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Feb 2, 2018 at 7:28 AM Post #5,866 of 6,977
Finally finished Horizon Zero Dawn including The Frozen Wilds and got all the trophies, took me about 95 hours. This really is a fantastic game and a good reason to get a PS4 if you're at all interested in open world games.

Are we allowed to talk about emulators. I saw an emulator on Youtube running Horizon: Zero Dawn. Would probably run The Last of Us, also.
Feb 3, 2018 at 2:34 PM Post #5,869 of 6,977
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Feb 4, 2018 at 6:59 AM Post #5,870 of 6,977
This one.

Has had Youtube users replying and saying it works.

Download from here:
Download link: https://lc.cx/wKhT
Download the Iso: https://lc.cx/wKhc

Norton see absolutely no security threats for that website. https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=http://bolb.blob.core.windows.net/pllo/QSKTIJTDUO/lp.html&product=NIS&version=

Seriously do not download it. I'm not even clicking on it. It's most likely video from the play anywhere/remote app you can install from sony themselves(if i remember correctly) The actual "emulator" is probably loaded with trojans or some other kind of bullcrap.
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Feb 4, 2018 at 9:47 AM Post #5,871 of 6,977
All on the PS4 Pro:

Firewatch - An enjoyable little game with a nice story and fantastic voice acting. Probably not worth its regular price of 20€ but I got it on sale for 4€ and for that price I'd definitely recommend it.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered
- This game is definitely showing it's age, the clunky controls almost kill what is otherwise a decent game. The second Uncharted game should be much better according to the reviews.
Feb 4, 2018 at 9:56 AM Post #5,872 of 6,977
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered - This game is definitely showing it's age, the clunky controls almost kill what is otherwise a decent game. The second Uncharted game should be much better according to the reviews.
Uncharted is the franchise that's really a draw for me to PS4. Original uncharted was very memorable due to the visuals it was outputting at the time. I was quite impressed what they've accomplished.
Feb 4, 2018 at 10:03 AM Post #5,873 of 6,977
Uncharted is the franchise that's really a draw for me to PS4. Original uncharted was very memorable due to the visuals it was outputting at the time. I was quite impressed what they've accomplished.
I started with the second one and thought it was incredible at the time. I am very curious about the newest one and have just been waiting for the right time to get it. My buddy has really got me interested in the new Monster Hunter so I think I am going to pick that up next.

Been playing a whole lot of PUBG in my free time. Need to mix it up with some monsters ha
Feb 4, 2018 at 10:50 AM Post #5,874 of 6,977
I think Horizon Zero as well, I know that game suppose to be a stunner. One of my favorite developers is Level-5, and their top game back then was Dragon Quest 8 and Rogue Galaxy for PS2. Those two games were quite revolutionary in terms of cell graphics at the time.

Most recent of their creations are the Ni no Kuni series. They've paired up with Studio Ghibli(animations) and created really beautiful and engaging games.

New sequel

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Feb 4, 2018 at 11:17 AM Post #5,875 of 6,977
I think Horizon Zero as well, I know that game suppose to be a stunner. One of my favorite developers is Level-5, and their top game back then was Dragon Quest 8 and Rogue Galaxy for PS2. Those two games were quite revolutionary in terms of cell graphics at the time.

Most recent of their creations are the Ni no Kuni series. They've paired up with Studio Ghibli(animations) and created really beautiful and engaging games.

New sequel

Wow that game totally looks like a Studio Ghibli creation. I bet the music is killer too
Feb 4, 2018 at 11:35 AM Post #5,876 of 6,977
Wow that game totally looks like a Studio Ghibli creation. I bet the music is killer too
Totally, although I'm not the biggest fan of Studio Ghibli. I know they are well regarded, but the characters look a bit too much on the cute side, but I'm sure they appeal to a lot of people especially good for youngsters. They tend to create stuff that are very different and original I give it that.

In terms of story and well made emotional plot, Grave of the fireflies was a favorite and a real memorable movie from them. That movie was very moving.

Feb 4, 2018 at 11:51 AM Post #5,877 of 6,977
Seriously do not download it. I'm not even clicking on it. It's most likely video from the play anywhere/remote app you can install from sony themselves(if i remember correctly) The actual "emulator" is probably loaded with trojans or some other kind of bullcrap.

Maybe, but the Youtube users are saying that it works for them. You can't see the web address so you'd have to google or search on Youtube to see users replies. ... By the way, I was not even sure that Sony made a PS4 emulator.

As I said Norton doesn't detect a virus on that webpage. Can't recall if I ever tried to download it, because I am wary too. meaning I have never scanned the file. Anyway even if it is full of Trojans, they will be old ones now. Any effective security suite would detect them immediately, meaning it would not execute or install. ... Having said that, I don't recommend downloading anything that someone is not sure about. I simply just saying.
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Feb 4, 2018 at 1:16 PM Post #5,878 of 6,977
Norton is just one AV solution. Try Virustotal.com at least, it runs files through all major AV scanners. But even then, Sony did too good of a job locking down PS4 for emulation. I wouldn't bet on it and would stay away from all "PS4 emulators."

Also note it is not very difficult to circumvent basically any AV solution. You can take a common Trojan and just obfuscate major code sections over and over again so that the code's intent becomes less obvious. Not difficult, just a bit time consuming, and once this is done enough then anti-virus scanners won't detect a thing.
Feb 4, 2018 at 10:59 PM Post #5,879 of 6,977
Something about that emulator that makes me wary, is that all the comments saying it works are ten moths old. I can't help thinking that they might just be other channels of the Youtuber that posted the video. Meaning the Youtuber posted the comments praising the emulator. Otherwise if the emulator was good and working, it would have passed along the grapevine. Maybe not though.
Feb 8, 2018 at 10:51 PM Post #5,880 of 6,977
I just replayed Alien vs Predator; not the early classic. The one from about 2010.

Funnily I managed to pay the whole thing within about 3.5 hours. Whereas it normally takes about seven hours.

I think it's because I bought a new monitor. I used to use 22", but now use a 27". The added size makes enemies easier to see and aim at. ... I mean, literally I used to find AvP had some hard checkpoints. Yet this playthrough was a breeze. I just felt more in control of the game.

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