[Review] Dual dynamic driver: Radius HP-TWF11R inner earphone - pleasure pleasure little treasure
Jun 1, 2010 at 11:17 AM Post #167 of 215
I landed on the UE single flange silicones. They seem to offer up the best treble detail while maintaining bass impact of anything I have on hand... including Sony EX & Hybrid tips, and all the Sennheiser tips. I'm afraid to try anything foam based because I think it would muffle the treble. 
Jun 1, 2010 at 11:21 AM Post #168 of 215

The same old queries as usual I'm afraid cn11.  How does the Radius DDM's detail retrieval, clarity, instrument separation, treble extension and bass presentation compare to the IE8?

I hear a bit more treble extension and separation in comparison to the IE8's. Bass is just as deep, but with less of that mid bass smearing up into the mids. So they definitely sound cleaner to me. The stage is actually bigger than the IE8's too (about as wide, but with that nicer height and surround impression). 
But, choose the wrong tips for the DDM's and it's just veiled, muffled sound. Fit/isolation is not their strong suit! 
Jun 1, 2010 at 11:22 AM Post #169 of 215

If you remember which bass hits harder and is more natural?

For bass, I think perhaps the FX500's was better. I remember very much enjoying the low end of that phone. It was just so nice and low, and subwoofer-like, without clouding up the mids in the least. The DDM's have a touch more mid bass, but nothing like the IE8's have. 
Jun 1, 2010 at 12:51 PM Post #170 of 215
I'm opening the box to mine right now!
 Dang the packaging is really nice 

Edit: Listening to Miles Davis' Kind of Blue - All Blues. Damn the sound out of these is incredibly nice!
Jun 1, 2010 at 9:45 PM Post #171 of 215

I hear a bit more treble extension and separation in comparison to the IE8's. Bass is just as deep, but with less of that mid bass smearing up into the mids. So they definitely sound cleaner to me. The stage is actually bigger than the IE8's too (about as wide, but with that nicer height and surround impression). 
But, choose the wrong tips for the DDM's and it's just veiled, muffled sound. Fit/isolation is not their strong suit! 
I guess I need to experiment with these a bit more then because my experience at this point is the exact opposite haha. I actually find the IE8 to have a more refined and extended treble. Both phones have a rather polite treble but the IE8s are more diffused while that of the DDMs are more focused/sharper. I find that both phones have a lower midrange emphasis. The IE8 in my experience has an unnatural thickness to its midrange and I am finding the DDMs to be even thicker. What I get from the midrange in the DDMs in comparison to the IE8 is slightly more body/chest, texture and detail but am not really getting better clarity. In fact, I am finding the IE8 to be warmer yet having slightly more clarity and refinement. Their mids aren't as relaxed or laid back as that of the IE8 though and the possess more raw energy which consequently gives them a more dynamic range than the sennheisers.

Jun 2, 2010 at 1:14 AM Post #172 of 215

Well I don't own the FX500 anymore, so I'm a bit hesitant to offer any in depth thoughts on that comparison. Everything is based on my memory of them. But I think they had better detail and separation than the DDM's. Their treble was a lot more biting though. Too much for my ears. So, from my memory of them, I would say I prefer the DDM's laid back sound. 

I respect your attitude :) I don't have a strong audio memory, so I never like comparing things based on memory. Even if I do I'd stated clearly 'it is based on my memory'.

Jun 2, 2010 at 4:52 AM Post #173 of 215

For bass, I think perhaps the FX500's was better. I remember very much enjoying the low end of that phone. It was just so nice and low, and subwoofer-like, without clouding up the mids in the least. The DDM's have a touch more mid bass, but nothing like the IE8's have. 

I have both (for the time being) and can say without a doubt that the FX500's bass is fibrously textured, but it misses a few beats. In some ways, its dry, deep bass is one of the most detailed I've heard, but at points, it booms. The DDM is amazing precisely because it doesn't boom - anywhere. It is smooth, deep, detailed, and surprisingly neutral despite casting a huge shadow from its massive headstage. Again, I am under the impression that there isn't a better sounding earphone for the price and that for hundreds more, you won't get as balanced, as detailed, and as freaking amazing sounding an earphone. 
Those are very strong words coming from me, a person who tends to support earphones in general and not a specific model. I've put my eggs behind the CK10 as the most complete earphone I've used to date, but in terms of incomplete, i.e., earphones that amaze on one level but miss on others, the DDM is by far the most impressive. I have not heard the FX700, but I may purchase one or borrow for review (God knows I don't need more). 
That said, I am very very interested in Radius - and doubtless will become a fan for life.
Jun 2, 2010 at 4:59 AM Post #175 of 215
I'll try, but... they are quite different and to tell you the truth, I have no favourite where bass cuts into music. The DDM is very much at the top of its class and the SM3 is the top of its class. Both being different driver animals, it is hard to fully recommend one over the other. Again, one is sealed and the other isn't. So, where does that leave me? Here's a bit of honesty, the SM3, as good as it is, isn't as unique, wide, or awe-inspiring sounding as the DDM is. But, it is amazing and works for everything: exercise, performance, public transit, jogging, you name it. 
The SM3 is hands-down the better earphone, but I'd not say the same thing if it were just regarding sound. Definitely not. Both are .... equally? impressive. 
Jun 2, 2010 at 7:51 AM Post #178 of 215
Even though cn11 and HONEYBOY hear the DDM's quite differently when compared to the IE8, it appears that both phones share much in common from their descriptions.  Maybe too much to make the DDM a worthwhile purchase for me.      
The FX700 offers a very different presentation from the IE8, but I'm wondering if the DDM is offering a real point of difference or is it just a variation on a theme?  I'm looking for clarity in any new phone that I opt for, be it an earphone or a headphone.  But I don't want the illusion of clarity that can be conjured up through accentuating the treble.  

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