Ringtones... What is this insanity all about??
May 31, 2005 at 7:49 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 94


Headphoneus Supremus
Jan 13, 2009
If I hear that damned "Crazy Frog" (Axel F) tune on that Ringtone advert once more I think I'll put my fist through the TV screen

It's bad enough listening to peoples phones going off in the supermarket with stupid tunes (yesterday a guys phone went off to the tune of "we wish you a merry Christmas") but this lunacy has now found its way onto the TV commercials...... now this crazy frog ring tone is either targetted at 4 year olds or people who are mentally dumb, there is even talk of a "best of the ringtones" album being made.

Is it just me or are these things particulary annoying? What the hell is wrong with the conventional "beep beep" ringtone.... It alerts you to the fact you've got an incoming call... why is it necessary to have all these stupid crazy frog and "personalised" ringtones..... they're not personalised, they're not unique they're just person annoying and the people who are producing them want to be banned from advertising the bloody things on TV and the people who download them should be arrested and charged with "bad taste"

Anyone else here feel the same or can anyone who uses these annoying ringtones please explain why they are an essential part of their phone?
May 31, 2005 at 7:57 PM Post #2 of 94
I feel the same way, especially if you use stooopid songs. I know my broke ass friend spends all his money on ringtones then doesnt have enough to buy a beer. On top of that his ringtones suck.
May 31, 2005 at 8:02 PM Post #3 of 94
I find them annoying as hell too. Always got my phone set to the standard tone - and I try to remember to set it to vibrate when in public places. I guess for me the sonic annoyance is made worse by the fact that the phone owner thinks it's so cool. Arg!! Ring tones by definition are NOT COOL!!! Q.E.D.!

Edit: I guess what I find most annoying about them is that the standard ring tone can be more easily tuned out by the brain as background noise, but custom ones are always different (usually some sort of musical abomination) and hence are more of an interruption to whatever train of thought my mind was on at the time.
May 31, 2005 at 8:07 PM Post #4 of 94

Originally Posted by bundee1
I know my broke ass friend spends all his money on ringtones then doesnt have enough to buy a beer.

That's the other thing I didn't mention..... these people actually "PAY" to look like idiots in public.

BTW bundee1.... your avatar is extremely disturbing is that some bloke with a codpiece?
May 31, 2005 at 8:13 PM Post #6 of 94
Believe it or not, ringtones are a 3 billion dollar industry! Even more incredibly, ringtones sales make up 9% of the total sales of the music industry worldwide.

By 2008, ringtone sales are supposed to increase to as much as 5.2 billion, or 12% of all music sales!

It's crazy, huh? I can't imagine spending $1 for every $10 I spend on CDs on ring tones for my phone, but a whole lot of people must be doing it.
May 31, 2005 at 8:15 PM Post #7 of 94
When you are in a group of people that all have mobile phones, you can avoid the phenomena of everyone reaching for their phone when they hear it ring by using a unique ringtone.

The phenomena of particular ones being overused is, of course, self-limiting. When many people in your peer group are using it, the 'everyone reacting' phenomena occurs again, prompting some to differentiate themselves and going back to a state of equilibrium.

BTW, I think the frog is funny.
May 31, 2005 at 8:15 PM Post #8 of 94
I know a few people who have a ring tone that sounds like an old fashioned telephone with a bell.
May 31, 2005 at 8:17 PM Post #9 of 94
It's a attention thing. When you get a call and you play a catchy top 40 tune, people will have a reaction to it.

Which is exactly why I have my phone on vibrate. Though, for times when I do want a ring tone, my choice is the full symphonic version of the a-team theme.
May 31, 2005 at 8:19 PM Post #10 of 94
It'll be cool when the crazy frog is almost forgotten. Then I'll use it so people will think I am soooo outdated/out of fashion. Then I'll be cool because I know I'm deliberately out of synch anf they'll think otherwise

I'll probably be the one wearing flares and platform shoes on the tube humming da ding ding ding da ding din, brrm brrm da ding ding .....
May 31, 2005 at 8:21 PM Post #11 of 94

Originally Posted by SptsNaz
Ringtones have always pissed the crap out of me, especially when they're as annoying as the one you mentioned.

Don't tell me It's advertised on US TV also?


Originally Posted by SptsNaz
Apparantly people think its "cool" to have one.

Being an individual is cool, being a sheep herded into pens by the marketing man is very uncool the sooner these gullible ringtone users realise they are nothing more than profit for the cool guys the better
May 31, 2005 at 8:21 PM Post #12 of 94
Yes its David Hasselhoff. I got it from IGN.com. Its a hypnotic image where his picture zooms out at you from the picture in his crotch. Is it any coincidence both he and Sprockets are big in Germany?


Those ringtone commercials appear on the Cartoon Network late at night. Stupid dancing purple rhino.
May 31, 2005 at 8:23 PM Post #13 of 94

Originally Posted by TWIFOSP
It's a attention thing. When you get a call and you play a catchy top 40 tune, people will have a reaction to it.

Yeh, I'd knee the idiot who owned the phone in the nuts and then stamp on his phone.... I'm not sure that's the reaction he'd be expecting tho
May 31, 2005 at 8:28 PM Post #14 of 94

Originally Posted by bundee1
Yes its David Hasselhoff.

Ah yes! course it is. Now I see why that show was called night rider

For one very disturbing moment I thought it was Michael Landon from "Little House On The Prairie"
May 31, 2005 at 8:30 PM Post #15 of 94
it wouldn't be such a big issue for me if people would just shut off their phones in class. Some people are so lazy they just let it run out and don't apologize or anything.
Patton Oswald said that after the first six months cell phones hit it big, there is no excuse for leaving your cell on. Especially since most of those people get a ton of calls: there is a vibrate function!

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