Rate the video games you're currently playing
Aug 2, 2013 at 10:51 PM Post #3,721 of 6,972
I am currently playing Kerbal Space Program ever since I bought it from the Steam Summer sale. I found out about through the youtube gameplays. From what I've played so far it seems similar to Minecraft in the sense that there is so many options of what to build and where to go. I believe there are about 8 different planets to space travel to, each with its own atmosphere. 
I would put it around 8/10 because even though it can provide hours of entertainment, to learn how to play the game takes time and effort. 
Aug 8, 2013 at 12:40 AM Post #3,724 of 6,972
Replaying Bioshock and plan to play Bioshock two after I'm done.
So far; visually it has not aged that well; The main problem is the geometry honestly; the textures still aren't all that bad. Also I don't remember stumbling on so many physics bugs i.e. stepping on a pail and having it whiz at warp speed into the wall behind me scaring the bajesus out of me.
 Really a great game, anyone who says other wise needs to re-play this. The combat is a little....hectic; switching between gun, melee, and plasmid is much more challenging than being a walking god spiting fire as you blast people apart with a shotgun. Finding your groove with the large selection of plasmids is great and really lets you tailor your own play style. The gun play is still pretty good and the guns don't feel fake like most games tend to do now. Sound design is just....dreadful how ever; seriously some awful sound design; it has no sense of depth in sound. and that really throws you off when playing; running through a hall and hearing "STOP RIGHT NOW HUAAAAHHHHH HA HA HA!"  stop, drop, thunder shock, only to find two splicers going at it over a safe. The RPG elements are lightly peppered in and really not much to them; just cool gun upgrades and upgrading your plasmids; clearly not as much depth as System Shock or System Shock two; but....those are...well those games are a special case;having two games clearly built as hardcore RPG's taking place in a shooter world and having a well done shooter mechanics, these games are really not made for this generation. So yes; dumbing down the rpg elements a little bit to make it accessible to the new generations didn't really tarnish it.
The story is the best part; and I'm not talking the Atlas Shrugged inspired  parts but the story of rapture and the people in it; you get such an amazing look into the lives of the characters you listen to on audio logs and as you walk through the areas they inhabited. The main story is also still pretty good; the Atlas Shrugged "unda da sea!" aspect of the rich and powerful working only to benefit them self's but ultimately not being able to control the underlings that don't share their "vision" and the growing war and power struggle between the rich and powerful in what was supposed to be a moral free society unbound by the laws of man, god, or physics. I really loved the idea of what society might be like if we were not bound by morality and laws; if science was free to expand in all directions without hindrance; and the realistic twist of "well, we have a ton of money already...but someone else has more; so lets get greedy and take their money!" and this causes the downfall of a utopia.
Over all, 9/10. Seriously; yes its a little dated but god its still so fantastic. Also made me rethink 'Bioshock Infinite:A lesson in false depth manufacturing' I plan on re-playing it, but its only been a couple months since I last beat it...5/10; after playing Bioshock and thinking about Infinite more; I just don't understand why it got so much praise. its just you walking through some stages with nothing happening of consequence and nothing you do matters; also couldn't be more linear if it were a sidescroller.
Aug 8, 2013 at 11:10 PM Post #3,725 of 6,972
I'm going to be a but more specific with two games I just finished. I think it would be nice for people to start adding audio rankings to their recent games played as well.
Hitman Absolution (PS3):
   -Gameplay 8/10
   -Story 7.5/10
   -Audio 9/10
Dead Space 3 (PS3)
   -Gameplay 9/10
   -Story 4/10
   -Audio 6.5/10
Aug 10, 2013 at 11:33 PM Post #3,726 of 6,972
Skryim is a snore fest. Hopefully ESO is more fun.

Of course, playing online is always fun. 

Aug 12, 2013 at 7:25 PM Post #3,728 of 6,972
Shadowrun Returns

I played Shadowrun my freshman year in college back when it was a new pencil/paper RPG, and later on one of the early generation consoles.   I've read many of the SR novels and I really love the atmosphere of a not-too-distant future Seattle, when magic, dragons and meta-human races have reentered the world.
So when I saw this on Steam for $20 I didn't think twice.  I'm going to quit doing that.  For $20 I did not expect anything much in the way of CGI cut scenes or voice acting. And didn't get any of either. No biggie. That stuff is just fluff. I figured all the time and money went into making an epic adventure into the 6th world.  Well it was an adventure, but hardly epic.
     This game is not bad. I gave it a low score because this game looks and feels like something I'd have paid $5.99 for on the Google Play Store to play on my Android phone.  The only saving grace this game has as a PC title in 2013 is that it comes with a editor/creation kit, and there are already lots of goodies to download from the Steam Workshop. 
Aug 12, 2013 at 8:44 PM Post #3,729 of 6,972
BF3 multi 9/10
Borderlands 2 8/10
Skyrim 8.5/10
Aug 13, 2013 at 4:31 PM Post #3,733 of 6,972
Half Life 2 - 9/10 (Xbox 360)
Played this last night and my "really quick" test of it turned into me playing it until maybe 4am.
The graphics are quite dated but still good. A little worse than Oblivion and Fallout 3. Once you get into it you hardly notice.
The player control seems really awkward and different than other FPSs. Climbing ladders almost never works as well as you'd hope.
This is the 2nd time around playing it and I haven't played it in many years. Seemed easier this time around except for the driving sections.
The scenes where you're in a boat are super annoying. At one point I flipped over doing something stupid and got turned around in the wrong direction and didn't realize it right away.
Then when I get to a checkpoint I have like 10hp left. Nice! Should have saved earlier.
After 3 hours I only got to the part where you finally get to shoot down the helicopter. Not very far..
BTW I remember when this first came out. My video card came with a free pre-order copy of it. Seemed like at the time you need a powerful video card to play this.
I don't miss having to upgrade my video card just to play a game and get decent frame rates. I haven't played a PC game in about forever.
Oh and I also started "Two Worlds II". It was so bad I couldn't get past even the intro. Maybe i'll give it another chance later.
Been tempted to get into Final Fantasy XI again..must resist. Don't feel like spending 50 hours of my life to get a new pair of upgraded boots with a +5 DEX upgrade.
I still remember the days of playing that on my PS2 with modem. You'd have to "LFP" (look for party) for about forever back when it was new and it was always so laggy.
Why can't there be more MMORPGs on the consoles?
Aug 13, 2013 at 4:45 PM Post #3,734 of 6,972
Great game Tdock. 
It sucks that Valve hasn't released any info about HL3, or how the development is going. I hate waiting. 
Aug 13, 2013 at 4:49 PM Post #3,735 of 6,972
I still don't see the hype in Half Life 2. I played it and didn't think much of it. Gameplay to me was 5/10, story was 7/10, controls were 9/10, graphics were 7/10 (probably an 8 or 9 at the time it was released). It wasn't a very memorable game in my book. I bought the Half-Life 2 pack deal thing a few years ago for $5.
Weapon variety was lacking and the gravity gun was kind of meh.
This pretty much sums up 70% of the gameplay.


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