Rate the video games you're currently playing
May 16, 2011 at 3:47 AM Post #1,531 of 6,977
yea, everything just feels hollow, not saying fallout 3 was miles better, i think it just had more staying power.

I agree, the 2 games are excellent but they created something too big and lack development time / money / developers to polish it but it is still one of the best games i ever played, the soundtracks is very great also.
May 16, 2011 at 9:21 AM Post #1,533 of 6,977

Playing Assassin's Creed 2 at the moment. Huge improvement over Assassin's Creed 1. My rating 8/10. Have written about it on my gaming blog. illgaming.wordpress.com
Mass Effect 2, in my honest opinion, was bad. Offered nothing new from ME1. Read my post Whats the big deal with Mass Effect 2. 

if by better you mean drastically capsulizing the story to a point where you can literally sleep walk through the game and not miss a beat, "stream lining" the combat but it was so buggy most of the time slicing somebody up for 20min only to have them crack your skull open the next time you turn your back, changing the platforming Just ever so slightly but Ezio refuses to grab anything not not made out of 24karrot gold or hookers. AC-2 was a 1 step forwards 3 steps back kind of deal IMO and quite a few other peoples opinion but people that looooooooooved it generally thought AC-1 was boring because you couldn't commence with the killing and that the assassination cut scenes were to long and boring. AC-2 was fun, but just do damn buggy and the story had all of the drama and twists and turns of a wide open country road....so none.
May 16, 2011 at 10:18 AM Post #1,534 of 6,977

ME2 actually was pretty good, though not as good as ME1. DA2 so far isn't nearly as good as ME2.
To date, my favorite Bioware game remains KOTOR. I never played any of the earlier Baldur's Gate series though. I tried playing the Neverwinter Nights games and they just sort of bored me. I liked Jade Empire. Never played KOTOR2, but that's not Bioware.

agreed, i would say that KOTOR is definitely my favorite Bioware RPG, and i didnt like KOTOR2 much, but as you said it wasnt made by Bioware, that was obsidian, which were the same people who made fallout new vegas.
and maybe ME2 was a good game, it just wasnt good compared to ME1, at least i didnt think so. They went to far in their "streamlining"
May 16, 2011 at 10:30 AM Post #1,535 of 6,977

I have recently HLS> Farcry>Bioshock>Farcry2>Killzone 1>Killzone 2> Resistance 1>Stalker>Resistance2=Killzone3>Crysis2>Crysis
Seriously, I have no love for crysis at all.I did only try crysis 2 for a bit and liked it better than the first but I still wouldn't buy it.

No love for the Resistance series? I still consider (FoM) the best game on the PlayStation 3, for both its SP and MP contributions. It's a 4-5 year old game and has yet to be topped in the MP domain, no matter how many CoD's or CoD clones they pump out.
I have the Half-Life series in my Steam backlog (bought it during some Steam sale and have yet to play it.) It's the one game I hear is synonymous with FPS so I'm excited to give it a try. 
May 16, 2011 at 11:23 AM Post #1,536 of 6,977
Currently playing: Brink & Dawn of War II Retribution
Brink is a tough one to rate because I didn't pay money for it. For a free copy...and for free it's great...But I'd say it's only worth about $30. It feels very unfinished and very lacking in content, but it's fun for a few hours here and there. Love the customization and art direction though.
Overall: 6.5/10 (With great potential to improve)
Dawn of War II is (IMO) the best strategy game I've ever played. Campaign is excellent, squad system rocks, customization is great (from painting your units, to picking your gear), multiplayer has tons of modes (Last Stand being my favorite). I really can't recommend this game enough. Warhammer 40k is some of my favorite lore in the whole world, and Relic did an amazing job with it.
Overall: 10/10 (Honestly not sure I'd change anything now that they've dropped Windows Live)
May 16, 2011 at 11:27 AM Post #1,537 of 6,977
I for one really like STALKER, the realism of the gunfights is crazy (the first enemy you encounter can and likely WILL kill you if you aren't smart about it).  Just didn't like the excessive travel times and strongly limited inventory (hate-love relationship with that system, I like the idea, but it's a little tight on implementation).  I've started playing it this weekend. :)
May 16, 2011 at 11:28 AM Post #1,538 of 6,977
Resistance 1 was a disappointment. SP was underwhelming and the MP was 'Where does the rocket launcher spawn? Oh here, I win.'
Resistance 2 was much better. Co-op was loads of fun, MP was a much more solid offering, and the SP seemed to flow a lot nicer.
As far as PS3 exclusives go, it's a favorite. Although can't say it's too close to the top because of the great RPG exclusives.
No love for the Resistance series? I still consider (FoM) the best game on the PlayStation 3, for both its SP and MP contributions. It's a 4-5 year old game and has yet to be topped in the MP domain, no matter how many CoD's or CoD clones they pump out.
I have the Half-Life series in my Steam backlog (bought it during some Steam sale and have yet to play it.) It's the one game I hear is synonymous with FPS so I'm excited to give it a try. 

May 16, 2011 at 11:30 AM Post #1,539 of 6,977

No love for the Resistance series? I still consider (FoM) the best game on the PlayStation 3, for both its SP and MP contributions. It's a 4-5 year old game and has yet to be topped in the MP domain, no matter how many CoD's or CoD clones they pump out.
I have the Half-Life series in my Steam backlog (bought it during some Steam sale and have yet to play it.) It's the one game I hear is synonymous with FPS so I'm excited to give it a try. 

Generally I am not a fan of fps on consoles. I think it´s a stupid idea coming from PC. They better have something special like the Darkness to really impress me. the Darkness have bad controls also for a console fps but it make it up in originality and some of the best cut scenes ever made.
I did get a chance to borrow Resistance 2. Resistance 1 I got with the console that was just bad. Resistance 2 was quite fun though and certainly good by console standards..
May 16, 2011 at 11:33 AM Post #1,540 of 6,977

Agreed. Although there is one game that had the right idea. Unreal III on PS3 had mouse and keyboard support...Why cant they all do that?
Generally I am not a fan of fps on consoles. I think it´s a stupid idea coming from PC. They better have something special like the Darkness to really impress me. the Darkness have bad controls also for a console fps but it make it up in originality and some of the best cut scenes ever made.
I did get a chance to borrow Resistance 2. Resistance 1 I got with the console that was just bad. Resistance 2 was quite fun though and certainly good by console standards..

May 16, 2011 at 11:38 AM Post #1,541 of 6,977

No love for the Resistance series? I still consider (FoM) the best game on the PlayStation 3, for both its SP and MP contributions. It's a 4-5 year old game and has yet to be topped in the MP domain, no matter how many CoD's or CoD clones they pump out.
I have the Half-Life series in my Steam backlog (bought it during some Steam sale and have yet to play it.) It's the one game I hear is synonymous with FPS so I'm excited to give it a try. 

no don't get me wrong I loved resistance, I just like Killlzone 1 better and two, three as okay but very very unpolished.
May 16, 2011 at 11:42 AM Post #1,542 of 6,977

Generally I am not a fan of fps on consoles. I think it´s a stupid idea coming from PC. They better have something special like the Darkness to really impress me. the Darkness have bad controls also for a console fps but it make it up in originality and some of the best cut scenes ever made.
I did get a chance to borrow Resistance 2. Resistance 1 I got with the console that was just bad. Resistance 2 was quite fun though and certainly good by console standards..

oh jesus not a PC masterrace.
I have a gaming PC but I love my PS2 for RPG's and shooters more so than the PC. The PC I use for MMO's and some games that don't come to ps3. Good by console standards is good by PC standards, if resistance had come out on PC you would be singing a different tune.
May 16, 2011 at 11:50 AM Post #1,543 of 6,977

oh jesus not a PC masterrace.
I have a gaming PC but I love my PS2 for RPG's and shooters more so than the PC. The PC I use for MMO's and some games that don't come to ps3. Good by console standards is good by PC standards, if resistance had come out on PC you would be singing a different tune.

No way, FPS games are always better on the PC unless there's a console exclusive, which you really can't compare.  There's simply no question.  Mouse + keyboard  >>> controller for FPS games.  Consoles, however, are definitely better for other things, but that's largely due to the controller - if you have a good controller for your PC and the game has seamless controller support, generally the PC version is still better, though that's not always the case.
But again, you can't really compare exclusives at all.  Saying that MGS4 would be better on the PC would be dumb.
Also, @MorbidToaster, the reason why all games don't do that is because it gives those players with the mouse and keyboard an unfair advantage...gamers with equal skill with a controller simply cannot compete with gamers using a mouse and keyboard.  Of course, it would be nice to have the option to play with that in single player mode and special online matches...
May 16, 2011 at 11:53 AM Post #1,544 of 6,977
Nope. Resistance 1 would have been bad on PC too. Resistance 2 would've been alright, but it still didn't offer anything new beyond the Co-op, really. Also, the PlayStation controllers are absolutely horrid for shooters (IMO).
Plus, you can use whatever controller you want on PC...with better graphics...and dedicated servers...and (mostly) unlocked framerate...and cheaper games...and awesome Steam sales...
oh jesus not a PC masterrace.
I have a gaming PC but I love my PS2 for RPG's and shooters more so than the PC. The PC I use for MMO's and some games that don't come to ps3. Good by console standards is good by PC standards, if resistance had come out on PC you would be singing a different tune.

May 16, 2011 at 11:55 AM Post #1,545 of 6,977
You could set mouse and keyboard on or off for the PS3 version. They implemented it very well.
Originally Posted by DaBomb77766
Also, @MorbidToaster, the reason why all games don't do that is because it gives those players with the mouse and keyboard an unfair advantage...gamers with equal skill with a controller simply cannot compete with gamers using a mouse and keyboard.  Of course, it would be nice to have the option to play with that in single player mode and special online matches...


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