[REVIEW] Sony MH1 – The Best Kept Secret
Nov 8, 2013 at 4:36 PM Post #2,566 of 3,824
  did your left bud broke after you did the mod, or is it already broken even before you did the mod?

It was already not working well.
That's why I tried to fix them.
I got them from ebay uk for 8.90 gbp including shipping.
I sent a message to the store that they were faulty and they were kind to send me a full refund in just an hour without even asking for a return.
 Good work! Can the casing go back on cleanly or did you have to destroy it?

Depends on how careful you are when disassembling it. There are few plastic pins that you have to be careful not to break.
Now the problem is where can I get a working pair of MH1's from ?
I saw that they have them on ebay from spain for the same price incl. shipping.
But are they going to be ok ?
It seems as a common problem for that model to have a channel imbalance:
 I don't understand why everyone keeps raving about these and ignoring the fact they are plagued with balance problems that make them virtually useless.Sure they sound good but what good are they if every time you take them out you don't know if they will work for 5 minutes or an hour before one of the channels cuts out and you have a useless piece of wire/crap hanging around your neck? It really pisses me off that this thread continues to mislead people when this appears to be a fundamental design flaw (at least when used with the iPhone). 

Nov 8, 2013 at 4:54 PM Post #2,567 of 3,824
Why not cut the cable off above the controls completely, solder the two as you mentioned and then solder both channels onto a completey new, not lame cable? Bam, recabled mh1, no device issues. Just coverthe joined area with hear shrink material or electric tape or plastic or something...
Nov 8, 2013 at 5:14 PM Post #2,568 of 3,824
 Why not cut the cable off above the controls completely, solder the two as you mentioned and then solder both channels onto a completey new, not lame cable? Bam, recabled mh1, no device issues. Just coverthe joined area with hear shrink material or electric tape or plastic or something...

After the mod I don't have device issues.
They now work with every possible audio device.
The problem is that the left side is not working properly and is noticeably less louder than the right side..
Nov 8, 2013 at 6:21 PM Post #2,571 of 3,824
Nov 8, 2013 at 7:05 PM Post #2,572 of 3,824
I think a hair dryer solve this problem..
Nov 8, 2013 at 8:09 PM Post #2,574 of 3,824
me too,I know some of you might think this could be a PR stunt, well it really isn't. His action to communicate directly to the user isn't exactly welcomed by Sony's own PR team either. Anyway, it will be something interesting for you all to read about and make up your own judgement about it.

Nov 8, 2013 at 8:23 PM Post #2,575 of 3,824
  I think a hair dryer solve this problem..

Tried that too...
Any recommendation for something that sounds similar ?

The pfe sounds very similar to the mh1 but with less bass.  Not as light as the er4s though.  I consider the pfe112 perfect bass.  The treble, depending on your mh1 fit, is just a "little" bit less resolving on the pfe112, but they "sound" similar in treble.  The pfe112 is more pricey though.  I "might" consider selling mine if you're interested, but I can't decide yet if I'm parting with them.  ha.
Nov 8, 2013 at 10:04 PM Post #2,576 of 3,824
Low volume listening with the MH1 is just insane. I feel like there's a band playing in my head. I usually try not to spew too much hyperbole with iem performance but What. These are reference quality for $20. It's actually difficult for my brain to wrap around. I've never tied price to performance, but I always thought something like this would cost at least more than $20. Just really really happy with these. I would like just a little less bass, but again it's nice to have an iem that performs so well at low volume. 
Nov 8, 2013 at 10:17 PM Post #2,577 of 3,824
  Low volume listening with the MH1 is just insane. I feel like there's a band playing in my head. I usually try not to spew too much hyperbole with iem performance but What. These are reference quality for $20. It's actually difficult for my brain to wrap around. I've never tied price to performance, but I always thought something like this would cost at least more than $20. Just really really happy with these. I would like just a little less bass, but again it's nice to have an iem that performs so well at low volume. 

I have to confess that at low volumes I don't really use any EQ.  Louder, yes a few db of bass cut.  But at low volumes they sound very relaxing while also be relaxing as heck.  It's so clear and detailed and balanced, but somehow uber relaxing too.  I would expect a much higher price point comparing these to everything else I've heard.  I would still be amazed if these were $100 and I compared them to other earphones.  Heck, I'd still be happy if I had payed a lot more than that.  Luckily they were $20.  Can't complain there.
Are they perfect?  No.  But they are so much more reference than most iems I've heard that they are pretty impressive.  There are absolutely no noticeable "flaws" or "problems" with the sound.  A bit too much bass for some?  Sure.  A bit of very very slightly uneven treble?  Sure, but only compared to something like the er4s.  Ha.  The only thing I hate is the cable (I will hopefully solve that issue soon), but it still isn't a show stopper for me.  Especially when worn behind the head as it should be.  It is just  a pain to wrap and store.
It's almost so ridiculously priced that I would say everyone with an expensive IEM should just buy one at least to hear it.  If you don't like it, sell it.  If you do like it it was chump change.  What other IEM can you "really" say that about?  "oh let me drop a few bucks on a westone or shure and hope i like it"?  Not likely a "few" bucks.  :p  This isn't much more than the price of a case people buy to store more expensive IEMs. haha.  Go buy one! :p  If they stink you can blame me.
Nov 9, 2013 at 4:57 AM Post #2,579 of 3,824
Now the problem is where can I get a working pair of MH1's from ?

If you've got a seller on ebay who's willing to give you an instant refund surely it's worth trying another pair?  There are enough happy users that they can't all be bad, and if you can recable them you could try a white pair as they probably have drivers from a different batch.
Nov 9, 2013 at 1:28 PM Post #2,580 of 3,824
Now the problem is where can I get a working pair of MH1's from ?

If you've got a seller on ebay who's willing to give you an instant refund surely it's worth trying another pair?  There are enough happy users that they can't all be bad, and if you can recable them you could try a white pair as they probably have drivers from a different batch.

Gnarlsagan and I both bought ours from amazon seller global mobile or something like that.  Ours are perfect.

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