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Dec 21, 2016 at 12:36 PM Post #5,702 of 6,961
  xcom 2 is the shiiiiiiiiit
I r8 it 8/8 gr8 m8

Yup, one of the least flawed games I've ever played.  It does everything right.  I'm currently playing on Commander difficulty, just completed an exceptional mission last night with an outstanding performance (saw my first Sectopod, destroyed it on first turn and got the achievement for it).  
It's August in-game, Avatar project is down to 0, I have plasma rifle and storm gun and soom beam cannon, W.A.R. suit, Wraith suit, upgraded plasma grenades and grenade launcher.  Things are going well!  I have yet to lose a single soldier; one got captured a while ago but I got him back.
Here's some pretty crazy late game footage I recorded.  Close calls, absolute devastation.

Dec 21, 2016 at 7:45 PM Post #5,703 of 6,961
Enjoying the new HRTF update to CS:GO. Gaming is huge boon for headphone audio development and appreciation.
Dec 22, 2016 at 8:46 AM Post #5,704 of 6,961
Not made it to a church.

When you get to the boar. There is an area up to the right, but there is no bonfire up there. I have cleared that area out before, but then gone back down to face boar and died obviously. I'll have another go and see if there is another place to look at.

I had a bad feeling you have to kill the boar to get to the next bonfire. Maybe not though.

I just had another go. Honestly best leave it without any more advice please. I'd be better off uninstalling.

Oh ok I see now. Dont have to kill boar. Behind boar to the right is a passage that goes down. Go up to the right, drop down into it and run in. Beware ambush.

I played on and killed the boar eventually. I managed to get the Drake sword, and the Zweihander. However I have pretty much run out of patience and enthusiasm. I am still bemused as to what folk really get out of DS. I think DS2 or 3 must be the better option as folk say they are not quite so hard. Plus the graphics are modern and the port playable.
Also I pretty much messed up all the way through. Like I was not upgrading because I didn't know how. I was not kindling bonfires because I found I couldn't. (Didn't know I had to use soft humanity.) As I had been failing so much I kept giving up, and the first nine hours played took months. Only after trying again and seeing youtube, I realised I had forgotten roll, walk (so I could not backstab. I had forgotten block with shield, and forgotten lock on.
Even with all this learned though, I still don't think I want to play much more. Last night I felt it was over for me after dying in the first area outside the castle. I died because of trees behind me blocking my view in a fight. Usual third person stuff, but worse in DS. Worse because it was worse implementation, and worse because one error and you are dead - no argument.
What is astonishing is that Dark Souls rates 98% positive on Steam. I guess a better run from the start makes all the difference. I mean I made a mess of my weapon upgrading, and set my character up for archery. Yet I need swords to do anything, so was low on strength.  
Dec 22, 2016 at 9:56 AM Post #5,705 of 6,961
I played on and killed the boar eventually. I managed to get the Drake sword, and the Zweihander. However I have pretty much run out of patience and enthusiasm. I am still bemused as to what folk really get out of DS. I think DS2 or 3 must be the better option as folk say they are not quite so hard. Plus the graphics are modern and the port playable.
Also I pretty much messed up all the way through. Like I was not upgrading because I didn't know how. I was not kindling bonfires because I found I couldn't. (Didn't know I had to use soft humanity.) As I had been failing so much I kept giving up, and the first nine hours played took months. Only after trying again and seeing youtube, I realised I had forgotten roll, walk (so I could not backstab. I had forgotten block with shield, and forgotten lock on.
Even with all this learned though, I still don't think I want to play much more. Last night I felt it was over for me after dying in the first area outside the castle. I died because of trees behind me blocking my view in a fight. Usual third person stuff, but worse in DS. Worse because it was worse implementation, and worse because one error and you are dead - no argument.
What is astonishing is that Dark Souls rates 98% positive on Steam. I guess a better run from the start makes all the difference. I mean I made a mess of my weapon upgrading, and set my character up for archery. Yet I need swords to do anything, so was low on strength.  

Darks Souls is one of the best games ever made but it also is not for everyone. And it does take quite some time to finish. I had played Demons' Souls before it (it was the reason I bought a ps3) and even with that experience it took me probably 120 hours to finish DS1 the first time (for reference now I've played it so many times that I've completed few speedruns and while 5 hours is not particularly impressive next to some guys I consider it an achievement).
Of course, DS1 was updated several times and the difficulty dropped IMO, especially the need to spend hours farming titanite. Demons' Souls kicked my arse a lot more back in the day with all the random events where FROM would just turn the world tendency to pure black and throw a bunch of black phantoms at you. As far as overall difficulty it's hard to say. For me DS1 was the fairest aside from the occasions where the character would lose footing and drop to his death. DS2 introduced enemies with seemingly endless stamina, which kinda broke the rules of fair play and the mechanics of observing enemies and their fight patterns and stamina depletion waiting for openings. And DS3 introduced the hordes of enemies ganging up on you, which further artificially raised the difficulty and messed the original mechanics and idea of the series.
But if I have to rank the Souls games I would say - Demons Souls is the most original as it set the stage for DS1, DS1 is the best overall, DS2 has the best PvP courtesy of the amount of weapons and the combinations it provided with the change of stances, DS3 has the best graphics and the smoothest gameplay although the increased speed kinda made the game a bit arcadish IMO (also DS3 went backwards with the PvP as the choice of weapons and the weapon arts are nowhere near as diverse as the choice in DS2 and the power stance)
Dec 23, 2016 at 11:39 PM Post #5,707 of 6,961
Battlefield 1 is fantastic.  MP is always strong with Battlefield, but the Campaign mode is finally good in a BF game. WW1 is a great setting.
Dec 27, 2016 at 8:28 PM Post #5,709 of 6,961
I am actually getting on now with Dark Souls and think I will buy DS2.
I  was struggling earlier and @catspaw and other encouraged me to continue. At the time I could not understand why. However I realise now that I had messed up quite badly. I was eight hours in and was totally stuck.
Firstly DS has a lighting issue which caused me to stop playing to fix. Other things needed fixing. TLDR - I forgot all the training. I ended up having forgotten roll, walk, jump attack, block, and more.
Secondly I had managed to lose my club therefor losing my most powerful weapon. Thirdly I didn't know how to kindle bonfires or what kindling did.
Overall then, I was playing with a weak weapon, no idea of controls and mechanics, and always low health potions.
Anyway I asked on Steam and folk picked me up and got me going by hinting about the Drake Sword. Since then I have not really looked back. I learnt all the training again, with Youtube videos buy someone called Kay Plays. 
Dec 28, 2016 at 6:10 PM Post #5,710 of 6,961
  I am actually getting on now with Dark Souls and think I will buy DS2.
I  was struggling earlier and @catspaw and other encouraged me to continue. At the time I could not understand why. However I realise now that I had messed up quite badly. I was eight hours in and was totally stuck.
Firstly DS has a lighting issue which caused me to stop playing to fix. Other things needed fixing. TLDR - I forgot all the training. I ended up having forgotten roll, walk, jump attack, block, and more.
Secondly I had managed to lose my club therefor losing my most powerful weapon. Thirdly I didn't know how to kindle bonfires or what kindling did.
Overall then, I was playing with a weak weapon, no idea of controls and mechanics, and always low health potions.
Anyway I asked on Steam and folk picked me up and got me going by hinting about the Drake Sword. Since then I have not really looked back. I learnt all the training again, with Youtube videos buy someone called Kay Plays. 

This post makes me miss my days of playing Dark Souls 1 for the very first time.
I have to admit that I once destroyed a controller playing that game and i'm not one with a very bad temper!
I had quit it so many times and kept going back. One thing that helped is watching playthrough videos on youtube.
I made sure to not have anything spoiled. Hard to believe I didn't know about kindling a bonfire until near the end.
To this day I've never been able to solo Ornstein and Smough without using the pillars during the 2nd phase. Feels like cheating!
Maybe my play style is why I was never able to beat them. I rarely would roll and used a shield at all times.
Favorite weapon was the Black Knights Halberd and the Claymore. Maxed out Balder Side Sword I also liked, but it took forever to farm.
The only boss in that game that gave me trouble (besides them) was the Gargoyles. Sometimes the Capra Demon is a pain.
The challenge of this game reminds me of Final Fantasy XI (Online) in the old days. Now that game is in easy mode for most stuff.
If there was ever a Dark Souls MMORPG it'd probably be as tough as the first versions of FFXI.
BTW I somehow found Dark Souls 2 to be way harder than the first. I'm stuck at the Ruin Sentinals right now and quit because I couldn't beat them.
Bloodborne had some tough parts, but it's probably a little easier than DS1. It took awhile to get good in that game. I actually cheated on the 2nd boss (Father G) by using the stairs trick.
Today I just bought Dark Souls 3. It's down to $30 new in Best Buy and Gamestop.  I rented it previously but didn't get very far.

Dec 28, 2016 at 6:22 PM Post #5,711 of 6,961
Deus Ex Mankind Divided - 5/10
Possibly the most annoying game I've played in a long time.
Gave it up way too fast and I just got past only the intro level.
Best Buy had a $20 sale on this and I wish I had saved my money.
Maybe I'll keep at it but it's no fun for me. I actually had more fun playing "Watchdogs".
Anyone addicted to Final Fantasy XIV? I might give that a try.
I see videos of it and it seems like there's too much going on all at once.
So many icons and buttons everywhere and it seems so confusing.
I'd be coming from Final Fantasy XI where everything seems so much more simple.
Too bad they never made a console version of World of Warcraft.
I also started up Fallout 4 last night after taking a break for 6 months. Exploring that game now seems so much more pointless compared to Fallout 3.

Spent 2 hours exploring and all random junk. Nothing good at all. I also don't like the crafting system. Reminds me too much of Skyrim's random dungeons.
Fallout 3 is probably my #1 favorite game of all time. OK, maybe not quite as good as Zelda: A Link to the Past.

Dec 28, 2016 at 8:27 PM Post #5,713 of 6,961
@tdockweiler thank you for saying how you got on. I was thinking about DS2, but you saying it's harder - sheezzz! Sad to hear you broke a controller with DS1, but it has nearly made me that mad a few times. The Capra Demon got me by hitting me through stone steps. Then next time I fought him, I was already shaking with anger.
Even though Doark Souls does rock in its own way, I find it impossible to recommend. The only way I could suggest anyone try, is pay full attention to the training. However that's easy to miss because it comes in text on the floor. In the end you get fed up of reading every message, and just want to get on with playing. Then you end up dying, like it's fashionable. (Also if someone wants to try it, check every item you pick up.)
Dec 29, 2016 at 11:11 AM Post #5,714 of 6,961
Anyone addicted to Final Fantasy XIV? I might give that a try.
I see videos of it and it seems like there's too much going on all at once.
So many icons and buttons everywhere and it seems so confusing.
I'd be coming from Final Fantasy XI where everything seems so much more simple.
Too bad they never made a console version of World of Warcraft.

As a former long-time player of XI (I consider it to be my true MMO love, and yearn for the golden days when it was at its height) and a former player of XIV (played it for about a year), I can tell you that they are very different games. XI is very much in the vein of Everquest, and XIV in the vein of Warcraft. The learning curve in XIV is very gentle--by the time you get to high level/end-game your screen will be similarly cluttered, but making sense of it all will be as second nature as learning the macros in XI was (actually a lot easier). It's a much simpler game than XI, though it may not initially look like it. It is worth pointing out that XIV does, despite the very different gameplay, retain a lot of the flavor. Obviously the player races are similar, but so are a lot of the locales, side activities, and focus on the plot. I think it's a great MMO, and only stopped playing because I didn't have the time for it. It isn't nearly the time sink that XI was, but I was young when I was playing XI, and spare time was an easily accessible luxury. 
Dec 29, 2016 at 4:47 PM Post #5,715 of 6,961
  I am starting to like Battlefield 1 now, had some decent games lately..here's a bit of gameplay!

had this for a short while on PS4. Recently picked it up to play on my iMac 5k (via Bootcamp) and I am really enjoying it.

I've had a few incredibly tense matches. The level of immersion from audio and graphics can almost become numbing. Digital shell shock.
I just wish the Standard Issue Rifle modes and Hardcore were easier for people to connect to. Right now the server interface is poor and is inihibiting the growth of the community. Especially Operations. It can be a real hassle finding a game. When you do though, and everything clicks its magical.

Also, I wish the game was a bit more lethal overall, and that rifles killed in one shot, but I can see how this would make it less accessible to more casual players (hence why I think they need to help along the SIR and HC communities).
Amazing game though, not sure how long it will capture my attention. Hopefully, they can continue to refine this as the overall engine is jaw-droppingly good.

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