Review: Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves in Crystal Blue for the Shure SE846
Jun 16, 2014 at 4:30 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 436


Grand Master Moe "G"….Don't crossface me, bro!
Ping Pong Champ: SF Meet (2016,2017), CanJams (London 2016, RMAF 2016, NYC 2017, SoCal 2017, RMAF 2017)
Jun 13, 2014
Southern California
Review: Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves in Crystal Blue for the Shure SE846 - Universal Tips to Custom Sleeves
Hello, members and lurkers of Head-Fi!  I have been reading the various threads on this website for quite a while now, and felt like I should finally join to contribute to this tremendously informative and entertaining forum!   So I thought it would be nice to add my impressions regarding the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves for the Shure SE846.  I also wanted to show you pictures of the custom sleeves because I have not seen any “real” pictures of the sleeves in Crystal Blue with the Shure SE846 nor by themselves on the internet.
If you have not heard about Sensaphonics before, fret not.  I did not hear about the company until I was in the market for custom sleeves.  Believe it or not, if you have seen many of the top musicians/artists perform; you have seen their snazzy looking Sensaphonics 2MAX or 3MAX CIEMs on stage.  For example, Usher wears the Sensaphonics 2MAX with custom 14K Gold Metallic Shells.  Sensaphonics is Shure’s preferred provider of custom-fit sleeves for their universal-fit earphones.  Meaning, you can purchase Sensaphonics custom sleeves for any of your Shure universal-fit earphones, not just the Shure SE846!  Paraphrased from the website; ”The custom sleeves are made out of soft-gel silicone and provide long wearing comfort, and improve performance by providing a deeper, tighter seal for improved isolation.”  This is due to the molds being made by your own ear impressions.  The end result is that the custom sleeves are the next best thing to custom earphones!  I purchased the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves from my audiologist, but you can also order them from here:
Here is a human outer ear diagram (from to help with the names of parts of the ear:

I have worn the “regular” Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves in Crystal Blue with my Shure SE846 for about three weeks now, but will update the review (with photos) once I receive the “full shell” remakes.  The “regular” sleeves fit over the nozzle of Shure SE846 and covers/envelops the ear canal, cavum, and incisura of the ear - part of the sleeve.  The “full shell” sleeves fit over the nozzle of the Shure SE846 and covers/envelops the ear canal, incisura, cavum and cymba (concha) of the ear - part of the sleeve.  The highest quality silicone that is used results in the ultimate in comfort (more comfortable than acrylic because of its more forgiving and molding properties). The reason why I’m getting the “full shell” remakes is because I feel that with the “regular” sleeves my left side is a little bit loose (loses tight seal when I move, i.e. walking fast, moving my head), and having the addition of the cymba part of the sleeve will keep the earphone from losing its tight seal regardless of most of my physical movements.  As long as it doesn’t lose the tight seal during walking around, running or hiking, I’ll be a very happy camper indeed.  I have since learned that Sensaphonics may be creating nothing but the “full shell” custom sleeves from now on, so you may have to actually request for the “regular” custom sleeves in the near future if that is what you desire.
Here are my impressions of the sleeves, and will compare fit and overall satisfaction to the stock Shure earphone tips as well as the Westone Star/Comply earphone tips.
Ever since I purchased the Shure SE846, I was, and I’m still on a slightly obsessive quest to find the most comfortable and best fitting ear tips as I can. To use tips that have the deepest seal, and are comfortable to wear, is vital to having the best isolation as possible.  I was having trouble with my left earphone not fitting correctly with any tip that I used, including all sizes/colors of the Westone Star Tips.  I never liked the foam (yellow or complys), because I found them to be slightly irritating and I didn’t like having to roll the tips every time I wanted to put them in.  Also, working out with them (I sweat a lot) would wreak havoc on any type of foam I had inserted into my ear canals!  I was searching for a solution to my fit issues…then I found one photo and post #2684 (of the Shure SE846 Impressions thread) from Head-Fi member: fermelom.  When I saw the photo of his custom “full shell” clear (opaque) sleeves, I said to myself: “I have got to find out more about these sleeves, and I will do what it takes to have them in my possession, because these sleeves look to be the answer to my prayers!”
Ear Impression and Color Choosing Process:
The ear impression process was a two-step process, because the first time I went to have Sensaphonics Double Golden Circle member and audiologist-to-the-Stars of Musicians Hearing Services, Lisa Tannenbaum create the impressions, she found out that I had wax impacted in my ears and wasn’t able to take the impressions that day.  I could have just gotten some earwax loosening ear drops in my ear and flushed it out, but I was rather impatient, and went to my local urgent care and had a medical technician flush out my ears the same day.  The next day I went back to see Ms. Tannenbaum, and she was happy with the lack of ear wax in my ear and proceeded to create the ear impressions.  As Ms. Tannebaum inserted the pink goo into my ear(s), she told me to open my mouth a little, and then I proceed to talk to her normally while the pink goo inside my ear(s) hardened - no bite block needed.  I purchased the crystal blue color because I was worried that the stock clear (opaque) sleeves might discolor.  I spoke to Claudia from Sensaphonics, and she said that different people’s pH’s can in fact affect and change the color of the molds.  I took a look at Ms. Tannenbaum’s demo Sensaphonic clear (opaque) CIEMs and custom clear (opaque) sleeves, and she told me she had them in possession for several years.  They were discolored (looked almost like a cloudy, slightly rusty color).  My decision was made very quickly, and chose two crystal blue sleeves.  You can choose from these custom crystal colors:
You can also choose from these solid colors: Red, Blue, Black, White, Orange, Brown, Purple (lilac), Yellow, Green (lime) and Pink (bubble gum). 

They also have custom swirls as well.  There are combinations such as red/white/blue, and orange/green/black.  You can see the photos for these swirls, and the eighteen other combinations here:  You can choose a different color for each custom sleeve as well if you want.
Time to Arrive:
The Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves in Crystal Blue took a little over three weeks to arrive to my door after the impressions were initially made.  According to Claudia from Sensaphonics, their end took only a week to create the sleeves.  Expect two to three weeks’ time for delivery of these sleeves to arrive to your residence, should you choose to purchase a pair for yourself (and request the sleeves to be sent to your residence).
At first it was a little bit difficult getting each sleeve into the ears, as I was not given, nor shipped, any “lubrication” drops to use for easier insertion.  Head-Fi member: Monty Burns owns the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves and he was given the ear mold lubricant “Oto-Ease”.  You can purchase the lubricant here:  Saliva can be used as a lubricant, but I just didn't want to go that route.  As ear wax built up along the custom sleeve canals, coupled with getting the twisting insertion motion mastered, insertion is now very easy.  It is overall easy, because now I do not have to make any more adjustments to the earphones once they are in my ears (except very rarely with the “regular” sleeves that slightly lose the tight seal in the left ear if I move around).  I am sure though, that the “full shell” sleeves will bode the ultimate in comfort and being able to not move around at all in my ear as I do activities such as running or hiking the mean trails in Ranchos Palos Verdes!
The Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves feel great!  As mentioned in other outstanding posts regarding the custom sleeves, you notice them in your ear, but after being in your ear for a few minutes (maybe less as you wear them more often) you really do not notice them.  I feel like they are a part of my body, they feel so comfortable.  The Westone Star Tips (silicone) in my opinion has a similar type of comfortable feeling, but is not nearly as enveloping or isolating as the Sensaphonics custom sleeves. 
Sound Impressions:
The intimacy factor is prevalent.  Any other sizes-fit-all tips may take you to 2nd or 3rd base, but the custom sleeves automatically deliver that “home run”, straight to your eardrums.  No sugar coating, just a constant intravenous dose of music that is more visceral, and delivers shivers through your spine.  Okay, it may not actually do that, but however you are listening to your Shure SE846’s/other Shure IEMs currently will be truly enhanced with these custom sleeves.  With the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves, your music is truly felt.   
Volume – Check it:
When you insert the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves into your ears for the first time and play your favorite music, you will notice the volume is more pronounced, you will need less volume to achieve the same volume that you once heard before using the custom sleeves.  Before use, I would recommend using a volume checking app.  I use the iPhone app “Volume Check”, and what you do is place an earphone’s nozzle next to the active mic, which is the left grill on the bottom edge, and then press “Test”.  The test will show you the amount of volume and duration of the volume being played, the maximal level that won’t cause any hearing damage and will also you show how long it is recommended to listen to music on higher volumes.  In my opinion, it is a necessary app to use to help protect your hearing.
Are Your Earphones Correctly Inserted?
The frequency response across the full audio spectrum should be smooth, and the bass response should be fully present - that is, if you have a "full, tight seal".  If you have any doubts regarding hearing both earphones equally (assuming you don't have a hearing tested significant FR imbalance), you can self-administer the "Audio Seal" test - it's to help determine if your earphones (SCS, universals/CIEMs) are correctly inserted. The webpage comes with downloadable and streamable audio files in .mp3 or .wav format. The test is great to find out if you have a correct insertion and proper fit, and can also reveal other issues other than an incomplete and/or poor seal. From the webpage: "The test consists of two brief audio tracks. Both include two sine waves, one at 50 Hz and the other at 500 Hz, played at the same volume. On one track, the two tones are played together. On the other track, the tones alternate in 2-second intervals."  
Here's the link: 
Comparison to Other Earphone Tips:
I feel the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves are overall more comfortable than any of the other earphone tips that I have tried – bar none.  These sleeves are very slightly pliable and should keep the tight seal when you move your body.  I could work out with these, and I didn't have nearly as much trouble with the left side as I did with other sizes-fit-all tips.  If I were to rank all of the tips I have used, based on comfort and fit, I would rank them as such:
  • Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves (“Full Shell”) in Crystal Blue
  • Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves (“Regular”) in Crystal Blue
  • Westone Star Tips – Silicone
  • Shure Olives
  • Everything else (Complys, Yellow Foam, Triple Flange, etc.)
Sweat to Your Heart’s Delight:
When I first worked out and ran with the Westone Star Tips (silicone), my left earphone’s audio cut out completely because too much sweat covered up the porous holes of the damper (black sponge-like object inside) of the blue filter.  I tried disassembling and cleaning the damper, but I felt the audio was never the same and sounded horrible as a result of the sweating-on and cleaning of the blue filter.  I spent what I thought was necessary amounts of money to combat this situation by purchasing the Shure EAWXG2-10 Ear Wax Guards (package of 10), and 2 pairs of blue filters in case I sweated on the filters again.  Paying around $10 for the Wax Guards didn’t make me feel all nice and fuzzy inside, but paying $17 plus shipping for each…pair…of replacement filters was absolutely crazy, now that I reflect on that purchase.  Since the ear canal of the custom sleeve is long (goes past your second bend of your ear canal) and curved, you can kiss your earphones cutting out due to sweat in your filters, goodbye!  I have had no issues with sweating getting inside the ear canal bore of the custom sleeves, and no cutting out of music when I work out as a result!
Cable Woes and Solution:
With the stock Shure cable (64 inch version), memory wire, and sizes-fit-all silicone/foams tips, the memory wire can be annoying, but is tolerable.  With the stock Shure cable (64 inch version), memory wire, and the Sensaphonics custom sleeves, the memory wire is downright unbearable.  You have less room to work with regarding insertion of the custom sleeves, meaning the memory wires really do get in the way even more so when inserting the custom sleeves, as opposed to the sizes-fit-all silicone/foam tips.   I thought that getting the memory wire-less, almost invisible Estron Linum MMCX BaX cable would cure my cable woes.  For comfort it did, but everything else…not so much.  I wrote a review for the Linum cable at (Post #108).  I found out the best compromise, and actually increasing the comfort of the stock Shure 64 inch cable was to take a razor to very carefully cut out and remove the stock memory wire and plastic lining from the stock Shure cable, and I feel comfort has significantly increased as a result.  If you want to do this yourself, here is a Pro Tip: cut/take out the memory wire of the cable you do not use first.  In case you mess up, at least it won’t be on the cable you actually use the most!  I used the shorter 46 inch stock cable as my guinea pig.  Use the razor to cut the clear plastic sheath a few millimeters, and then use your fingers to pull the sheath down so it is separating to the cable’s MMCX connector base.  Use pliers to carefully pull the metal memory wire apart as you are pulling the MMCX connector base, pulling the metal memory wire side by side so it “pops” out of the base with just a little bit of forceful tugging.  Then place the razor at the lowest part of the cable’s MMCX connector base, and while keeping the razor in the same place, turn the base at a full 360 degrees a couple of times.  Then pull the plastic sheath, and the plastic sheath will pull/break apart!  After trying on the earphones sans memory wires, I said to myself “Why didn't I do this sooner?!”  Comfort is just so much better now sans memory wire, and has decreased my desire considerably to purchase a new cable that did not have memory wire.  Also, I have no issues with my Oakley sunglasses and the stock cable sans memory wire.  Thank goodness.
Aftermath of cutting and removing stock Shure SE846 memory wire:

Are the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves Worth the Money? 
Being able to have your very own, exclusive, custom-molded high-quality silicone sleeves from the original equipment manufacturer preferred company is of course definitely not cheap, compared to any of the off the counter/internet sizes-fit-all silicone/foam tips that are out there.   I did not know how deep the seal of any tip should be in my ear to have optimal isolation should be, that is - until I inserted the custom sleeves. The custom sleeves definitely lets you know what true isolation should feel, and sound like.  If you feel that your current tips feel great to you, and do not feel the custom sleeves will be worth it to you, then it may be best to stay away from purchasing the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves.  I feel the custom sleeves are best for users that want the ultimate in isolation and comfort, and those who may have fit issues with the current sizes-fit-all silicone/foam tips that are currently available.  I wound up paying a total of $275, + the fuel prices to drive to the West Hollywood/Los Angeles area for ear impressions + $30 health insurance co-pay for ear wax removal service at my local urgent care. Ear impressions were $100, $150 for the Sensaphonics custom sleeves, and $50 more for the crystal blue color option.  Since Ms. Tannenbaum was able to put in the order for me, she gave me $25 off of the entire order.  Shipping was “free” as well.  Definitely worth the time and effort to have a custom-feeling IEM that is actually a universal IEM!
Stellar Customer Service:
Audiologist extraordinaire Ms. Tannebaum and Claudia from Sensaphonics have been nothing but incredible, amazing, and for lack of a better word, awesome, regarding answering my questions and service concerning ordering the “regular” and currently the “full shell” sleeves, which should be in my possession in the next week or two. 
Sonic Harmony: 
I do not want to travel with, nor bring anything with me other than the phone that I currently use, which is an iPhone 5, so I am not currently in the market for the DX series, AK series, any DAPs, DACs, amps, or anything of the sort.  So after trying a dozen sizes-fit-all silicone/foam tips and trying out various music player apps for the iPhone (streamed services like Slacker, Songza, players like SoundFocus, Equalizer +, Audio Xciter, and Golden Ears Accudio) my perfect combination for sonic harmony so far, is this: Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves > Black Modded Filter (damper removed) > Shure SE846 > HL Silver Litz cable > iPhone 5 > Neutron Player (custom processing, resampling and gain settings).  The Neutron Player in my opinion blows every iPhone audio app out of the water, not just because it plain sounds better once you dial in the optimal settings, but because its digital processing is one of, it not, the most advanced out there currently.  Auditory pure bliss.  With this said, I have listened to more DAPs and amps as of late, so if I was going to add a device, it would more than likely be the Hugo, as the sound is creamy smooth, yet crystal clear sonically, and sounds better than my minimalistic iPhone 5 setup.  Update edit: I currently use the iPhone 6 - sounds even more powerful and blissful than the iPhone 5.
Remember in the beginning of the review when I wrote: I have not seen any “real” photos of the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves in Crystal Blue with the Shure SE846 nor by themselves on the internet?  Well, I want to change that, so here are photos of every angle that I could think of, of the “regular” sleeves with the Shure SE846 and by themselves.  The smaller diameter cable is the Estron Linum MMCX BaX, and the thicker cable is the memory wire-less stock Shure SE846 cable.  Please don’t mind my cauliflower wrestler’s ears:















Stock Shure SE846 cable (without memory wire):
























I’ll update the thread with additional impressions and pictures once I receive the “full shell” custom sleeves in the next week or two, as I’m sure the addition of the cymba area of the custom sleeves will bode well for increased fit and retention of the tight seal of my left side.
Update - June 2014
After wearing the “regular" custom sleeves for over a month, I have received my “full shell” custom sleeves, and I’m ecstatic that they are every bit how I have imagined they would be: superb, marvelous and wonderful.  The retention and fit of the “full shells” are extraordinary, and has transformed the universal sizes-fit-all Shure SE846 into a Custom, and Personal IEM in my honest opinion.
Time to Arrive:  
From the sending of my ear impressions from California to Sensaphonics’ headquarters in Chicago, to creation of the custom sleeves and sending the “full shell” custom sleeves to my front door took a little over two weeks.  That is impressive turnaround time, in my opinion.
From the outside and inside your ear, the “full shell” sleeves look exactly like the “regular” sleeves.  The addition of the cymba molding is not visible unless you move the ear and your head to expose/show the cymba molding, or take off the earphone completely to show the entire custom sleeve.  Also, the “full shells” do not stick out any more than the “regular” sleeves – on the contrary, the cymba molding of the “full shells” secures the earphones in the optimal position for fit and therefore giving you the ideal bore position inside your ears to reach auditory bliss.
Based on my ‘highly calculated measurements’ (holding and comparing the weight of both the “regular” sleeves and “full shells") the increase in weight that I perceive the “full shells” compared to the “regular” sleeves is around 25 percent.
The addition of the cymba area molding of the “full shells” doesn’t make inserting them any more difficult than the “regular” sleeves.  Just as simple, and the cymba molding goes right in place – no needing to move your ear around or anything like that.  Focus on the ear canal tube going into your ear using a slight twist motion as you insert, and the whole sleeve will slide right into the…right places.
Fit and Feel:  
The "full shell" sleeves feel a lot more secure to my ears with the addition of the cymba molding.  Now the earphones really feel like a custom IEM.  You are intimately connected to the Shure’s via the slight vacuum seal of the custom sleeves.  You do not feel the slight vacuum unless you are in the process of taking out the earphone(s).  You want and need this type of seal for the greatest isolation and fit.  I feel like there is no better regarding custom sleeves, for any application – as I believe Sensaphonics is the pinnacle of excellence in your ears, especially with regards to fit and feel.
Technology - Present and Future:
The tech in me knows that there are alternatives, not necessarily better, but ‘may’ be more accurate than ear impressions.  There are a few companies that currently have 3D ear scanners, that can capture the ear canal/ear shape digitally, which means it can be a more comfortable experience for patients, and being able to send the collected data straight to the manufacturer makes it infinitely faster as well to start the mold-making process as opposed to the manufacturer having to wait for mailed ear impressions.  Perhaps in the future CIEM and other custom earphone/sleeve companies can incorporate the 3D scanning into their repertoire if they feel it lessons fit issues, decreases ear impression arrival time and increases customer satisfaction. With that said, the Sensaphonics custom-created sleeves leave very little to the imagination regarding how the sleeves can get better and become more comfortable than they already are.
Sound Impressions of the “Full Shells” Compared to “Regular” Sleeves: 
I believe the sound – regular or full – is the same.  However, the “full shells” lend themselves to better stability, retention and fit; hence will keep the seal of the sleeves to your ears even better, maximizing the time the gloriously sounding music is flowing into your eardrums.
Regular or Full? 
I vastly prefer the “full shell” sleeves over the “regular” sleeves.  Comparing the two, the “regular” sleeves are more like the ultimate of custom earphone tips, with the ear mold additionally covering/enveloping the incisura and cavum portion of the ear.  There is still slight room for the earphones to move because there is nothing anchoring the cymba portion of the ear.  This is where the “full sleeves” work their passive, yet effective magic. The “full sleeves” sonic booms past any comparisons of earphone tips, and is more like the epitome of CIEMs because not only do the full shells envelop the same portions of the ear that custom IEMs cover/envelop, but the industrial-grade silicone works wonders for pliability to move with you when you move without losing the seal.  As a result, the comfort, in my opinion, is unrivaled to any of my past acrylic devices I have used in my ears. 
Here are some photos of the hot-off-the-presses "full shell" custom sleeves, with some photos with the "regular" custom sleeves for comparison and contrast as well (the Surface Pro 2 is my IEM and custom sleeve display):
Goodbye "regular" custom sleeves:


Hello "full shell" customs sleeves ("full shell" on left and "regular" on right):

"Full shell" on left and "regular" on right:

"Full shell" on left and "regular" on right:

"Full shell" on left and "regular" on right:

"Full shell" on left and "regular" on right:

"Full shells" on left side and "regular" sleeves on right side:

"Full shells" on left side and "regular" sleeves on right side:

"Full shells" on top and "regular" sleeves on bottom:

"Full shells" on top and "regular" sleeves on bottom:

"Full shells" on top and "regular" sleeves on bottom:

"Full shells" on the right and "regular" sleeves on the left:

"Full shells" on the right and "regular" sleeves on the left:

"Full shells" on top and "regular" sleeves on bottom:

"Full shells" on top and "regular" sleeves on bottom:

"Full shells" on top and "regular" sleeves on bottom (diagonal left):
"Full shell" custom sleeve:













"Full shell" on the left and "regular" sleeve on the right:

"Full shell" on the left and "regular" sleeve on the right:

"Full shell" custom sleeve(s):























Additional cymba molding of the "full shell" custom sleeve:

Additional cymba molding of the "full shell" custom sleeve:

Additional cymba molding of the "full shell" custom sleeve:

Additional cymba molding of the "full shell" custom sleeve:

Additional cymba molding of the "full shell" custom sleeve:









Update - July 2014
The "full shell" custom sleeves have been worn for a couple of weeks now, and since the ear canal tube is more lubricated from my ear wax and putting a little bit of water-based lubricant on it, insertion of the custom sleeve is a lot easier now.  I didn't have any Oto-Ease, but I was informed by Head-Fi member Monty Burns (who found out the info from Sensaphonics) that any water-based lubricant is fine to use on the custom sleeves and will not harm the silicone.  I prefer the lubricant Pjur.  Here are links to the company's water-based lubricant: Pjur Aqua (Link #1): or Pjur Aqua (Link #2):
Sweat is Conquered:
Here is a human outer ear diagram (from to help with the names of parts of the ear (so you don't have to scroll all of the way back up):

After 4 mile neighborhood run, the custom sleeves had the best seal out of all of the earphone silicone/comply tips that I have ever used, period.
No sweat went past the crus helix, tragus, incisura and/or cavum areas of the ear.  Meaning, no sweat made it into the ear canal.  As a result the "full shell" custom sleeves are a gym rat/fitness aficionado's dream come true.
Here are some pictures (sweaty) after said run:



If you want, need, or desire the crème-de-le-crème of earphone tips for your Shure earphones, look no further than the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves.  Happy Listening!
Jun 16, 2014 at 12:21 PM Post #3 of 436
Great Review. Insightful and on point really nothing like my commentary :wink:
The Blue is vey cool I may just have to seriously consider that. As mine are going back for shell and possibly some adjustment to the Left ear.
Interestingly I am lasting longer before the soreness kicks in. Part of me wants to hold on to my originals until the full shell replacements come back to me. However as I sit here after 30 min of having them in (now removed) I am reminded my outer ear cartilage could use the rest.
They really are addictive. It will be hard to go back to Olives for a week+ . The addict says hold on to them until the new ones arrive. The sane and ration al person who resides in my mind says IDIOT give your ears a rest.
If they are gone The sane brain wins by default.
Jun 16, 2014 at 1:08 PM Post #4 of 436
  Great information here moedawg, thanks for this!
The 846 plus these must be some combo'

No worries, Q Mass, happy to share what little knowledge I know, as audio as a whole is so vast of a topic, it would take multiple lifetimes to learn everything!
The Shure SE846 plus the Sensaphonics Custom Sleeves just feel right.  Almost like they should be standard on all of the Shure Universal IEMs (that would add a lot of money to the base price of the earphones though).
  Great Review. Insightful and on point really nothing like my commentary :wink:
The Blue is vey cool I may just have to seriously consider that. As mine are going back for shell and possibly some adjustment to the Left ear.
Interestingly I am lasting longer before the soreness kicks in. Part of me wants to hold on to my originals until the full shell replacements come back to me. However as I sit here after 30 min of having them in (now removed) I am reminded my outer ear cartilage could use the rest.
They really are addictive. It will be hard to go back to Olives for a week+ . The addict says hold on to them until the new ones arrive. The sane and ration al person who resides in my mind says IDIOT give your ears a rest.
If they are gone The sane brain wins by default.

Thanks Monty Burns!  I appreciate that wholeheartedly, coming from the literary/writing great that you are!
The blue is nice: a very calming color in my opinion.  If you want to keep your (as you said 'alien look'), you can keep your clear (opaque) custom sleeves.  But...if you really really like the Crystal Blue color, you should request the full shells to be created in Crystal Blue.  You can also think about the other colors as well, as I thought Crystal Green and Crystal Smoke looked really nice when I saw them in person as well.
You can keep the originals, but I would try to wear the most comfortable (silicone, yellow foam?) sizes-fit-all tips if you must wear the Shure SE846 before your full shells arrive.  If you do this, you will at least be able to keep the soreness/pain at bay, so when the full shells arrive, you will be able to find out without any previous soreness/pain if they truly are an upgrade for you regarding alleviating soreness/pain in your left ear. 
Please let us know what you decide to do!
Jun 16, 2014 at 5:41 PM Post #5 of 436
Wow.  Awesome review Maurice!  Very well written and thorough review.  I think I am going to have to give these a try.  One of the most appealing aspects about these is that you can remove them from you SE-846, so if something goes wrong with the 846, you can just remove them and put them on your new pair within a few days (with Shures great customer service).
What are you talking about cauliflower ears? lol... Your ears don't look anything like Randy Coutures.  I still get a laugh out of the Expendables with all the ear jokes. 
Thanks for sharing your review.
Have a good day,
Jun 17, 2014 at 12:56 AM Post #6 of 436
  Wow.  Awesome review Maurice!  Very well written and thorough review.  I think I am going to have to give these a try.  One of the most appealing aspects about these is that you can remove them from you SE-846, so if something goes wrong with the 846, you can just remove them and put them on your new pair within a few days (with Shures great customer service).
What are you talking about cauliflower ears? lol... Your ears don't look anything like Randy Coutures.  I still get a laugh out of the Expendables with all the ear jokes. 
Thanks for sharing your review.
Have a good day,

Thanks Dave, I appreciate your kind words.  If you do choose to get the custom sleeves, make sure your ear wax is not impacted and have them checked and cleaned out before going to see your audiologist so you won't have to make an additional trip like I did.  
The custom sleeves slip on and stay perfectly placed and tight in the nozzle.  They can be taken off easily to insert different color filters, or to be cleaned if you'd like.
I'm glad that I used head gear a lot (not 100% of the time) when I wrestled in high school.  Once I competed in college and the International Olympic style levels, using head gear was basically frowned upon.  I would never want to get my ears as bludgeoned as Randy Couture, my past teammate Urijah Faber, or any wrestler/MMA practitioner that chooses to never ever wear head gear.
Jun 20, 2014 at 10:14 AM Post #7 of 436
  I'm glad that I used head gear a lot (not 100% of the time) when I wrestled in high school.  Once I competed in college and the International Olympic style levels, using head gear was basically frowned upon.  I would never want to get my ears as bludgeoned as Randy Couture, my past teammate Urijah Faber, or any wrestler/MMA practitioner that chooses to never ever wear head gear.

I feel like this paragraph needs more elaboration, LOL
Jun 20, 2014 at 11:34 AM Post #8 of 436
I feel like this paragraph needs more elaboration, LOL

There is a lot to write about regarding my involvement with wrestling, like how I got started, cutting weight, meditation, sacrifice, teamwork, friendships, success, different teams I was a part of, coaching, etc.  What specifically would you like to know?  
Jun 20, 2014 at 12:58 PM Post #9 of 436
  There is a lot to write about regarding my involvement with wrestling, like how I got started, cutting weight, meditation, sacrifice, teamwork, friendships, success, different teams I was a part of, coaching, etc.  What specifically would you like to know?  

Mostly the "past teammate Urijah Faber" part, haha. 
Jun 20, 2014 at 3:25 PM Post #10 of 436
Mostly the "past teammate Urijah Faber" part, haha. 

Back in the day before he was a world-renowned fighter, he was a great wrestler. During the olden days, we both made a national team that got to tour and wrestle all over Japan. We both had ups and downs during that trip, but we were the best ones on the team, that's for sure. Even though I was bigger than him, he still bet me that he could take me down more than I could take him down. Of course I told him that would never happen and I would take him down more than he could take me down. We never wrestled to see who could take each other down to settle the score once and for all. Awesome and hilarious guy. Hopefully, before he retires, he will be able to hoist the UFC title on his shoulder/around his waist at least one time. That can be talked about on another thread though...
Jun 24, 2014 at 7:02 PM Post #12 of 436
  I was wondering how one orders the "full shell" for the 846's? All I can see on their are the half shell ones shown in this thread

I think this is now the standard manner that Sensaphonics is making the SCS for the 8s. I posted about it on the SE846 Impressions thread recently (After my "custom Sleeve Adventure" Posts)
Jun 24, 2014 at 7:09 PM Post #13 of 436
  I was wondering how one orders the "full shell" for the 846's? All I can see on their are the half shell ones shown in this thread

Just go to the audiologist and say you're sending a full-shell impression. Simple stuff, I just did it earlier today.
Jun 24, 2014 at 7:19 PM Post #14 of 436
  I was wondering how one orders the "full shell" for the 846's? All I can see on their are the half shell ones shown in this thread

Mr. Burns is correct.  I would go a step further and contact Sensaphonics when making the order to make sure/request/verify they are making the "full shells" for you.
The "regular" shells are shown in this thread (as of 6-24-14) because I have not yet received the "full shells".  Once I receive them, I will post pictures of the "full shells" and add impressions of the remakes.
Jun 24, 2014 at 7:26 PM Post #15 of 436
Just go to the audiologist and say you're sending a full-shell impression. Simple stuff, I just did it earlier today.

You are right, it is very simple.  However, I told my audiologist that I wanted Sensaphonics to make me "full shells" as she was the one who sent in the order to Sensaphonics, but I wound up receiving the "regular shells".  My advice is no matter what, verify with Sensaphonics (don't just rely on the middle-man/woman) to make sure they are creating the type of shell you want.

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