when the screen was on, which is also fixed.
An 'A B C D' down the side in the lists would be greatly appreciated too, it's much easier to go from A to N this way, rather than having to keep swiping with your finger.

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