Rosson Audio Design RAD-0 - Alex's Beautiful New Baby
Jan 29, 2020 at 1:32 PM Post #347 of 1,090
So you're save by wiring each channel to tip and ring, i guess. That's the same wiring like my oem Quad Era-1 cable.
Should solve the problem.
...The internal wiring in the headphone uses both the ring and tip connections for the + connection on both sides, and the sleeve for -...
@Chris Kaoss This seems pretty definitive, so if it matches what you're saying, then yes.
Jan 31, 2020 at 12:15 AM Post #348 of 1,090
Hi guys!

I'm a long time lurker and my other post is just a couple of pics of the Zircote Aeolus from ZMF, however, these RAD-0s look GORGEOUS and sound just a good as they look!

These are number 27, the Beachwoods!

Hope you like the quick pics:




Jan 31, 2020 at 9:44 PM Post #349 of 1,090
Hi guys!

I'm a long time lurker and my other post is just a couple of pics of the Zircote Aeolus from ZMF, however, these RAD-0s look GORGEOUS and sound just a good as they look!

These are number 27, the Beachwoods!

Hope you like the quick pics:

Woaaah, those are some really awesome photos! :)
Jan 31, 2020 at 9:54 PM Post #350 of 1,090
Thanks George!

Also, I found your review exactly aligns to what I am hearing and it's what made me pull the trigger along with @Torq's review. So thanks again! :)
Feb 10, 2020 at 4:29 PM Post #351 of 1,090
Just got my pair in 15 minutes ago, so I'm not going to do a detailed review. Just first impressions off the cuff, having recently come off the Audeze train.

Immediately, I have no doubt this is definitely better than the LCD-3. It's got weight/impact/thickness to the notes without veering like the LCD-3 does into muddiness. So the first thing I feel is a wave of relief that the couple comments I heard about it being "basically just an LCD-2" were full of crap. I can confidently say this is better than the LCD-3 within a minute of listening. I wouldn't call it better than the LCD-4, but I could see why someone might feel that way. The only thing I could argue it's missing compared to the 4 is just the sheer size of the driver. The 4 is a bit larger, and I think the sheer size adds something when I imagine music with loud held out guitars. But this has clearer imaging, I imagine partly as a result of that (but mostly due to the cleaner treble). I EQ everything and it doesn't bother me at all to do so, but out of the box I see no need to think about it here. "Warm" isn't even the word that comes to mind, as much as "smooth." The kind of tuning that works with everything, the kind of can I'd lean towards if I could only keep one. The treble/upper-mid accentuates just the right ‘sweet’ tone to remind me of the Eikon. Overall, build quality is phenomenal, and better than all the Audezes. I don't feel worried it would be ruined if I were to drop it. And I can plug this into my phone or a DAP and carry it around the house? F!$&# yes. A lot more chores and housework could get done with these around. I can hear a crinkle in the left driver when I adjust it on my head, but lifetime warranty means even that doesn't bother me. An Audeze-esque with lifetime warranty? Worth it for that alone. I was listening to Jordan Rudess a few minutes ago on a Stax SR404, that takes the midrange instruments and holds them in hi-res up close to my face while spinning ambient details in the track in orbit around it. Compared to that, this is really spreading the instruments out much more evenly. Soundstage feels sort of like a 135 degree window in front of me with a good bit of depth. It's not as trippy as the Stax - obviously it wouldn't be fair to compare the two anyway, it's just what I happened to be listening to - but it's making me feel the dynamics in these songs a lot more. I thought this album was boring (although certainly interesting to hear through the Stax presentation) a few minutes ago, and now all of a sudden I'm realizing it's actually a fun album to listen to. I could definitely see this being an endgame can for people that love their LCD-2s and ZMFs. All in all, I don't feel disappointed at all selling an LCD-4 and picking these up. The presentation is different enough that it's just a matter of taste which you prefer, but the other perks are huge.

Edit: Oh yeah, the clamp. I heard a couple complaints about that. I'm actually really happy here. It doesn't feel tight or uncomfortable in any way to me. I think I could actually use these moving around my house doing things without constantly worrying about them sloshing off. They feel secure, which is nice. Day #2 edit: The cable is the only thing I can find to make a complaint about. For a proprietary connector on something this expensive, it should feel a lot sturdier than this. The housing over the R side connection slipped off and I can't quite force it all the way back into place. Just a tad bit dissonant with the emphasis on artistry in the cans themselves.
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Feb 12, 2020 at 2:28 AM Post #352 of 1,090
Just got my pair in 15 minutes ago, so I'm not going to do a detailed review. Just first impressions off the cuff, having recently come off the Audeze train.

Immediately, I have no doubt this is definitely better than the LCD-3. It's got weight/impact/thickness to the notes without veering like the LCD-3 does into muddiness. So the first thing I feel is a wave of relief that the couple comments I heard about it being "basically just an LCD-2" were full of crap. I can confidently say this is better than the LCD-3 within a minute of listening. I wouldn't call it better than the LCD-4, but I could see why someone might feel that way. The only thing I could argue it's missing compared to the 4 is just the sheer size of the driver. The 4 is a bit larger, and I think the sheer size adds something when I imagine music with loud held out guitars. But this has clearer imaging, I imagine partly as a result of that (but mostly due to the cleaner treble). I EQ everything and it doesn't bother me at all to do so, but out of the box I see no need to think about it here. "Warm" isn't even the word that comes to mind, as much as "smooth." The kind of tuning that works with everything, the kind of can I'd lean towards if I could only keep one. The treble/upper-mid accentuates just the right ‘sweet’ tone to remind me of the Eikon. Overall, build quality is phenomenal, and better than all the Audezes. I don't feel worried it would be ruined if I were to drop it. And I can plug this into my phone or a DAP and carry it around the house? F!$&# yes. A lot more chores and housework could get done with these around. I can hear a crinkle in the left driver when I adjust it on my head, but lifetime warranty means even that doesn't bother me. An Audeze-esque with lifetime warranty? Worth it for that alone. I was listening to Jordan Rudess a few minutes ago on a Stax SR404, that takes the midrange instruments and holds them in hi-res up close to my face while spinning ambient details in the track in orbit around it. Compared to that, this is really spreading the instruments out much more evenly. Soundstage feels sort of like a 135 degree window in front of me with a good bit of depth. It's not as trippy as the Stax - obviously it wouldn't be fair to compare the two anyway, it's just what I happened to be listening to - but it's making me feel the dynamics in these songs a lot more. I thought this album was boring (although certainly interesting to hear through the Stax presentation) a few minutes ago, and now all of a sudden I'm realizing it's actually a fun album to listen to. I could definitely see this being an endgame can for people that love their LCD-2s and ZMFs. All in all, I don't feel disappointed at all selling an LCD-4 and picking these up. The presentation is different enough that it's just a matter of taste which you prefer, but the other perks are huge.

Edit: Oh yeah, the clamp. I heard a couple complaints about that. I'm actually really happy here. It doesn't feel tight or uncomfortable in any way to me. I think I could actually use these moving around my house doing things without constantly worrying about them sloshing off. They feel secure, which is nice. Day #2 edit: The cable is the only thing I can find to make a complaint about. For a proprietary connector on something this expensive, it should feel a lot sturdier than this. The housing over the R side connection slipped off and I can't quite force it all the way back into place. Just a tad bit dissonant with the emphasis on artistry in the cans themselves.

Glad to see that you found a pair of headphones that addressed your audeze fears. I was wondering which of the suggestions tendered you would pick.
Can you remind me about your setup?
Mar 3, 2020 at 8:52 AM Post #356 of 1,090
Very good article and I agree with it 100%. For me RAD-0 is my favorite of the year. They beat the meze to my personal taste. I really hope that this company stays long in time and develops other products, because it is, in my opinion, one of the best headphones on the market in the plenar world. I keep this pair of beauties in my collection. Question about cables, do you know what information must be given to a cable manufacturer to have compatible cables? I believe that the connection of 3.5 mm is not done the same way.
Mar 3, 2020 at 12:26 PM Post #357 of 1,090
Very good article and I agree with it 100%. For me RAD-0 is my favorite of the year. They beat the meze to my personal taste. I really hope that this company stays long in time and develops other products, because it is, in my opinion, one of the best headphones on the market in the plenar world. I keep this pair of beauties in my collection. Question about cables, do you know what information must be given to a cable manufacturer to have compatible cables? I believe that the connection of 3.5 mm is not done the same way.
Mar 3, 2020 at 1:42 PM Post #359 of 1,090
I'm looking for a new dac/amp combination that would go well with my rad-0's. What do you suggest?
What are you using currently?
Mar 3, 2020 at 1:52 PM Post #360 of 1,090
I currently use them only with my DAP's, but I have been looking for a long time for a good amp and a DAC or a combined to use with my rad-0 and my c-flow and possibly stellia. I had thought of an ican, idsd pro combo. I would like to have a balanced output available for my RAD-0
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