Rumor: New Sennheiser Flagship to be surfaced ........ soon
Mar 15, 2015 at 4:49 PM Post #302 of 603
For me its not important what do you think of me,and in the past,who was the guy was knowing about K812?who was the guy that post as first the Name and Photo from the upcoming flagship from Akg in the past?

Fact is, at this time i will not give more information about sennheisers .......sorry

I wish all a nice Day

Regards Nomax
Mar 15, 2015 at 5:00 PM Post #303 of 603
I remember the pictures leaked of the hd800 about three months before announcement. Still kind of hard to believe because they go years on each headphone and the 800s were so ahead of their time that they are still valid and in the run for the top headphones produced, so why develop a new model. Just doesn't make sense, but who knows....
Mar 15, 2015 at 5:05 PM Post #304 of 603
In a few weeks a Teaser will come about the new sennheiser ........

Regards Nomax
Nomax confirmed. It's going down. 
Nomax, any inside information on Half-Life 3? That would be a record breaking leak! 

He doesn't know details himself, even at Sennheiser it's still in the works.

All the comments from that Nomax guy I've seen so far are just a rough summary on what has already been known or speculated about in the past months. Either you know something for sure and are able to post some details in a serious manner as well as also stating clearly where you knowledge ends or you try to gain some attention to yourself (or to your ego...) by posting mysterious comments about rumors already known over the web. Looks to me like the second way at the moment.

I mean you just need to check out the signature of that guy on a German forum, where he calls himself "GREATEST HEADPHONE GURU FROM EUROPE" and is permanently using every opportunity to speak about his still in the original package and sealed Sennheiser Orpheus set he got at home. Not even speaking of the endless number of posts where he needs to mention that he is one of three owners of an Abyss headphone in Austria (based on his knowledge) or his statement that no one except him does have such an expensive collection of headphones. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to bash him here, it's just that I try to check where rumors are coming from and even more importent...from whom. Everyone is of course free to design his online presence to his own will and liking.

However I am sorry to say, but someone who seems ("seems", because I don't know the psychological background of that guy) to be desperately searching for attention on the web or throughout the community like that, simply isn't a trustworthy source for me. Maybe he convices me of the contrary, but at the moment this is my impression of what I've learned so far.

Furthermore even if he would be some kind of Sennheiser insider or get his infos from them or some Sennheiser HQ visits, Sennheiser wouldn't be very much amused about that. Some companies of course like to have some rumors going on in front of their official product announcements, but they usually want to have it presented by some serious people, not by ones who call themselves the kings of the scene, but just in their own eyes.

Back to the facts: Personally I think Sennheiser wants to create a statement again with an ultra-expensive study or let's even call it "limited edition", to battle for the iron throne. I won't be surprised if we would see it in the next weeks/months next to a new Sennheiser flagship or an alternative to the current flagship, since there are a lot of other companies, which draw the scenes attention to them over the last months/years or now even announcing very promising products. The release of the HD800 has been too long ago, so it perfectly fits. It doesn't even need some insider news to come to that conclusion

Another Nomax denier. I too used to be skeptical of the Nomax. But then, I saw the light! Join the cult of Nomax! Err I mean following... yea following. 
Nomax has been the clear source of both the AKG K812 and Phonitor 2. Before there was any information available anywhere on the web Nomax gave us information on both of them. The dude's got contacts all up in the biz. 
Mar 15, 2015 at 5:10 PM Post #305 of 603
Nomax is just crazy and a Wahnsinniger from zhe Land of zhe Schluchtenscheissers. He's very polarizing but in the end a nice and polite guy.
Mar 15, 2015 at 6:48 PM Post #307 of 603
For me its not important what do you think of me,and in the past,who was the guy was knowing about K812?who was the guy that post as first the Name and Photo from the upcoming flagship from Akg in the past?

Fact is, at this time i will not give more information about sennheisers .......sorry

Fine with me.
Mar 15, 2015 at 7:10 PM Post #308 of 603
I remember the pictures leaked of the hd800 about three months before announcement. Still kind of hard to believe because they go years on each headphone and the 800s were so ahead of their time that they are still valid and in the run for the top headphones produced, so why develop a new model. Just doesn't make sense, but who knows....

Well actually it makes very much sense. The release of the HD800 has been years ago now and product development cycles tend to get shorter, not much longer than they are in the hifi industry anyway, when it comes to speaker-related materials. There have been so much news from other companies over the last months (and years), that Sennheiser needs some material to get back into the news. It's true they have a marvelous flagship, but nowadays you need to keep yourself at the top, if you want to keep your legend alive :) Given the rumors from the past, especially that Weibo announcement and the general willingness of the Sennheiser guys to share more and more details, I don't think it's a big surprise anymore, that we will see something in the next weeks. Check out other tech companies, it's the same procedure they all use. Create rumors, create a hype. Simple marketing :) You just need to put one and one together.
Mar 15, 2015 at 8:07 PM Post #310 of 603
Well actually it makes very much sense. The release of the HD800 has been years ago now and product development cycles tend to get shorter, not much longer than they are in the hifi industry anyway, when it comes to speaker-related materials. There have been so much news from other companies over the last months (and years), that Sennheiser needs some material to get back into the news. It's true they have a marvelous flagship, but nowadays you need to keep yourself at the top, if you want to keep your legend alive :) Given the rumors from the past, especially that Weibo announcement and the general willingness of the Sennheiser guys to share more and more details, I don't think it's a big surprise anymore, that we will see something in the next weeks. Check out other tech companies, it's the same procedure they all use. Create rumors, create a hype. Simple marketing :) You just need to put one and one together.

Well, this thread started seven months ago with ……..soon! so already it was not soon. Eventually yes and it's possible soon, but the 800s are still selling and the 600 and 650's were around forever before they introduced the 800, but whatever, maybe we will get something new, that would be nice…..either way
Mar 15, 2015 at 8:17 PM Post #311 of 603
Well in the end it will be just a headphone, which will then be topped with a new model a few years later and another one years later again.

However in the headphone industry or generally speaker industry speaking of months (or even 1-2 years) is indeed "soon" :)

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