Rockhopper M^3 - The Review
Apr 1, 2009 at 1:40 AM Post #271 of 523
This thread just convinced me to go order some AD843s. Hopefully my opamp rolling will not proceed further

Tangent seems to have high regard for the AD843. He describes it as the OPA627's equal (albeit with different strengths and weaknesses). From his description, it seems like it may be a good match for the sometimes harsh K701. I can't wait to try it out

edit: Link to Tangent's opamp descirptions
Apr 1, 2009 at 1:52 AM Post #272 of 523

Originally Posted by deaconblues /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This thread just convinced me to go order some AD843s. Hopefully my opamp rolling will not proceed further

Tangent seems to have high regard for the AD843. He describes it as the OPA627's equal (albeit with different strengths and weaknesses). From his description, it seems like it may be a good match for the sometimes harsh K701. I can't wait to try it out

edit: Link to Tangent's opamp descirptions

The link just made me more anxious to try 8610s and 8065s which I'll have in a few days. Thanks for the link, deaconblues.
Apr 1, 2009 at 4:24 AM Post #273 of 523

Originally Posted by scootermafia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Start plunking, there's no question whether they're the best. I wouldn't swap a lot, it's such a pain to get those little guys in and out. Unless you have an extraction tool, i guess.

Unless you like really low gain, of course
Apr 1, 2009 at 12:09 PM Post #274 of 523
I ordered some 843s as well.... should be here in a few days.

What I'm having a hard time with is that the 637s are known for being both laid back and detailed at the same time. When I listen for the details, I find them too recessed to really be able to call them details....

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but I usually look for detail and resolution in the high frequencies and in the 637s those frequencies laid back to a such a degree that people have commented about it for years.

When I use a slight treble EQ curve, I can hear the high frequency details better, but it's at the expense of depth because I've brought the treble forward and although I can hear close mike effects much more clearly this way, I have also altered the original tonal balance.... or maybe not because the chip is laid back to start with and a slight treble curve fixes things....

This with Thrice's M^3/PS, gain 11, 650s, and volume control set at 7 or 8:00.

Opinions guys???

What details do you hear with the 637s that you aren't hearing with other chips?

Apr 1, 2009 at 2:51 PM Post #275 of 523

Originally Posted by upstateguy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I ordered some 843s as well.... should be here in a few days.

What I'm having a hard time with is that the 637s are known for being both laid back and detailed at the same time. When I listen for the details, I find them too recessed to really be able to call them details....

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, but I usually look for detail and resolution in the high frequencies and in the 637s those frequencies laid back to a such a degree that people have commented about it for years.

When I use a slight treble EQ curve, I can hear the high frequency details better, but it's at the expense of depth because I've brought the treble forward and although I can hear close mike effects much more clearly this way, I have also altered the original tonal balance.... or maybe not because the chip is laid back to start with and a slight treble curve fixes things....

This with Thrice's M^3/PS, gain 11, 650s, and volume control set at 7 or 8:00.

Opinions guys???

What details do you hear with the 637s that you aren't hearing with other chips?


What's your source? That sounds like your source just doesn't produce a good combination of detail + soundstage. I can assure you the OPA637/627 do not mask details. Depending on the source I use, I can have a bright, hyper-detailed sound or a dark veiled sound. The M^3 amplifies whatever I feed it. It does imbue some of it's own characteristics which are a very subtle warmth and smoothness but this doesn't mask details in the slightest IME.
Apr 1, 2009 at 5:05 PM Post #276 of 523

Originally Posted by Shahrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What's your source? That sounds like your source just doesn't produce a good combination of detail + soundstage. I can assure you the OPA637/627 do not mask details. Depending on the source I use, I can have a bright, hyper-detailed sound or a dark veiled sound. The M^3 amplifies whatever I feed it. It does imbue some of it's own characteristics which are a very subtle warmth and smoothness but this doesn't mask details in the slightest IME.

Source: FLAC files from a laptop > USB Blue Circle Thingee > coax > Constantine+.

Are you getting a bright sound with 637/627s? What headphones are you using? What is your volume setting?

Apr 1, 2009 at 7:20 PM Post #277 of 523

Originally Posted by upstateguy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Source: FLAC files from a laptop > USB Blue Circle Thingee > coax > Constantine+.

Are you getting a bright sound with 637/627s? What headphones are you using? What is your volume setting?


I personally haven't tried the 2 DAC's you own (the DA100 and the Constantine+) so I can't directly comment on them. However, from what I've read both the Constantine and the SBH Blue Circle amp are warm.

As for your other questions. Yes I am getting a bright sound with the 637/627's. I'm using the HD650. I listen to low volumes most of them time (I measured 65-75db) but I increase the volume for short sessions to around 80-90db. Ofcourse, at higher volumes it sounds brighter, but even at low volumes the HD650s sound energetic, and extremely detailed and fast. So much so in fact, that it's blown away all my preconceptions about the HD650's sound signature that I've acquired from all the reading I've done on Head-fi.

How am I getting this sound? Changing opamps in my source, or changing my source in general. I have sources, when plugged into the M^3, like my Pioneer Receiver, that give a dark, boring presentation. Then I have sources like the STX upgraded with the OPA2107 that give a bright sound akin to the DT990s (although not that extreme). I really feel that you're focusing on the wrong component in your chain. Yes, perhaps a GS-1 will give you a slightly colder and brighter sound, but nothing will change the sound signature as drastically as you require other than a change in your source (and ofcourse your headphones, but I'm assuming you don't want to go that route).

In the end, what I've realized is that the M^3 and the HD650 have never been the limiting factors in my chain. It's been the source all along (DAC).
Apr 1, 2009 at 7:46 PM Post #278 of 523
627/637s do not lack detail, they're an exact representation of your other gear and cabling. If you look at their tech specs their performance is above other integrated circuits.
Apr 1, 2009 at 8:19 PM Post #279 of 523

Originally Posted by scootermafia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
627/637s do not lack detail, they're an exact representation of your other gear and cabling. If you look at their tech specs their performance is above other integrated circuits.

I don't know much about technical side of things but one thing I do know is that specs don't necessarily mean superior performance, especially in audio.
Apr 2, 2009 at 4:10 AM Post #280 of 523

Originally Posted by Shahrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif

As for your other questions. Yes I am getting a bright sound with the 637/627's. I'm using the HD650. I listen to low volumes most of them time (I measured 65-75db)

Since we have the same amp and PS, what position on the dial equals 65-75dbs?
Apr 2, 2009 at 4:55 AM Post #281 of 523

Originally Posted by Shahrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In the end, what I've realized is that the M^3 and the HD650 have never been the limiting factors in my chain. It's been the source all along (DAC).

what you're sayin is making my wait for my balanced M^3 even more agonizing.... ugh!!
Apr 2, 2009 at 6:22 PM Post #282 of 523

Originally Posted by upstateguy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Since we have the same amp and PS, what position on the dial equals 65-75dbs?

Unfortunately, that again depends on your source line-out voltage.
My source has its own volume adjustment, and then the M^3 has its own. One also needs to consider the gain set on the amp. I usually use my M^3 in high mode, which is a gain of 11.

The only way to measure the volume is to use a SPL meter with Skylab's headphone tutorial (which I did).


Originally Posted by D_4_Dog /img/forum/go_quote.gif
what you're sayin is making my wait for my balanced M^3 even more agonizing.... ugh!!

Apart from a balanced Beta22, I can't say any other amp will definitively beat a balanced M^3 like yours. I hope you have a very high-end source, or you won't realize the full potential of the amp.
Apr 2, 2009 at 6:38 PM Post #284 of 523
The only accurate way I know of
Apr 2, 2009 at 7:32 PM Post #285 of 523

Originally Posted by Shahrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Apart from a balanced Beta22, I can't say any other amp will definitively beat a balanced M^3 like yours. I hope you have a very high-end source, or you won't realize the full potential of the amp.

Hi Shahrose

May I ask what high end source you are using?


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