Review: Fischer Audio's DBA-02
Jun 21, 2010 at 10:01 AM Post #736 of 4,469
Jun 21, 2010 at 11:42 AM Post #737 of 4,469

I haven't read the link but it's the opposite. IEMs, especially BAs, tend to have less impact and bass than speakers. The reason is that BAs are totally sealed, and they can't move much air because they are sealed. Dynamics are not sealed and have vents that allow them air to move. Speakers typically have all the air they want. Dynamics can move more air allowing for more tangible bass, whereas BAs tend to give you better quality bass but you don't feel it as much.

mm ok i was thinking more along the lines of resonance effect or something like that (don't know the exact term). Like how the bass on closed cans vs open cans.
Jun 21, 2010 at 1:17 PM Post #738 of 4,469

I have both of them. The details on the dba02 are definitely better. When i first got the dba02 I didn't really feel that it was much of an upgrade over my re0. But since my re0 was away on RMA i couldn't do a direct comparison. After listening to the dba02 exclusively for a few weeks and ab-ing them with the re0 when they were back from RMA, i realized i was wrong.
I always thought the re0 had one of the best reproduction of details, but the dba02 did it better. Like someone said before ( i think), listening to other phones after hearing the dba is like putting on an ill prescribed glasses. Everything seems less focused and ill defined. Violin notes on the re0 sounded somewhat fuzzy and blur as compared to on the dba. On the dba you can hear the friction between the bow and the strings which can get really addictive. The definition and detail reproduction is really on another level.
Whether you think they are worth the extra cost depends on you. You'll always encounter diminishing returns when moving upwards but imo the extra $60 was worth it for me as i really appreciate the added balance and definition among other improvements.

Are you amping your RE0? When amped, they are anything but undefined. I know armatures are even sharper sounding, but that's not necessarily a better presentation. For example, I much preferred the soft, smooth sound of the RE0 over that of ultra sharp q-jays. I also prefer RE0 to Ortofon e-Q7 out of my Audigy 2 ZS - e-Q7 sounds sharper, but RE0 is more natural.
Jun 22, 2010 at 11:24 PM Post #740 of 4,469

Are you amping your RE0? When amped, they are anything but undefined. I know armatures are even sharper sounding, but that's not necessarily a better presentation. For example, I much preferred the soft, smooth sound of the RE0 over that of ultra sharp q-jays. I also prefer RE0 to Ortofon e-Q7 out of my Audigy 2 ZS - e-Q7 sounds sharper, but RE0 is more natural.

No im not exactly a portable amp guy as I don't believe in that extra more money for a marginal increase in SQ which is usually the case when used with most iems. Well maybe i prefer the more analytical sound. To my ears, the dba sounds more refined and natural in a way due to the better microdetails while the sound on the re0 sounds a bit more "smudged". The better layering and seperation on the dba also makes it sound more clear which perhaps contributed to me perceiving the re0 as slightly more "blur" in comparison.
Maybe an amp would improve things. Its been a long time since i heard the re0 amped so i can't compare.
Jun 23, 2010 at 2:25 PM Post #741 of 4,469
I have a new experience: DBA + water = distortion.
How? I went running with it and it's over the ear, so on top of the earphone is a place for cable and water(well, sweat) went in that way. I let it be for 2 days and then when I played something on it it distorted significantly on right ear. Now I put it into rice wrapped with thin paper, so I hope it will absorb all the water and it won't be after let's say 3 days in it still broken. It sounded awful.

Jun 23, 2010 at 2:41 PM Post #742 of 4,469
Weird, I had a similar, but different, experience. I was at a pool last weekend and when I put the DBAs in my ears a day later, I got this weird noise coming through the right earpiece. I figured I was screwed. I took off the tip (Ety tri-flange) and blew some air into it, figuring it would dry it out. Same with the mesh over the driver. Returned the tips and listened, and the terrible noise was gone. The right driver still sounded a little out of balance, but now, a couple of days later, the sound is back and perfect. Whew!. That's the last time I use them after swimming. Guess I would not work out with them either, sad to say. Seems water can run down the sound tube and damage them. Not worth the risk. I will be using different IEMs at the pool, my ADDIEMs or some other cheap phone I have sitting around.
Jun 23, 2010 at 5:56 PM Post #743 of 4,469
Well I wouldn't say this is an issue that is isolated with just the DBA 02. Any earphone has this possibility when water is introduced which is why I don't do anything that can cause water or sweat to get inside my earphones with the exception of my PL30 since those were bought for running, gym, etc.
Jun 24, 2010 at 8:40 AM Post #744 of 4,469
Heh but it does say something about the build quality though, which really isn't that great. The stress relief could be a lot more well done, I don't like the space between the wire and the place where it joins into the black plastic on the earpiece. When I walk around I can hear the wire knocking against that in my left ear >< Though I do leave the wire with a little slack because I'm not too sure if it's knotted inside so I don't want to put too much strain on the wire where it seems so liable to break. Wondering if a bit of tape there would solve the problem.. and at the same time block off space where water could potentially get in.
On another note... anyone knows if any companies reshell these? UM, perhaps?
Jun 24, 2010 at 11:00 AM Post #745 of 4,469
Jun 25, 2010 at 11:31 AM Post #750 of 4,469
It's not hype to me. I just spend another 45 minutes out and about with the DBAs, and these phones just make me smile, and thoroughly enjoy my collection, no matter what genre. Hope you find them to be the same. As with other IEMs, tips make the difference. I heard sibilance with the stock tips, but not the Ety triple flanges. I may even buy a second pair, to be honest.

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