REVIEW : DUNU DN1000 - Immensely Capable Hybrid IEM
Jan 8, 2014 at 7:40 AM Post #76 of 121
Different ears h20 re treble sensitivity and ear canal shape and length i suppose. M did have an issue with h100 too.
Looks like I'm at least second :p
Anyhow since I can't fix it with tips or spacers I've just eqed it down and eqed the bass a bit up.
Jan 8, 2014 at 8:30 AM Post #77 of 121
I don't hear it man. :p I have them blasting through my NWZ-F806 Walkman atm and it's smooth sailing. Haha, yeah, use some EQ champ, I'm glad you can resolve it. :)
Jan 8, 2014 at 9:12 AM Post #78 of 121
I don't hear it man. :p I have them blasting through my NWZ-F806 Walkman atm and it's smooth sailing. Haha, yeah, use some EQ champ, I'm glad you can resolve it. :)
hmmm, maybe i should try them with my clip zip instead of the note as well. What's the walkman like output impedance ah nvm found it . how about general sound wise?

rmaa + output impedance. (woooow...people actually graph output impedance vs frequency. and show SPL vs frequency for multiple types of iems O.o ). anyhow I couldn't find the note 3 one (rmaa or output impedance. the +- spl on gsm arena looks very linear so probably comparable to clip+)

but yea look anyway - i quite like them EQed I think I'll go ahead and sell my H200s now.
Jan 8, 2014 at 10:30 AM Post #79 of 121
I recently had a discussion about the sibilance in DN-1000 with someone who's just bought them. I suspected that it was either the tips he was using or the quality of the tracks themselves causing the problem just like how I described them in my review:
The DN-1000 is quite impressive in the treble region. Everything sounds so natural and airy. Micro-detail is just as good as the H-200 and best part is: there is almost no trace of grainy texture or metallic tinge even at high volumes. Very transparent and just as good as the H-200 in revealing artefacts in crappy/compressed recordings. There is a peak around 6.5 kHz which I managed to identify through Accudio's parametric EQ. It is ONLY apparent in certain songs/singers. You usually hear this in the "SSSSs", especially from female singers/vocalists. VERY IMPORTANT--The intensity of this peak will depend on your tips and depth of insertion. I discovered that wide bored tips coupled with shallow insertion are very effective in reducing this peak to a point where it is negligible. Narrow bored tips tend to increase the peak to the extent of sibilance.
The DN-1000 is slightly better in the higher regions because it doesn't have the problems that plague the H-200 treble. Aside from that, the slight problem with the peak around 6.5 kHz can easily be remedied with no modification needed. Just the right tips + the right sound adjustment rings + shallow insertion = well controlled treble.

 This is how our conversation went:
Maybe the track

d marc0, I was still noticing some minor sibilance at times so I tried putting a layer of tea bag material on the nozzle and pressed the tip on top of it. They sound much smoother now! It's not the prettiest mod, but I love the sound. I'm working on a combination of the tea bag and RE272 stick on filter that will be more elegant. I'll post pics if I manage to make it work.

What is your test track? Maybe it is just sibilant in the mix. You don't wanna over do it because it'll take away the airiness. And what tips are you using? I use the large grey stock tips with shallow insertion. My kef m200 which is already very polite can still produce hints of sibilance on some tracks.

   In my experience, the major culprit causing sibilant highs on the dn1000 is the tips. You have to find the right tips for you as we all have         different ear canal shape and sizes. Good luck.

  d marc0, It's definitely in the tracks, as it shows up on my 272's as well, just not as prominently. I have a couple of favorite bands, especially, The Reign of Kindo, that frequently have some hot treble on the vocals in the mix. I would leave them alone, but many of my favorite tracks are affected. I found out that the RE272 filter is acoustically transparent and only protects against wax. I like the tea bag filter, it is subtle enough, but I might try to hold it in place with the sticky back 272 filter. These really sound amazing. I guess, after being used to darker sounding dynamic IEM's for so long, I am hyper-sensitive to harshness in vocal recordings. I suspect that many people wouldn't even be bothered by this. It's pretty subtle.
I agree with you, I don't want to make them too dark or close up the sound stage. Thanks for the input, I value your opinion!

d marc0, Yeah, the DN1000's aren't causing the sibilance. They are beautiful and airy. They just don't gloss over recorded sibilance in tracks the way my RE272's do. Nor should they.  My DUNU's are far better sounding in my opinion, they just are more revealing of poorly recorded tracks. I love the detail in these. On well recorded tracks they are amazing and I can live with the faults showing up on lesser quality recordings. The tea bag filter I added is subtle.... about the same effect as putting Comply tips on. I just can't get a good fit with foamies.

Jan 8, 2014 at 12:14 PM Post #80 of 121
I should note that if you do use any of the ring nozzle extenders (silver, blue, or red), you'll increase the size of the 9 kHz spike by a few dB.  It'll also increase the treble extension though (airiness) as well.  It's possible that's what's causing the sibilance, nothing deductive though.  Personally, I don't get sibilance with the the nozzle extenders (using blue as my main one) though.  

I just realized that my measurement tools were set on C weighting for some odd reason...  So I had to remeasure the Dunu...  They actually don't measure all that bad.  I've got my review written, just need to edit photos and then format the review and I'll be set to go.  
Jan 9, 2014 at 5:43 AM Post #81 of 121
Good review. Not too short but not too long lol
Only thing i would have liked is some info on the company.. i never heard of this brand before.
I have now that is for sure.. i will be keeping my eye out for these i think they sound intriguing
and that package they offer blew me away (good job on the pictures)
Thanks for your effort reviewer man :)
so hmm where can i buy these for a good deal with Paypal i wonder ? lol
and what other models do they have out now too ??
Jan 9, 2014 at 6:06 AM Post #82 of 121
  Good review. Not too short but not too long lol
Only thing i would have liked is some info on the company.. i never heard of this brand before.
I have now that is for sure.. i will be keeping my eye out for these i think they sound intriguing
and that package they offer blew me away (good job on the pictures)
Thanks for your effort reviewer man :)
so hmm where can i buy these for a good deal with Paypal i wonder ? lol
and what other models do they have out now too ??

Product range -
They have an Amazon store -
Jan 9, 2014 at 2:53 PM Post #84 of 121
Cool thanks ..bookmarked and wow they have a lot of selection
But like i said "Paypal" :wink:
Amazon does not support Paypal :frowning2:

Great seller, I've used them several times.
Jan 10, 2014 at 4:56 PM Post #86 of 121
+2 on MP4 Nation
Jan 11, 2014 at 2:49 AM Post #87 of 121
I find the DN1000s a little sibilant on some vocals whereas the MH1C has none. I always find BAs somewhat sibilant, but most are tolerable. Do I have the wrong ears? Lol.
Jan 11, 2014 at 2:59 AM Post #88 of 121
  I find the DN1000s a little sibilant on some vocals whereas the MH1C has none. I always find BAs somewhat sibilant, but most are tolerable. Do I have the wrong ears? Lol.

mh-1 has poor treble extension compared to gr07 mk2.i have both of them.
gr07 has harsher treble but its better extended and more enjoyable.and ppl here swear that dn 1000 is better than gr07 so it should practically blow away the mh-1.
mh-1 is good for sleeping as its totally non fatiguing
edit-----u seen to have gr07 too,,,so whats ur impression on gr07 vs mh-1??
Jan 11, 2014 at 5:44 AM Post #89 of 121
mh-1 has poor treble extension compared to gr07 mk2.i have both of them.
gr07 has harsher treble but its better extended and more enjoyable.and ppl here swear that dn 1000 is better than gr07 so it should practically blow away the mh-1.
mh-1 is good for sleeping as its totally non fatiguing
edit-----u seen to have gr07 too,,,so whats ur impression on gr07 vs mh-1??

I have both MH1 and DN-1000. I don't think the Dunu extends better and I personally think the MH1 is a bit better as far as Treble Extension is concerned.
The MH1 is really well extended in the highs. So much so that it's one of the best in treble extension of the IEMs in my collection.
I have auditioned the GR07 mk2 once and from memory, it's on par with my MH1 in treble extension. The GR07 mk2 has more treble peaks thus, sounding much brighter than the MH1 but not necessarily more extended.
Jan 11, 2014 at 5:56 AM Post #90 of 121
I have both MH1 and DN-1000. I don't think the Dunu extends better and I personally think the MH1 is a bit better as far as Treble Extension is concerned.
The MH1 is really well extended in the highs. So much so that it's one of the best in treble extension of the IEMs in my collection.
I have auditioned the GR07 mk2 once and from memory, it's on par with my MH1 in treble extension. The GR07 mk2 has more treble peaks thus, sounding much brighter than the MH1 but not necessarily more extended.

i listen to both daily and mh-1 is simply lacking in all departments compared to gr07.
its on the level of brainwavz m3 though,,,better in bass and soundstage with slightly inferior seperation and details.

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