cheap iems for small ears
I know this question probably gets asked fairly often but I have a small budget. I am desperately hoping to find a pair of in ear phones that cancel noise and sound good but will fit my ears. I don't want to spend a lot of money since I won't know if they will fit until I get them. I am...- Dpgriff
- Thread
- panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black reloop-rh-3500 philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones etymotic-mc5 philips-she3590wt-10-in-ear-headphones-white
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Need help choosing some inexpensive (<$40) Sennheiser Earphones
I am looking to buy some new Sennheiser Earphones. Looking in the <$40 price range. I listen to mostly techno, and house music. Although I listen to "bass heavy" music, I DO NOT like headphones where bass over powers everything, and mids and highs suck. I prefer a flatter frequency response...- skippytheturtle
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- panasonic-rp-hje450-k panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black sennheiser-cx300-s-earbuds-silver
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
JVC HA-FX40 vs Panasonic RP-HJE355
Duplicate post. Please remove.- JK1
- Thread
- panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Budget IEMs review--Panasonic RP-HJE355 posted 18 February 2013
Intro I am a firm believer in EQ. Thanks to PiccoloNamek's EQ guide, and with some inventions of my own, these days I can spend less than an hour with just about any new pair of IEMs and tweak them to sound better than anything I've heard without EQ, at any price. (and I've heard up to $400...- Joe Bloggs
- Thread
- etymotic-mc3 etymotic-research-mc2-blk-noise-isolating-in-ear-headset-and-earphones-black panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black tdk-clef-p-live-tuning philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones etymotic-mc5 panasonic-rp-hje120-k-in-ear-earbud-ergo-fit-headphone-black
- Replies: 102
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Review of soundmagic es10 , es18 , creative ep600 , cowon ce1 , jbl tempo in ear , review of philips she 3590 , feat the she 3580 rp-hj3 120 and panasonic rp-hje355 . and more .
i was think of doing this for a long time , but i was hesitating a bit , cuz these guys lacks weight on their own , brands not much people care about , at least as earphones . but they have good track records in my opinion at least . philips , panasonic , cowon soundmagic have some good...- suman134
- Thread
- cowon-ek2 jbl-tempo-earbud panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black xiaomi-pistons-3-0-in-ear-headphones philips-she3680-headphones-wired philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones
- Replies: 659
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Panasonic RP-HJE295 vs RP-HJE355
Panasonic HJE-355 on left, 295 on right ($15 and $8 on Amazon, respectively) I don't have any detailed review for anyone, so sorry if anybody was expecting something brilliant. I know the 355's get some attention in the budget category here, especially since receiving a good review from Cnet...- glove4
- Thread
- panasonic-rp-hje295-k-deep-base-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Philips she3580 vs Panasonic hje355
Which one is better?- lilboozy
- Thread
- panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sturdy budget earphones, best bang for the buck? (Mostly for text)
I want the cheapest best-bang-for-the-buck in ear monitor (mostly to listen to text but some music too - for music I have regular headphones). It must be very sturdy - I don't want the cables to break down. It is the usual end of in-ear phones. What's the best solution for me? I also...- BangOn
- Thread
- monoprice-8320-iem panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black soundmagic-pl30-in-ear-headphones jvc-hafx8b-riptidz-inner-ear-headphones-black jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 in-ear panasonic-rp-hje350-k-slimz-in-ear-earbud-headphones-black philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones etymotic-mc5 philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black panasonic-rp-hje120-k-in-ear-earbud-ergo-fit-headphone-black
- Replies: 25
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
IN EARS For Personal Use
My Music; basically Progressive House,Trance and Dubstep I have beening owning skullcandy skullcrushers for a year and i recently decided on to buy a pair of in ear earphones as i can't take the crushers everywhere.I have been aiming to buy them at a price limit of 15$.i scrolled through lot...- TAWT AMISH
- Thread
- philips-she3570bk-10-black-in-ear-headphones panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black sony-mdrex10lp-blk-in-ear-headphones jvc-ha-fx101 in-ear philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Best inears for 15 $
My Music; basically Progressive House,Trance and Dubstep I have beening owning skullcandy skullcrushers for a year and i recently decided on to buy a pair of in ear earphones as i can't take the crushers everywhere.I have been aiming to buy them at a price limit of 15$.i scrolled through lot...- TAWT AMISH
- Thread
- philips-she3570bk-10-black-in-ear-headphones akg-k311-ear-buds monoprice-8320-iem panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black sony-mdrex10lp-blk-in-ear-headphones jvc-ha-fx101 head-gear in-ear philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones focalprice-xkdun-ck-700 philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
sp-earbuds-5? here is the link to them. I am considering getting a cheap pair of earbuds to work out with because my old pair crapped out on me. Anyone have any information on these? Are they good for the price? Any and all opinions...- guyfromcrowd
- Thread
- headphones panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black sound-professionals
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Good IEMs under $30?
Yes I know that there are about a hundred of these threads, but in each one the suggestions that are given are all completely different and have only given me more options to choose from, making finding the right pair more difficult and time consuming. I was hoping that you guys could help me...- CaptainSourMilk
- Thread
- brainwavz-beta-v2 brainwavz-m4-in-ear-headphones headphones in-ear jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 meelectronics-clarity-series-cc51-bk-ceramic-in-ear-headphone-for-ipod-iphone-mp3-cd-dvd-players-black meelectronics-cw31-wooden-in-ear-headphones-for-ipod-iphone-mp3-cd-dvd-players-wood meelectronics-m21p-bk-in-ear-headphones meelectronics-m6-bk-in-ear-headphones-black monoprice-8320-iem panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black panasonic-rp-hje450-k philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones soundmagic-pl11 vsonic-gr99
- Replies: 38
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Gym Headphones?
My apple earphones went deaf due to sweat and possibly intense movement, and I'm looking for headphones or earphones that under $100. I'm using them for intense workouts at the gym, such as running the tread mill, lifting weights, If there earphones I want ones that stick in your ear, because...- MrAwesome
- Thread
- grado-igrado-headphones headphones in-ear jvc-ha-fx101 jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 jvc-hafx8b-riptidz-inner-ear-headphones-black jvc-has160b-flats-lightweight-headband-headphones-black kicker-hp201b-active-style-headphones koss-sportapro-stereo-headphones meelectronics-m6-bk-in-ear-headphones-black panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black soundmagic-e30 vsonic-gr02-bass-edition vsonic-gr99
- Replies: 15
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Running and Gym IEMs
Yo guys I need earphones for workouts (weight lifting and running). I really want to buy the jvc HA-fx40 after i saw some reviews here but i dont know if theyre good enough for workouts. My main choice is the sport fi s6 of meelectronics but i dont know if they worth the 55$...- talelxpx
- Thread
- sport soundmagic-eh11-sports-in-ear-headphones-blue panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black meelectronics-m6-bk-in-ear-headphones-black jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Help me pick my next budget IEM amongst a selection?
Long story short, I had 2 IEMs; a Sony MDR-something something; they were great, but now discontinued. I gave these to a friend who really needed some IEMs as he had no decent ones and he was a piano player and used his iPod heavily; dude needed em. I also had Senheiser CX250s, which got...- 192405
- Thread
- brainwavz-beta-v2 headphones in-ear jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 meelectronics-m9-bk-hi-fi-sound-isolating-earphones-black monoprice-8320-iem panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black soundmagic-e10
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
What are the best earphones under $50?
Can you guys recommend me some earphones under $50? I'll give you the most information i can so you can easily pick some earphones for me Earphones i had before: Original Apple Earphones Lenntek Sonix 3 A Jays One They all did good (except Apple Earphones) but both of them broke on me...- MrRamirez
- Thread
- dunu-dn-12-trident fiio-e10 headphones hisoundaudio-popo in-ear jays-t-jays-one jvc-ha-fx101 jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 lenntek-sonix-3-w-microphone panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones visang-vs-r02-inear-hi-fi-noise-isolation-ear-buds-earphones xtreme-xplosives-in-ear yuin-pk3-earphones
- Replies: 22
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
IEM comparable to Sennheiser MX-880 earbuds
What are some IEMs that are comparable in sound with Sennheiser's MX880 earbuds? I had listened to some MX980 and MX880 a while back while searching for the best earbuds for me, but decided on the MX880 because the MX980 were too big for me. I purchased the MX880, but ended up returning...- audioqueso
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-ckm500-bk-inner-headphones-japan-import audio-technica-ath-cks77bk-solid-bass-in-ear-headphones headphones in-ear jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black sennheiser-mx-580-stereo-headphones-with-intergrated-volume-control sennheiser-mx-880-premium-stereo-headphones sennheiser-px-100-ii-supra-aural-mini-headphones-black
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
What are the differences between Panasonic RP-HJE355 and RP-HJE290? Wich one are the best?
Hi. Well, i´m new in this forum, but not in listening to music. I listen to music like metal, rock, drum&bass and electronic music. I had the panasonic RP-HJE120, but they got broken after a year of use, (was my fault); they had warranty, so, the store where i bought them, replaced for a new...- Slayer91
- Thread
- panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black in-ear
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Affordable IEMs, canalphones, or earbuds
Hi all, I'm looking for a portable pair of earphones that I can use on an airplane, as well as take to the hospital with me in about a week. My third and final pair of PX-100s just broke (as much as I like the sound, I wouldn't buy another anyway as the quality control was crap). Cheaper...- BackwardPawn
- Thread
- etymotic-mc3 etymotic-mc5 headphones in-ear jvc-ha-fx40-b-earphone-kv6902 panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black sandisk-sansa-clip-zip-8gb-grey-mp3-player-sdmx22-008g-e46g-grey sennheiser-px-100-collapsible-headphones xtreme-xplosives-in-ear
- Replies: 65
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Panasonic RP-HJE355-K High Fidelity Ergo-Fit Inner Ear Earbud Headphone Black
Panasonic's RP-HJE355 series features high fidelity provided by a new high-grade Neodymium magnet and extended long sound port. Comfortable Fit The RP-HJE355 package includes 3 pairs of soft earpads (Small, Medium, and Large size) so that you can choose which size fits your ears best. These...- jacksonchansf
- Head Gear item
- panasonic-rp-hje355-k-high-fidelity-ergo-fit-inner-ear-earbud-headphone-black
- Reviews: 1
- Category: Universal Fit