[Review] HiFiMAN RE262 - Sophisticated and Beautiful
Jan 13, 2012 at 7:57 AM Post #136 of 342
I wouldn't be willing to take the investment risk of reselling them. UM just recently started reselling the IE8 and adding BA drivers. 
Very few others, if any, are reshelling dynamic drivers. I would imagine the greater air space would significantly change the sound. But if you have the money to burn, I'm willing to be a spectator to your experimentation!
Jan 13, 2012 at 3:03 PM Post #137 of 342
I agree with shotgunshane.. I don't think the risk of reshelling a dynamic (as good as the RE262) is worth it... also they're vented so I don't know what kind of complexities that involves.  I'm considering getting custom sleeves for them though.
Jan 14, 2012 at 8:44 PM Post #139 of 342
Ok, I received the JDS Labs build of the Objective 2 and I have to say I've never heard the RE262 sound so freaking good.  Flat out Awesome.  Dynamics are off the charts and the bass is the best I've heard yet on the RE262.  
If anyone thinks the RE262 can't do metal and hard rock, then they need a better amp.  These RE262's can do it all now.  I need to spend more time with the amp to really say more but I'm a believer...
Jan 14, 2012 at 8:57 PM Post #140 of 342
JDS really puts out some fantastic products.  I'm enjoying their cMoyBB with the 262 so I imagine the O2 is a step up from that.  I got my 2Stepdance but we think customs lost the battery door cover so I can't use it.  I'm hoping to get the XP8000 battery pack so that I can enjoy 262 + 2Stepdance before the battery door reaches me from Germany.
Ok, I received the JDS Labs build of the Objective 2 and I have to say I've never heard the RE262 sound so freaking good.  Flat out Awesome.  Dynamics are off the charts and the bass is the best I've heard yet on the RE262.  
If anyone thinks the RE262 can't do metal and hard rock, then they need a better amp.  These RE262's can do it all now.  I need to spend more time with the amp to really say more but I'm a believer...

Jan 14, 2012 at 9:00 PM Post #141 of 342
Great to hear, shane.. i need to get my ass in gear and finish my O2.. thinking about getting a Grant Fidelity TubeDAC-11 too.. should have my neutral & tube setups squared away with those two.
Jan 14, 2012 at 9:09 PM Post #142 of 342

JDS really puts out some fantastic products.  I'm enjoying their cMoyBB with the 262 so I imagine the O2 is a step up from that.  I got my 2Stepdance but we think customs lost the battery door cover so I can't use it.  I'm hoping to get the XP8000 battery pack so that I can enjoy 262 + 2Stepdance before the battery door reaches me from Germany.


Cant' wait to hear your Stepdance impressions.

Great to hear, shane.. i need to get my ass in gear and finish my O2.. thinking about getting a Grant Fidelity TubeDAC-11 too.. should have my neutral & tube setups squared away with those two.

I asked for the gain on mine to be set at 1.5x and 3x, since I will be using exclusively with IEM's, both easy and hard to drive.  It's really a nice unit and John does a very clean build.
Jan 15, 2012 at 9:00 AM Post #144 of 342
Jan 20, 2012 at 12:09 PM Post #146 of 342
So basically, if I'm looking for a single pair of earphones for a budget of around £100 (155$?), considering that I listen to a lot of metal and hardcore-y stuff, these aren't them? I have very little experience with higher end IEMs and have never owned an amp for one, but is it really that big a problem and if so, does it really need a relatively expensive amp?
Saying that, the FiiO E6 is only £21 on amazon, but still... That doesn't include the cable to connect it to my iPod does it?
Jan 20, 2012 at 2:26 PM Post #147 of 342
Right, the E6 doesn't come with an lod cable. You would need to pick up the L9 for that. Otherwise you'd be connecting it to the apple headphone out with the supplied mini to mini 3.5mm cable. I'd recommend getting the L9 for the cleanest sound. 
Since the RE262's are fairly ineffecient, the more clean power you feed them, the better they sound. Using the e6 was a clear step over the ho on the iPhone and the O2 amp was a couple of steps above that. Dynamics improved greatly, as well as bass response and crispness of treble. 
That being said, I found the re262 very enjoyable with the e6 on the eq2 setting.  As far as metal, I do enjoy it with the re262 but possibly a phone with more distortion guitar bite might be more appealing to you; something like the JVC fxt90 or Vsonic gr07 and they do not require amping. 
Jan 20, 2012 at 2:46 PM Post #148 of 342

Right, the E6 doesn't come with an lod cable. You would need to pick up the L9 for that. Otherwise you'd be connecting it to the apple headphone out with the supplied mini to mini 3.5mm cable. I'd recommend getting the L9 for the cleanest sound. 
Since the RE262's are fairly ineffecient, the more clean power you feed them, the better they sound. Using the e6 was a clear step over the ho on the iPhone and the O2 amp was a couple of steps above that. Dynamics improved greatly, as well as bass response and crispness of treble. 
That being said, I found the re262 very enjoyable with the e6 on the eq2 setting.  As far as metal, I do enjoy it with the re262 but possibly a phone with more distortion guitar bite might be more appealing to you; something like the JVC fxt90 or Vsonic gr07 and they do not require amping. 

Those were actually exactly the other two IEMs I was looking at. I also listen to a lot of softer/ambient music though. Is it too much to ask of them to have that bite but also depth, detail and clarity with softer music?
Jan 20, 2012 at 2:59 PM Post #149 of 342

Those were actually exactly the other two IEMs I was looking at. I also listen to a lot of softer/ambient music though. Is it too much to ask of them to have that bite but also depth, detail and clarity with softer music?

No, it's not too much to ask.  I think they both have very good detail and clarity, just a little less than the re262. Of the two the fxt90 has much better dynamics and timbre and might be the compromise you are looking for. 

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