Review of soundmagic es10 , es18 , creative ep600 , cowon ce1 , jbl tempo in ear , review of philips she 3590 , feat the she 3580 rp-hj3 120 and panasonic rp-hje355 . and more .
Aug 9, 2012 at 6:14 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 660


Headphoneus Supremus
Oct 31, 2011

         i was think of doing this for a long time , but i was hesitating a bit , cuz these guys lacks weight on their own , brands not much people care about , at least as earphones . but they have good track records in my opinion at least . philips , panasonic , cowon soundmagic have some good basic earphone to start with . not over $20 . but some of them worth more then their price tag . and this can be a good entry level shoot out .
      featuring two of the most basic entry level giants , she 3580 and rp-hje 120 . have to audition them again . cuz im a bit busy with my xba-3 now , and the es10 is burning in , reviews took a while for some private reasons . i am really sorry to keep you guys waiting .
      after failing to post it due to my awesome electric connection , i am not in a mood to do a detailed review . still it will be good enough . if you have more to ask , please go ahead .
       click on the pics to have a good look . not the best of pic but manageable .
she 3590 :-

these are the brothers of she 3580 and she 3570 , these are she 3590 , comes with similar box , similar package , just 3 size ear tips , nothing changed accept the name , the main question is , do these sound the same ? yes they sound nearly the same with a bit bigger bass , longer decay time , and a bit less detailed highs .
comes with similar cable too , at first the ear piece looked a bit different but cant find any . isolation is good , tangle prone cable  , microphonics is high too . dont bother to buy this if you have a she3580/3570 .  lags frames at times . wont say it is better then the older brothers . but are good to start with and is recommended for those who love bass and dont want to compromise much with the over all spectrum . lacks strain reliever at earphone end .
she 3580 :-

these are one of my fav earphones , she 3580 , these are just for comparison .
soundmagic es10 :-

soundmagic es10 , just one thing . burn burn , burn rightly burn burn . difficult to say where these stand in soundmaigc line up , cuz these are from es series , just $11 but more then the higher numbered es18 which is mare $9, the shirt clip is missing too . it looks like pl11 , and has a 10 mm driver like the es 18 , pl 11 has 9 mm .
 this earphone dont sound like pl11 at all , bass is lean lacks the punch too , highs are harsh , just like the es 18 at start . burned for 50 hrs and more but , i didnt see major changes , the bass grew a bit but still not good , mids are good but feels hollow at times . high is as it was , harsh and fatiguing . the cable is good as always . rarely lagged frames . but not fun at all . this will do good for those who want earphones which dont have a colored sound sig .
 these are only recommended to those who want detailed highs supporting mids and mild amount of bass . the build is good , the fit is good too .
soundmagic es18 :-

the famous es 18 , the red cable i think is for swag . i love it , just awesome , its just like my ultimate ears ue 400 with just a bit less body and quiet less bass but still got good bass . ( bass has grown and sound is bass dominated ) and yes there is a pouch in a $9 earphone's pack , where as my friends hifiman re 262 were lacking any thing like a carry pouch or case . the build is also not bad , not fragile at all , there are some complains about durability .
     have to say , its the best of the lot , bass grew bigger with 75 hrs of burn in , nice and enough amount of bass , really awesome mids and im impressed by the upper mid too . highs are a bit harsh at times but still not hurting at all . cable is better then many . the cable color is a eye candy , to me at least . cable is nice and not tangle prone . at first had some comfort issues , but now with sony hybrids , its good . never lagged frames . better cable then philips and ep series .
     and this is recommended for every one , and specially new comers .
soundmiagic pl21 :-

there are better guys who have reviewed it so im not doing it again , these are for comparison only . $16 , cable clip and carry pouch . sound is not bad. but still behind the hje-120 and es18 . cable is good , cable clip is not removable , tangles but not much . the best thing is the small cute box it comes in . lacks quiet a bit of detail .
cowon ce1 :-

      there is rarely any review of these , so i decided to do it . nothing come along with these , cuz cowon wants to sell a specific product nothing is free from them , like apple . even the j3 lacks a good earphone , the ce1 lacks everything accept the useless ear tips ( to get isolation i had to use ue tips ) . the only best thing is the cable , thickest of the lot , till the cable splits . cable tangles but not tangle prone at all .difficult to distinguish the right and left earpiece . and tangles at times .
      the sound is good and the sig is bass heavy , but the main trouble was fit . i had bad isolation and struggled to keep the earphone inside . i had to try different tips and found the ue black tips giving best isolation for these . the earpiece size is huge , and the insertion depth is short .
sound is good with big bass , good enough to take on bass monsters like ep600 and meelec m9 . but the decay is better then many cheap bass phones and keeps up with the speed . but is not as good as es18 .
mid is okay but takes the back seat , highs are acceptable but the bass dominates the music signature , not to say lacks details when compared to es18 . cant take on the es18 or hje-120 .
creative ep600 :-

these are the ep600 , just under the ep630 and over ep430 , but i prefer these over the ep630 .
exactly same with the ep630 , going no where at all . same huge bass , okay mids , and blunt highs but good for bass heads and those who dont like highs . the sound stage is small .
good for bass heads , lags frames at times , what you want from a $10 earphone ? same old cable too . tangle prone . lacks detail .
jbl tempo :-

     any one wants to hate a earphone ? your welcome to the jbl tempo . cheap make , cheap box , cheap cable , useless pouch which feels like made of t-shirt material . but sounds good . the sound sig is like the ce1 , with just a bit lesser amount of bass and better highs , mid takes the back seat and has good detail , highs lacks detail but peaks at times . it hurts after some time and the fit is a bit annoying . the big shell is annoying cuz i like deep insertion .and the isolation is not good . the cable tangles at times . the build is not good but not bad .
i dont like it at all , keep the audio quality apart , it comes to comfort and this is the least comfortable , even worse then the ce1 . a bit smaller ear bud design will do good . the cable looks cheap and it makes me angry at times , i tried to break the cable once . i will say go for ce1 if you can . just forget it , unless you are getting it for less then $10 .


the boxes . the black she 3590 not even out of the box . stay in there you dracula , i will wake you up when your brother is down .


hje-355 :-

no , dont worry , these are the hje-355 .
    here it is , a million dollar question . the panasonic has a 10.7 mm driver , and all of the others in the above two pics have 10 mm driver , even if ce1 and jbl tempo have 10 mm drivers they are huge , and dont have good isolation when compared to others too . the question is , dose the hje-355 really have a 10.7 mm driver ? cuz its really small . the ce1 could have a bigger driver easily , jbl could have a 12 mm driver .the hje-355 is one of my fav under $20 phones , easy going , awesome fit , really nice cable and tiny earpieces . build is simple and good . the stock tips were bad , so replaced them with sony hybrids .
    bass is controlled , not boomy or muddy and will not please bass heads at all , doesnt go deep down the spectrum , dont move much air , but still enough to keep you seated , bass dont have much details , and the decay is not the best in class , mids are the best part , nicely forward , vocal mids are a hair less detailed but still good , and icing on the cake is a good complementing rounded sound stage , instrument separation is good too , i had bad experiences with panasonic hje-240 , it was crooked perhaps , may be phased-out it was , but i hated it , after that i was not feeling easy while buying hje-355 , price dont matter , but space does , im running out of storage space .
 i missed the highs , highs is what makes a phone complete , many out there have plenty of bass , okay mids but absent highs , but the 355 has some easy going highs which comes up only when required , you can call it blunt , lacks a bit of spark still not life less , awesome sound sig , mid dominates the spectrum , a bit dark and laid back sound sign .
      so far one of the best phone , with awesome cable , build and sound . lags a bit at high speed music .
      isolation is good , and microphonics is quiet low due to soft rubber cable .
she 3680 :-

thats the ety er-4p box .
    brother big these are of the she 3580 , ( i may upload another pic ) , these phones are really beautiful , comes with a small box , but i lost it , only other thing in the box are 2 more pair of ear tips , there is a cable slider too , i like these small things , it makes phones feel complete . the cable is rubberized but has some microphonics to it , no stress relievers at the earphone end . nice and strong build .
       bass is better then hje-355 , decay is a hair better then she 3580 , may not please bass heads but not bad at all , extension at the bottom is not bad , but nothing to write home about , moves avg amount of air and has enough detail to it , mids are clear but dont have a good sound stage like hje 355 to complement it , instrument separation is good but not best in class . highs are really nice and contains enough details to keep you entertained . here you get the sparkling highs .
       the sound sig is not as smooth as the hje-355 but not bad , dark , a bit bothering after long hours , comfort is good but not best . as a all rounder its an awesome phones , dont lag , have a good sound , every part of the spectrum is taken good care . just the microphonics is a point to bother about .
ue200 :- ( logitech )

this guy can swim , but your player may not like water that much .
       keep no doubts , tested by myself , i used to ware them at my bathtub . rally awesome build , low microphonics , comes with a good size carry box , and 6 set of ear tips with 5 different sizes to fit ever ear . no stress relievers at the 3.5mm connector end . but the build of this earphone is really nice .
       bass is lean , just like hje-355 , its just like the hje 355 , with a bit warmer sound sig , smaller sound stage , forward mids and highs , the over all sound sig is mid and high end dominated , not harsh at all , bit blunt highs but still sparky . forward mids but vocal mids are a bit down .
       and these guys have awesome isolation , fantastic is what these guys deserve , better then most of the entry level phones .
       there are complaints of driver flex , if that comes up with you , ue should replace it , but at most of the cases they may not .
creative ep630 :-


 i have no shame in admitting , that these were one of my first in ear earphones along with cx400 .
bigger bass . not controlled , flatter sound stage like a pizza box , mids are just okay , vocals are below par , highs are nearly missing .
bass goes deep , moves good amount of air , there is a mid bass hump . bass lacks texture , detail and a bit boomy .
mids have a back seat , instruments are not separable , but not bad , if you are a casual listener , its okay . lacks details .
voice dont crack but not crisp , highs are just hanging at the door . smooth but you know what is smooth for highs .
( highs are safe in the cold decay . j3 transmitting but , its lost in the way . linkin park effect may be )
the best thing is the sound sig , its warm still dark and the notes are thickest in this price range . that affects decay time .
ep-630 cant take fast paced music like trance and house , but its still is good for the price . cant handle high volume .
its the best easy going and acceptable phone around for nearly every one , who likes bass , the sound sig is really pleasing .

       i will add some later , as memorex ie400 , she 3500 , hje-355 , hje-140 , and may be a ear pump pro .
i droped the she3500 , it was a es10 from philips .
till then take care , dont use earphones while driving . peace .
watch this pace , will add at least five more . any demands ? no skullcandy please .
Oct 27, 2012 at 2:13 PM Post #2 of 660
Thanks a lot for this review. If possible, please format it and make it look a bit better (with ratings and stuffs). The only 'Indian Budget Multi-IEM' review thread.
Review Request:
EP-630 (500 Rs)
Ultimate Ears 100/200/350 (Rs. 750/1250/1450)
Nov 5, 2012 at 10:17 AM Post #4 of 660
thanks for the interest , i have them and will add them in 2-3 days , im really sorry  , cuz i was out of station for a while .
Nov 8, 2012 at 12:20 AM Post #8 of 660
nice write up. 
got my cousin the es18 a while back. 
haven't heard it yet but he said its better than anything he has put in his ears .. 
Nov 8, 2012 at 10:31 AM Post #11 of 660
will add 4 , ep-630 , she3680 , ue 200 and hje355 tomorrow .

thanks ! 

Nov 9, 2012 at 4:13 PM Post #12 of 660
you should try adding the mh1c also, it much the same price of something like the tekfusion twinwoofers and is a real awesome speaker if you ask me ..
its what i would call a sweet all musical earphone .. 
not up there with the best of earphones but not really far.. 
once amped i think it takes over my preference for shure se 535 ! 
Nov 10, 2012 at 4:37 AM Post #13 of 660
HEllo, O.O
so, like, you didn't arrenge them all in the order of best to worst. yeah i know they are all different in different parameters but if you have 2000 rupees, which one would you buy ?
i have only used philips she 3750 and sony ex (1250 rupees) and panasonic  (that 450 inr one) yep i have never gone beyond a thousand and hence i don't know **** about headphones.
i want a very very simple answer from you (im impressed by your review and thanks) that suggest me the best headphone under 2000 (make a list from best to worst or TOP 5) if i love she 3750 so much that i've bought it 2 times.
anywho, i'v been researching and i came across these brands :
soundmagic, philips, sony, klipsh, jbl, creative, meelectronics, panasonic and all those but i don't know what to choose

Sennheiser makes this cx 180 for 1650 retail right? so should i give it a try? but idk if its reasonable for its price)

just give me top 5 under 2000
top 5 under 5000 and top 5 under 1000
^_^ thanks
Nov 10, 2012 at 8:09 AM Post #14 of 660
HEllo, O.O
so, like, you didn't arrenge them all in the order of best to worst. yeah i know they are all different in different parameters but if you have 2000 rupees, which one would you buy ?
i have only used philips she 3750 and sony ex (1250 rupees) and panasonic  (that 450 inr one) yep i have never gone beyond a thousand and hence i don't know **** about headphones.
i want a very very simple answer from you (im impressed by your review and thanks) that suggest me the best headphone under 2000 (make a list from best to worst or TOP 5) if i love she 3750 so much that i've bought it 2 times.
anywho, i'v been researching and i came across these brands :
soundmagic, philips, sony, klipsh, jbl, creative, meelectronics, panasonic and all those but i don't know what to choose

Sennheiser makes this cx 180 for 1650 retail right? so should i give it a try? but idk if its reasonable for its price)

just give me top 5 under 2000
top 5 under 5000 and top 5 under 1000
^_^ thanks

        under 1000 :-
        2)  soundmagic es18
        3)  panasonic hje-355 ( too close to es18 , has a different sound sig ) ,
             meelec m6 for bass lovers
        4)  panasonic hje120
        5)  soundmagic pl21
        special mention for she3680  ( hard to find )
        my suggestions are ex220lp , es18 and hje-355
   at under 2000 ( $40 ) you will miss some good phones and in the 5000 ($100 ) zone they will miss the cut , so top 10 under $80 , roughly 4200rs are :-
        1)  ultimate ears 600 ( $85 , worth the $5 push )
        2)  vsoinc gr06
        3)  etymotic mc5 .
        4)  meelec cc51
        5)  ultimate ears 400/500
        6)  brainwavz m2
        7)  soundmagic e30 or soundmagic e10
        8)  meelec sp51
        9)  sony xb41ex or meelec cw31
      10)  klipsch image s4  
        special mention to klipsch image s3 and ue350 .
      my votes are for cc51 and ue400/500
   i wont suggest you to go for a iem over $100 or inr5000 , cuz you may not like that of a big step at one time , go step by step and you will appreciate the sound quality , but its all on you ..
        at $100 i think the dogs are :-
        1)  etymotic hf5 ( $115 , worth the push )
        2)  meelec a161p
        3)  shure se215
        2)  jvc fxd-80
        3)  head direct re zero ( not re0 ) 
        please dont start with this price range , but ety hf5 is the ruler of this price range .
        i would not like you to buy a cx180 for $33 , the sound sig is good but its sound quality is not clear , muddy and bass dominated  , go for xb30ex instead , far better then cx180 . and cx180 sometime lags frame too .
       write back if you want some more suggsetion , and sorry for this long write up .

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