[REVIEW] HifiMan RE400 ‘Waterline’ – The New Reference
Aug 21, 2013 at 5:23 AM Post #513 of 781
The vocals on these are so good that sometimes when my eyes are closed I can almost feel the vocalists breath on my face. Lol

Welcome to the world of hifi! This is what it's all about.
Eventually you will come to find out that better equipment can portray realism even better and it will always leave you wanting more.
Sorry about your wallet.
Aug 21, 2013 at 10:19 AM Post #514 of 781
Welcome to the world of hifi! This is what it's all about.
Eventually you will come to find out that better equipment can portray realism even better and it will always leave you wanting more.
Sorry about your wallet.

Still, of all the IEMs I've heard so far, the RE-400 on both male/female vocals (and many other things for that matter like tonal accuracy, instrument separation) are astonishing for the price they go for.  But I agree...once you begin to look into higher level stuff, you do get positive gains here and there at the expense of some serious wallet damage. 
 Once you start considering those improvements and refinements in future options, it becomes dangerously easy to justify the extra expense lol.  However, for those on a budget (like my portable rig is right now) they are an excellent value and something that I'm completely satisfied and content, even proud, in owning.
Aug 21, 2013 at 3:43 PM Post #516 of 781
I'm happy with the sound of RE-400 so far, it has clarity over UE super.fi 4 however it's bass light.

I thought exactly the same and thought it was the phones. At some point I thought it was a defect and tried a second unit which sounded the same. I tried all the tips I had in my possession which was many and still they were bass light and thin sounding. Someone on another thread showed me a picture of his DIY tips so I tried it and heavens behold the bass was there in its full glory, and not far behind my GR07 bass editions.

So the moral of the story is that these phones are the most tip dependent phones I've ever put on. Try different tips and try to positioning the phones in your ear at different angles by wearing them over the ear. For me they need to be inserted fairly deep and at the right angle for the bass to appear.
Aug 21, 2013 at 4:14 PM Post #517 of 781
So the moral of the story is that these phones are the most tip dependent phones I've ever put on. Try different tips and try to positioning the phones in your ear at different angles by wearing them over the ear. For me they need to be inserted fairly deep and at the right angle for the bass to appear.

TOTALLY agree.   With the right tips and the right insertion, these phones are NOT bass light and being that everyone's ear canals are different, it's going to take some experimentation to find the right ones.  
And using this will help tremendously in that quest:  http://www.sensaphonics.com/?page_id=833
Aug 21, 2013 at 5:42 PM Post #518 of 781
These phones are not bass heavy either so don't expect to like it if you're a basshead. The sound signature is quite neutral with no emphasis on the bass and slight emphasis on the mids
Aug 22, 2013 at 9:36 AM Post #523 of 781
I can't really understand the whole fit issue? But Comply tips in the size and type you like and you'd have to be really challenged not to get a good fit and seal.  It's not rocket surgery!
Aug 22, 2013 at 11:21 AM Post #524 of 781
I can't really understand the whole fit issue? But Comply tips in the size and type you like and you'd have to be really challenged not to get a good fit and seal.  It's not rocket surgery!

I guess it depends how deeply you insert them and I suspect it's more difficult with silicone tips.  Haven't tried comply tips (or any foamies) on these yet, but I have had them in the past and they always seal nicely.  I'm currently liking the black 'double bump' silicone tips the best, I get the quickest and best seal with those behind the stock mini double flange.  They go in a bit deeper and the wider opening is nice too.
Aug 24, 2013 at 11:22 PM Post #525 of 781
Hi guys,
Can anyone do a comparison between the RE400 vs Apple In-Ears?
I just wanna know which IEM does bass and sub bass better...



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