REVIEW: Purity Audio K.I.C.A.S. Caliente home headphone amp - updated with comments on regular KICAS
Aug 31, 2009 at 11:21 PM Post #331 of 395

Originally Posted by plonter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
so,how does the caliente compard to the EF1? anybody can comment on that?
I would really like to know which is more powerfull in the bass department. (quantity)
although from the comments on the caliente it is more to the warm side and has a deep bass, can it get to the levels of the EF1 with a pretty warm tube... like the mullard for example?
If it (the caliente) is really a warm ss amp with a full bass response I would love to give it a try, but if the EF1 with a warm tube has more bass than I would stick with it and keep rolling tubes.

EDIT: by the is one of the warmest (bass quantiy) ss amps around..? can other ss amps can fight it in the bass department? the only experience I have with full ss amps is with the headroom ultra micro and I wouldn't call it a warm amp. it is more to the dynamic and analytical sound IMO.


Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Unfortunately I no longer have either one on hand. The EF-1 can have more, different "sounds" by tube rolling it, whereas the Caliente is a great but slightly warm sounding amp always. Both are very good though.

Also, with newer version of EF1 you can roll opamps as well, but the original had the opamp soldered into place. HiFlight got good results with the AD743 on a 2:1 adapter in place of the stock OP275.
Oct 20, 2009 at 3:22 AM Post #332 of 395
I'm currently burning in my newly acquired Caliente, and at 56 hours, the sound is.... promising. Through my hd650's there's incredible amounts of authority in the lower frequencies. I can't say I've ever heard this much sheer force through a pair of ear phones before. During those extra deep frequencies, I feel as if I should be hearing the token "buzzzz" produced by every other cheap headphone I've ever had... the sound of its limitations. My hd650 is in total control of every note regardless of how deep... it's fantastic! This amp seems to be powering them to their fullest. I've had an M^3 with a Sigma 11 PS, and the caliente seems to reach deeper. However, I'm hoping this becomes somewhat more transparent, as it feels bloated and overwhelming at the moment.

The detail and "air" around individual instruments along with separation of said instruments is improving from my first impressions at zero burn in, as is the soundstage. My M^3/Sigma11 with OPA637/AD843's sounded somewhat similar at 55ish hours, with maybe slightly more detail. I have a pair of AKG 701's I purchased yesterday on their way. I'm planing on posting impressions of those along with my hd650's when the amp is at 200 hours, 300 hours and finally 500 hours.

So far I'm very happy with my amp. I'm quite eager to listen to it change as I burn it in through the next few weeks.

Oh, and for reference, I'm using a VDA-2/VAC-1 as a dac.
Oct 20, 2009 at 2:25 PM Post #333 of 395
Oriel can supply you with jumpers to convert your Caliente to a straight KICAS, and you can simply remove them for its' use with k701. Those Senns are better paired with the non-Caliente version.
I like using Caliente with Grado RS-1 and HF-2, particularly with Pico dac hanging off its' rear end.
Oct 20, 2009 at 6:10 PM Post #334 of 395
I was considering that as well BushGuy, but I wanted to give it some time to burn in before I make any final judgments, as I've heard that the hd650/Caliente combo is quite fantastic. I believe what I'm hearing right now will change enough that it could develop into quite a pleasant sound. I'd also rather not feel as if I have to pry open my Caliente every time I want to change headphones. That could become painful.
Oct 20, 2009 at 7:53 PM Post #335 of 395
I got a used Caliente yesterday. My unit is fully burned in at about 900 hours so I am not expecting any changes. So far, I would say it has too much bass. For the most part it is not boomy or uncontrolled but it does seem to push aside other frequencies at times. With straight rock and electric bass, it is deep, powerful and impactful, if a touch too overpowering. However, with the album American Song by Andy Bey, when the contrabass, powerful baritone vocals and kick drum conspire together, it creates an almost overwhelming reverb. I would shy away from using the term boomy, but it comes pretty close. There's just all this bass decay that can overwhelm the music on some tracks.

I've used the amp with two headphones, the Denon MD5000 DE (markl modded with Jena cable) and Grado HF-1. The overwhelming bass was more of an issue with the Denons. With the HF-1s it was actually a pretty good match although still not for those looking for a polite, laid back sound. As the Denons are my current favorite headphone, the jury is still out as to whether or not I'm going to keep this amp. I only have a couple of hours logged and I need to try it out with a variety of music. At the very least I will hold onto it for the next few weeks until after the upcoming NY Area meet.

The bass, which by the way is strong, impactful, tight, deep and despite it being out of wack with the rest of the sound, is actually quite fun. A guilty pleasure for closet bassheads. The rest of the attributes are pretty much all positive. The sound is clear and articulate, with a nice wide and deep soundstage, especially with the Denons (not so much with the Grados). The amp has a lot going for it but in general I think I'd like something a bit more neutral. Jumpers to convert to a KICAS regular sounds like a good idea and I may investigate that.

It seems like from the other impressions I've read that not too many other people seem to think the bass is too much. It might just be a case of not being the best match for the D5000.
Oct 21, 2009 at 12:11 AM Post #336 of 395
FWIR, I'd say these impressions are spot on. I can definitely see the Caliente being a bit too much in the lower registers w/certain HP combos. Prior to purchasing a Caliente the only FS HP I owned at the time were AD900s, which are quite "lean" in the bass department. My Bedside Rig consists of a NAD C525BEE/Wireworld Eclipse IC/Purity Audio K.I.C.A.S. Caliente/PS Audio Duet/JPS AC. This combo has very good synergy, giving the ATs added weight & depth in bass I was looking for, while maintaining it's airy highs & beautiful mids. Next, I purchased a pair of HD25-1 II for My portable rig & while absolutely love it w/My P-51 Mustang, I found it was not a good match with the Caliente. Bass was a little too overwhelming for my taste, so much so that it seemed to congest the already "confined" soundstage of the Senns. From the experience w/these two HPs, I began to realize what kind of SS I like & what HPs are going to match up well w/My Bedside rig. After reading about the AKG K501s, I knew this would be a HP for Me & I was not dissapointed. Instantly becoming one of My favorite HPs in My limited experience here on Head-Fi. Another pair I was interested in were DT531 "Groovalizers", another winner matching up exceptionally well. They have since become My everyday Go-To cans, that are always plugged in. While they aren't really the last word in anything, they're very versatile w/ a lot of different genres & just make everything "fun" to listen to. Added a K240M to the mix & at 600 Ohms are a little harder to drive, although have never had to go past 1 or 2 o'clock on the pot. With a similar SS to the rest of My modest collection, it does pretty well, though it does not get as much time as the others. Thinking about getting a re-cable done on it, then it might get more time in the rotation. Others I am intersted in are W5000 & K702, which might ultimately be the "ones". The search continues...


Oct 21, 2009 at 12:41 AM Post #337 of 395
Life being what it is, I recently sold my SA5000 to fund a new source. I think these would have been great cans with this amp. I'd also like to get my hands on my first real audiophile headphones, DT931. I loved those cans but the only amp that I found that really made them shine was the Audio Valve RKV MKII. I bet they would sound good with this amp as well.
Nov 12, 2009 at 1:46 AM Post #338 of 395

Originally Posted by nauxolo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anyone know how this amp works with the Grado RS-1 and the Audio Technica ESW10JPN?

What kind of 'phones are best for this amp

This amp works really well with the RS-1. There is a bit of boost of everything below 100hz or so. It might even be lower than 100 hz, but basically it sounds as tho there is more sub bass compared to the regular KICAS and MF xcan v8. For my rock predilection this is a nice difference. It's not as neutral perhaps and I'm assuming the boost is through capacitors so its a bit like an analog eq. Sounds good to my ears.

There may also be a cut in the highs becaues I can turn volume up more with this amp before the rs-1 highs start getting fatiguing. This may or may not be a good thing depending on how loud you like your music.

Personally I can't tell the difference between solid state or tube-hybrid amps so long as they are reasonably well made and volume-matched during testing. The only difference I've ever been able to tell between "neutral" amps is if one has more hum or distortion than another. The difference between the Caliente and nuetral SS amps like the gilmore lite is apparent to my ears because of the extra audible eq. Consequently the amp is more forgiving of sibilance to my ears.
Jan 15, 2010 at 5:43 PM Post #340 of 395
First time poster reviving this thread.... I'm looking for my first headphone amp to power Grado SR-80 and Shure SRH440 headphones. The source will be a NAD cdp in my office. (My main system: Rega Apollo cdp and Rega P3 turntable --> NAD separates --> Von Scheikert VR-1 speakers, a smooth combo indeed). Between my two headphones, I like the Grados a better--they sound more natural and organic--but it may be because I've owned them for a long time. Eventually, I will probably move up the Grado line (SR225, SR325 or RS-2(i)).

I listen to all kinds of music, but especially Jazz combos (sax, piano, drums, bass), vocalists, and modern "indie" rock (whatever that means). My main question: will I like the regular KICAS or the Caliente better? Are there other amps that you might recommend (ss or tubed) in this price range?

Finally: I've skimmed this whole thread and I notice that several (half?) of the people on the group buy(s) have moved on to other gear; is this a consequence of upgrade fever, or is there something about this amp that left you unsatisfied? I'm trying to get perspectives from current and former owners. Thanks!
Jan 15, 2010 at 7:51 PM Post #341 of 395
I am selling a Corda Arietta here; which suits your headphones very very good, and for a much more affordable price...
Ah, [size=x-small][size=x-small]In addition;[/size][/size]it have crossfeed too

Originally Posted by jja /img/forum/go_quote.gif
First time poster reviving this thread.... I'm looking for my first headphone amp to power Grado SR-80 and Shure SRH440 headphones. The source will be a NAD cdp in my office. (My main system: Rega Apollo cdp and Rega P3 turntable --> NAD separates --> Von Scheikert VR-1 speakers, a smooth combo indeed). Between my two headphones, I like the Grados a better--they sound more natural and organic--but it may be because I've owned them for a long time. Eventually, I will probably move up the Grado line (SR225, SR325 or RS-2(i)).

I listen to all kinds of music, but especially Jazz combos (sax, piano, drums, bass), vocalists, and modern "indie" rock (whatever that means). My main question: will I like the regular KICAS or the Caliente better? Are there other amps that you might recommend (ss or tubed) in this price range?

Finally: I've skimmed this whole thread and I notice that several (half?) of the people on the group buy(s) have moved on to other gear; is this a consequence of upgrade fever, or is there something about this amp that left you unsatisfied? I'm trying to get perspectives from current and former owners. Thanks!

Jan 16, 2010 at 3:12 AM Post #343 of 395

Originally Posted by jja /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you Wilashort, I'll keep it in mind. Further comments invited!

Jan 16, 2010 at 3:34 PM Post #344 of 395
FYI listening thru my Pico dac/Kicas Caliente -> v.2 VIxen / HF-2 from MacBook as I type this post, and have pair of RS-1/flats laying nearby.
...........having been thru a number of other Grado - I suggest going straight to used RS-1 (as old as you can find - eg. aprox ser#1100 or earlier, or vintage), and/or a pair of HF-2 modded to Vixen (also have Joe Grado HP-2).
For closed - my current choices remains Headphile Terminators built with dt770/600ohm drivers. When Beyer T1 become more readily available, I'll see how they fit into the equation.
Amps - have EAR HP4/NOS tubes (financially entirely different ballpark). Never bought a Mapletree. The Kicas Caliente does a very nice job with Grado, as does the portable Pico (mine is amp/dac). No point in mentioning amps that are gone.

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