[Review] HiFiMAN RE262 - Sophisticated and Beautiful
Jan 9, 2012 at 8:15 PM Post #121 of 342
Wow, I'm feeling a HifiMAN revolution in my home.  The RE0 just arrived today and I really, really like them.  They too perform better with amping and they freaking love the ZO.  Hmm... I think I see a RE272 in my future...
Jan 9, 2012 at 8:42 PM Post #122 of 342

With the TF10? Mainly rock and some r&b. Jazz, blues, gospel and acoustic music with the RE262, FXT90 and 7550. A little bit of everything with the GR07 and 1964-Q. W4 is mainly for jazz.

And your SM2, didn't you like it? How did you compare RE262 with then ? 
Jan 10, 2012 at 12:37 AM Post #123 of 342

And your SM2, didn't you like it? How did you compare RE262 with then ? 

Not on the same level (but I haven't listen to the SM2 in awhile). The Earsonics is stored away...
Jan 10, 2012 at 10:51 PM Post #124 of 342
I generally don't like Comply tips, but I found some black regular length Complys with a wide diameter hole. They fit the 262 perfectly, but I don't know where they came from. Anyway, it is like putting a HD lens on the 262 even more. Great black space and enhanced separation of the instruments. Drums are just sounding ridiculous with these Complys, and bass is nicely enhanced....Mids are still great sounding, just more intensified....
Jan 11, 2012 at 3:41 PM Post #125 of 342

I generally don't like Comply tips, but I found some black regular length Complys with a wide diameter hole. They fit the 262 perfectly, but I don't know where they came from. Anyway, it is like putting a HD lens on the 262 even more. Great black space and enhanced separation of the instruments. Drums are just sounding ridiculous with these Complys, and bass is nicely enhanced....Mids are still great sounding, just more intensified....

@ericp10...I found some Audiozone DF-10 tips that I purchased from China a while back, for use on my TF-10.  To my pleasant surprise, I tried them on my RE262, and my BA200 (with home made expander tubes)....the DF-10 retains the mids of both the RE262 and BA200, but the bass is noticeably deeper/tighter, and the highs on both are more forward with sparkle, clarity and lots of detail, huge soundstage as well.  The DF-10 tips are soft silicone biflange tips, shorter than the Hifiman biflange, a little smaller, but still with a good size opening compatible with TF-10, RE262, and BA200.  Me like!
Jan 11, 2012 at 4:40 PM Post #126 of 342
Yes @ cute, the 262 is pretty adaptable if you find tipss of the right fit around the nozzle. Each tips seem to shape or contour, if you will, the  sound signature to push or pull back the bass; to make the vocals sound more analytical or warm; and to add or take away sparkle. Very interesting indeed, my friend.
@ericp10...I found some Audiozone DF-10 tips that I purchased from China a while back, for use on my TF-10.  To my pleasant surprise, I tried them on my RE262, and my BA200 (with home made expander tubes)....the DF-10 retains the mids of both the RE262 and BA200, but the bass is noticeably deeper/tighter, and the highs on both are more forward with sparkle, clarity and lots of detail, huge soundstage as well.  The DF-10 tips are soft silicone biflange tips, shorter than the Hifiman biflange, a little smaller, but still with a good size opening compatible with TF-10, RE262, and BA200.  Me like!

Jan 12, 2012 at 3:46 AM Post #127 of 342
[size=11pt]I was so biased with everybody saying that the RE-262 needs a dedicated amplifier that It had never occurred to me to connect it directly to the Cowon J3 output, until today....[/size]
  1. [size=11pt]Volume/power: plenty and enough !![/size]
  2. [size=11pt]Sound Quality: meaningless differences.[/size]
[size=11pt]I have made this comparison using the Practical Devices XM6. I have also compared it with the Sense G3, and I prefer the soft warmness of the Telefunken ECC801S and Philips E88CCSQ, but that is my personal choice.[/size]
[size=11pt]For the comparison I was listening to IQ "Subterranea" (FLAC format), that have both soft and loud passages.[/size]
[size=11pt]I am wondering: what source is everybody using, to say that the RE-262 need amp?[/size]
[size=11pt]Tip for Cowon users: a User Preset with no FX and flat equalization sounds slightly louder, and perhaps more lively than the “Normal” preset (I never use the Cowon FX. Only EQ of +2 at 80Hz with some weak recordings).[/size]
Jan 12, 2012 at 4:04 AM Post #128 of 342

[size=11pt]I was so biased with everybody saying that the RE-262 needs a dedicated amplifier that It had never occurred to me to connect it directly to the Cowon J3 output, until today....[/size]
  1. [size=11pt]Volume/power: plenty and enough !![/size]
  2. [size=11pt]Sound Quality: meaningless differences.[/size]
[size=11pt]I have made this comparison using the Practical Devices XM6. I have also compared it with the Sense G3, and I prefer the soft warmness of the Telefunken ECC801S and Philips E88CCSQ, but that is my personal choice.[/size]
[size=11pt]For the comparison I was listening to IQ "Subterranea" (FLAC format), that have both soft and loud passages.[/size]
[size=11pt]I am wondering: what source is everybody using, to say that the RE-262 need amp?[/size]
[size=11pt]Tip for Cowon users: a User Preset with no FX and flat equalization sounds slightly louder, and perhaps more lively than the “Normal” preset (I never use the Cowon FX. Only EQ of +2 at 80Hz with some weak recordings).[/size]

Yes, I agree that the J3 drives them good. I believe either Joker or ClieOS also said that, but that it's pretty bad for battery life. I didn't run any tests when I had the RE-262's tho .. but you could test how it affects the battery life.
Jan 12, 2012 at 4:23 AM Post #129 of 342
@ PingFloid - I hope for my sake that's not at all true, cuz I just joined the FXT90 club precisely because I couldn't get an amp, thus eliminating the 262 from my consideration >.>
Jan 12, 2012 at 7:48 AM Post #130 of 342
It's the same as when you are setting up your home theater or car stereo. Your head unit or cheap receiver can probably drive your new speakers and sub to loud levels and sounds good enough but when you add a quality power amplifier it takes the system to the next level.  Any speaker rated 10 to 200 watts is going to sound better with 200 watts of clean driving power than 10 (everything else being equal).  The re262 love power but can sound goood enough on the go from the HO I suppose but I can easily hear improvement with an amp when listening critically. 
Jan 12, 2012 at 8:52 AM Post #131 of 342
What would you guys think about getting the 262 custom remolded?  Am I being crazy? has anyone thought about it or even tried? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Jan 12, 2012 at 9:23 AM Post #132 of 342

It's the same as when you are setting up your home theater or car stereo. Your head unit or cheap receiver can probably drive your new speakers and sub to loud levels and sounds good enough but when you add a quality power amplifier it takes the system to the next level.  Any speaker rated 10 to 200 watts is going to sound better with 200 watts of clean driving power than 10 (everything else being equal).  The re262 love power but can sound goood enough on the go from the HO I suppose but I can easily hear improvement with an amp when listening critically. 

Hmm, not really. They sounded pretty much the same out of the J3 as they did with the FiiO E11. If something better is amping them I'm sure they scale with that - however, the differences between the J3 and the E11 were not that big if I remember it correctly. It's been a month since I let them go, so the longer the time goes by, the more details I'm going to forget.
Jan 12, 2012 at 3:53 PM Post #134 of 342

I'm using Apple sources and they do well with my phones under 100 ohm and 100+ db sensitivity. Anything harder to drive benefits audibly with an amp. 

I think the J3 has a little more power to it than Apple sources. Not sure about that one though. Anyway, here's what our own Martin Sägmuller (dkft) said:
It can go loud enough and provides enough power for even 150 Ohm phones, or even more.

(from his J3 review)
But when searching the forums it seems as they're alright from J3, but benefit from amping. So I guess you're right about that one.
Jan 13, 2012 at 3:58 AM Post #135 of 342
Ok......by the overwelming response I got to my Q regarding 262 being  custom shelled,.......well maybe indeed it was crazy idea.


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