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Feb 18, 2011 at 6:56 PM Post #1,396 of 6,972

I have to ask, who originally told you that GoW was an RPG? It's the first I've ever heard of it honestly. 

He just agreed that the future of shooters is RPG but it doesn't mean that GoW, or any in it's trilogy, will have any RPG elements.
His words probably got misconstrued and people on the Internets panicked and jumped to conclusions.
Feb 18, 2011 at 9:36 PM Post #1,397 of 6,972

He just agreed that the future of shooters is RPG but it doesn't mean that GoW, or any in it's trilogy, will have any RPG elements.
His words probably got misconstrued and people on the Internets panicked and jumped to conclusions.

 God of War not Gears.
Feb 20, 2011 at 2:13 AM Post #1,401 of 6,972
Feb 24, 2011 at 1:08 PM Post #1,402 of 6,972
Bulletstorm - 7.7/10. Meh...isn't a terrible fps but at the same time certainly doesn't seem to live up to the hype it received prior to lauching. Only at Act 2 so a little premature to say the concluding word but the gameplay progression so far has been pretty mundane. Not expecting anything crazy that would make me spout "Holy S*#@!" by the end of the campaign either. Multi lacks pvp, graphics looks fairly mediocre while runs a little jittery on my 295 quad, OC'd 3.8GHz i7 940 at 1920x1200 even w/ the SLI patch.
Feb 24, 2011 at 3:18 PM Post #1,403 of 6,972
^ I've been playing Bullestorm and yeah it's.. mediocre. Enemies are easy cannon fodder, the skill shot system seems cool, until you realize you don't have that much control (I seriously have never gotten the points for shooting an enemy in the crotch, no matter how hard I try). And in the end all you're doing is using the points gained to fuel your guns to perform more skill shots to fuel your guns again... or just use the standard assault rifle, which has plenty of ammo (since enemies carry it en masse) and kills everything eventually. As for set pieces, some of them are just boring. One has you running from a giant monster in a set amount of time, another has you controlling a mechanical dinosaur... which basically consists of you point at something and pressing fire. For way, way too long. 
Also the PC version suffers from stutter, even on high-end rigs. 
Feb 25, 2011 at 9:33 PM Post #1,407 of 6,972
Marvel VS. Capcom 3:  This game overall is just amazing, once you start up the game it instantly moves you back in time to the days where a fist full of quarters could provide hours upon hours of fun.  I'm not that great at the game but it's so damn fun even if I lose.  The game feels like the "sandbox" of fighting games, the only limit to your team's strength is your imagination, or your ability to find glitches or overrides that allowed for better combos even with scaling in hand.  Sure there are competitive players online who will just destroy you, but you're sure to learn something with each loss.
The only caveat is that the community as a whole is crying over on how Sentinel is overpowered in damage, while this is true everyone is forgetting his big weakness.  His sheer size allows him to be caught in more combos than any character out there.  There has even been a couple of tourneys where Sentinel teams didn't even make it to the finals.
Blossomyelm0-Xbox live  hit me up for some games.
Feb 25, 2011 at 9:45 PM Post #1,408 of 6,972
Playing earthbound SNES rom with an adapter for my PC to play with an original SNES controller. Tis' da bomb.

I have one of those adapters too, and love it. The SNES controller is perfect for almost every retro console: NES, SNES, Master System, Genesis, Turbografx, Game Boy, etc.
Feb 25, 2011 at 10:02 PM Post #1,409 of 6,972

Playing earthbound SNES rom with an adapter for my PC to play with an original SNES controller. Tis' da bomb.

I have one of those adapters too, and love it. The SNES controller is perfect for almost every retro console: NES, SNES, Master System, Genesis, Turbografx, Game Boy, etc.

Yup soo good. Loving playing through my old RPGs. Secret of Mana or Terranigma next.
Feb 26, 2011 at 3:10 AM Post #1,410 of 6,972
Beat KZ3, I must say I loved it the ending kind of horse kicks you in the teeth with its....lack of anything happening.7/10 NEEDS TO BE POLISHED.

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